Friday, July 8, 2022

The Law of Human Nature from Hui-Shin Wong!

Let's discuss The Law of Human Nature from Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong, i.e. me!

In modern days, majority human beings are practicing one husband and one wife within a family.  When a woman is not a virgin, many poor and incapable people will help her to find a rich husband mainly because these poor and incapable people can ask for money from this woman again and again continuously after they hide the status of virginity, i.e. telling all people around her that she is a virgin and in fact, she is not by telling lies.  Hence, if you are a non-virgin woman, please tell the truth about your virginity status and be extremely hardworking in order for you to have comfortable and rich life by looking for true love not loving your hymen only.

If you are a virgin woman, many rich people will help you to look for a rich husband because they know that you can bring wealth to the family and the question is if you suspect this woman is a non-virgin, may I ask what all these rich people will get after match you to a rich husband since those rich people are already very rich, they must not be those who will ask you for money to hide your virginity status because they are extremely rich.

In short, The Law of Human Nature from Hui-Shin Wong is concluded as below:

1. A virgin woman will attract many very or extremely rich people to match them into a marriage, i.e. through TrainCan At Amore Paradise (TrainCan) for example.  Virgin Marry Virgin Forever Wealth, in addition, if you both of you equip high skill with Unique Personal Value(s) and Intellectual Property (IP), both of you will have sustainable cum happiness and forever wealth. 

2. While a non-virgin woman will attract many poor people to help them to match them into a marriage with a rich man, so that this rich woman after marrying a rich man can continue to give money month after month to those who are poor who know the secret that she is not a virgin.  If the non-virgin woman is very honest to tell her husband-to-be that she is no longer a virgin, then, true love spark and shine.  Congratulations, you are very lucky and have a happy life forever!

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