Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Rule of Norm For Fair Business Profit Spending

I learned this from mainland China.

China main decision-makers told me that if I want to do business in China, all the profit which I have gained in China must be serving and developing China.  I replied with an angry face mainly because my parents and those who had contributed to groom me into a billionaire or trillionaire especially many people in Malaysia did contribute to assist me to become one, why not a small portion to Malaysia, United States of America, United Kingdom, Europe, India and many others especially those universities had educated me during my answer searching, researching, writing and entrepreneurial journey?

I am born and raised in Malaysia, during my growing-up process I met many good people and not all these yet, they are majority who had contributed to my success.

Looking forward to expand my businesses in China while I stand firm on my justification and reply that NOT ALL PROFIT GO TO CHINA AND ITS COMMUNITY or ONLY HELP CHINESE to be successful worldwide.

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Thank you!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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