Saturday, July 16, 2022

Some People Say That I Steal Pants! I Do Not. I Pay. Let Me Justify With My Best Friend, Mabel Liew Cing Fung and Her Mom.

During our industry training period during my undergraduate degree in Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Mabel Liew Cing Fung and I went to LEVI's outlet to find the best jeans which can fit us mainly because she was working with Maersk Logistics by having the staff purchase bonus to buy all Maersk Logistics customers' products with a great percentage of discount which allowed her to buy LEVI's jeans through Maersk Logistics connection, not from LEVI's outlet.  We were there in a LEVI's outlet to test wear which was the best by jotting down which number in series of jeans and she reported to this connection of Maersk Logistics to buy my and her jeans from them with a great discount.

I can not tell you how much percentage of discount was that while it was a great percentage of discount. 

LEVI's jeans is a customer of Maersk Logistics.

Mabel Liew Cing Fung's email is  Kindly connect Mabel Liew and her mom because I was her best friend and she was kind enough to help me to buy a pair of LEVI's jeans using her staff purchase bonus.  Of course, I paid her back in cash.  In short, I was the one who bought a pair of LEVI's jeans through Mabel Liew Cing Fung because she has the connection mainly because she was a trainee in Maersk Logistics.  

She never earn me a single cent because she is my best friend.  

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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