Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Student A: "I want to venture into entrepreneurship. I want to do a start-up. Can you tell me more, Ms. Wong?"

I came across a student's questions on what is entrepreneurship and how can she venture into a start-up.  Below are what I know and how am I practicing. 

Hui-Shin Wong
Hui-Shin Wong 
  • OK.  Start-ups which can go far must backup with research questions.
  • Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft and etc., all these are back with research questions.
  • Let me share with you an email for my students in this semester.

  • Dear students, Welcome to Practical Classes for BACS2042 Research Methods! Today we are going to form your assignment teams (3-4 people). We are also going to explore what type of research questions you are going to have and the list of topics which I have in mind for your reference. List of the research topics: 1) User Interface or User Experience (UI/UX) 2) Information System such as Restaurant Management System, Food Ordering System Within Restaurant, Library Management System, Coursework Management system, Student Attendance System and etc. 3) Intelligent System such as Google Assistant or GOOGLE SELF-DRIVING CAR PROJECT (https://waymo.com/) 4) FINTECH - Financial Technology such as (MetaTrader 4- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaTrader_4) 5) Computer Games Technology - International Journal of Computer Games Technology 6) Intelligent Transportation System - Journal of Advanced Transportation 7) Healthcare System - Journal of Healthcare 8) Mobile Application such as GRAB, TouchNGo, EATIGO and etc. 9) Websites such as maybank2u, PB engage MY, www.SolemMi.com 10) IOT - Internet of Thing such as FAVORIOT (https://www.favoriot.com/) 11) Machine Learning/ Data Science/ Big Data 12) Computer Security/ Information Security Yours faithfully, Ms. Wong Hui Shin or Hui Shin Wong Practical Classes Tutor for BACS2042 Research Methods
  • When you have ideas on how to solve your research question(s), then, you can join one of the accelerator programs.  Are you ready?
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    List of the accelerator programs which I know at the moment and they are in hot cakes for all the participants from all around the world esepcially for Malaysian.  1) https://mymagic.my/gap/
  • Apply now to verify your ideas with a lot of experienced investors and entrepreneurs.
  • Due dates are nearby.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    You can apply for both programs and more by using google to find out more accelerator programs.  To firm up, you can learn how to write a pitch-deck for you to pitch to the investors.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    What are the problems are you going to solve using your start-up ideas or to form a start-up to solve the problems in the family, schools,  communities, your country and the world?  Think about a research questions.
  • For the templates of a pitch-deck, you can get them online or go through my pitch deck in youtube or slideshare.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    What are the problems are you facing now?  What are the problems are your school facing now?  What are the problems are your community facing now?  What are the problems are your country facing now?  What are the problems are the world facing now?
  • I hope that you have some ideas now which can trigger you to form a start-up.  Good luck.
  • Contact me anytime when you need help.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    Have a look at my start-up, www.solemmi.com word by word and page by page using your laptop.  You will have an idea on how to groom a successful start-up with research questions and R&D topics.  For your information,  www.solemmi.com is filling 7 patents.  Patents are the solid research elements and solution outputs in any research questions.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    If you just wish to have a small business for a decent lifestyle like your dad, you may do something which you like very much or we can call that as your passion.  Do something which you are passionate about or something you like it very much.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    Again good luck and enjoy exploration on research questions.
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    You can go to www.edx.org to find out more on how to form a start-up through "User Innovation: A Path To Entrepreneurship".
  • View Hui-Shin’s profileHui-Shin Wong
    Hui-Shin Wong 
    The investors are keen to solve the research problems.  Thus, money will be awarded for you to start developing your website and mobile apps of the system to solve the research problems.  Some people are not getting investors' supports, they borrowed money from family and friends to get things happened in their entrepreneurship journey.