Friday, July 15, 2022

GOD and my investors never instruct me to groom millionaires, yet, I have responded to them that all my employees worldwide who are competent can be a millionaire because with my 1% of share in, I can be a Trillionaire (USD 1,000,000,000,000 - 1 trillion is a one which is following by twelve zero) according to forecast. Hence, if I do not want a single cent, I only can train 1 million people who can be a millionaire. In this world, there are more than 56 million people are millionaires in year 2022. To conclude, I'm only RICH with a title as a Trillionaire, yet, there are many people in the world are extremely rich mainly they are gaining money from the share market and many others. These people are very free and rich while I am a Billionaire converted Trillionaire is extremely busy to ensure all in order by taking care everything and anything which related to my businesses.

A total combine income of RM 3,000 in a family, a husband and wife with children is considered rich in Malaysia community according to an article read by me in Union Station, Chicago, United States of America (USA).

In Malaysia, I am extremely rich.  I told my students.

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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