Monday, September 28, 2020

"TrainCan at Amore Paradise"

 Amore Paradise has an official Facebook page, HTTP:// and it is named as "TrainCan At Amore Paradise" officially on 29th September 2020.  "TrainCan" is a proposed AI Solution for "TrainCan At Amore Paradise" to spot the potential "billionaires" family members who are not voice-up their wills to marry a "billionaires" family member.

Tips For Your Readiness To Become One of The Forbes List Billionaires' Family Member!

 It is an interview session with "Amore Paradise" cupid, Ms. Wong and Lara.

Lara: Ms. Wong, welcome to my interview session again.  We understand that you are a cupid for Forbes List Billionaires' and family as well as their associates.  Can you tell us what is Forbes List Billionaires?

Ms. Wong: Sure!  Forbes List Billionaires' wealth is tied to the most recent shares market price of their total ownership of companies' shares in the financial market like New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Bursa Malaysia and etc.  In terms of cash flow, a millionaire might be having more cash than a billionaire in Forbes List at a certain situation of the time.  For example: Forbes List no. 1, Jeff Bezos's total wealth is mostly the percentage of shares of AMAZON in New York Stock Exchange.  In order to use money, Jeff Bezos need time to sell his company shares and at the same time he must be sure enough that he still has enough power i.e. the majority number of shares so that he can be one of the final decision-makers in the company or companies after he sell his companies' shares in New York Stock Exchange.  Also, New York Stock Exchange need to have buyers to buy Jeff Bezos' companies' shares when he want to sell.  No buyers, no delas.    

Lara:  I am clear, Ms. Wong.  Can you tell us what should we do if we want to marry a Forbes List billionaire, his/ her family and their related associates.

Ms. Wong:  I suggest all of us to subscribe to to know more about which Forbes List family is the best suit you to join them as a family member in terms of your talents, skills, hobbies and your dreams.  Basically, "Amore Paradise" will need to know all these before any match will be carried out.  Once you are ready, you may email directly to me at with a subject title: "Amore Paradise Cupid Service".    

Lara: Can you give us some examples?

Ms. Wong: If you want Jeff Bezos to be a match of you, you might be a great fan of books reader because Jeff Bezos's very first business is to sell books online.  Also, if you are a fan of Robinson's shopping mall, you will be matched to Robinson's investors, shareholders or business owners.  If you like to wear Levi's jeans every day, you might be matched to Levi's founder family members and friends.

Lara: Can you tell us more about Forbes List billionaires?

Ms. Wong: Maxis founder in Malaysia, Ananda Krishnan is a Forbes List billionaire.  He own Maxis Tower.  His wealth includes his real-estate ownership, i.e. Maxis Tower worth billions USD.  If you deduct his real-estate ownership, total of shares in the Financial Market, they only can collect bonus yearly when companies are making money.  I am aiming to become a Forbes List Billionaire like them too through  As a Forbe List Billionaires are much wealthy than many people with big responsibilities and they can not simply use money.  

Lara: If I want to use money after I married Jeff Bezos, what should I do?

Ms. Wong:  If you use money in business, you need to form a pitch deck and travel around the world to get investment funds because a successful business in Forbes List need teamwork and a wide range of investors and business collaborators.  From Jeff Bezos perspective, he must use his money to invest into his business-related business ideas and it is proven profitable with market validation.  Step-by-step, step-by-step towards Forbes List like Genting Groups in Malaysia.

Lara:  What do you want to add-on for us to understand more about Forbes List billionaires? 

Ms. Wong:  Like, if I manage to crowdfund, then, I will have many investors before I go for Forbes List.  When I am in Forbes List, in order for me to have the maximum shares to be one of the final decision-makers in the company business, then, I need to use my own money to buy all these smaller portions of shareholders' shares.  Thus, my monthly salary, my yearly bonus and yearly revenue will be spending on buying more companies shares.  Thus, as a member of a family in Forbes List can not simply use money without planning ahead like 1 or 2 years ahead.

Lara:  Thank you, Ms. Wong.  For your information, Ms. Wong is also the founder, CEO and CTO of  She is looking for angel investors and at the same time she is looking for a permanent job due to many are skeptical to travel due to many unknown viruses around the world to lead the investors are not keen in Tourism Revolution shouted by    

Ms. Wong: Thank you, Lara!  I am looking forward to be a Forbes List Billionaire.  At the moment, I need a full-time job first if I am no longer getting investors' support at this pandemic period.  Match-making is a side business, and yet, it need a great effort to match one couple for commission or cupid's fees upon successfully matched.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Private Jet King Air 360 is officially launched!

I would like to introduce to you a new range of private jets.  You may read more at the URL below from a luxury magazine, "RobbReport".  It stated that the private jet model, King Air 360 is officially launched in August 2020.  It stated that we all only need a sum of below USD 10 million to own a King Air 360 and the operating on-air hour on a King Air 360 is reasonable good deals.      

A private jet manufacturer, BeechCraft has successfully built 7600 King Air private jets.  It is obviously clear that the world is big.  Besides BeechCraft, there are many other private jet manufacturers.  Thus, there are plenty of chances for you to meet one with private jet.  Just keep on doing what you have in mind with good heart or what you good at, keep traveling and enjoy life.  Eventually, you will meet one if you insist that you deserve a private jet owner to be your husband or wife.  

Millionaires can also own a private jet, King Air 360.  More than 2000 billionaires in USA.  Of course, there are many billionaires in India and China too.  Hence, never and ever give up to use your good heart to attract wealth and wealthy people to come into your life, you have more than 10,000 chances to marry one with at least one private jet.

Congratulations!  You are at the right steps to become wealthy and happy.  Pen a few lines in "Fair? Why?" if you have complaints and any jealousy feeling or activities in mind.  If you can't find the "Fair? Why?" official portal, you may email me directly,  Nice to meet you. 

"Beechcraft’s New ‘SUV With Wings’ Flagship Is Loaded With Breakthrough Upgrades"

Have a look at the King Air 360 official website.           

Friday, September 18, 2020

How did I manage to be so energetic everyday from 1st May 1998 to 5th Dec 2014?

 I ate 2 nasi lemak bungkus, 1 glass of high calcium milk (Anlene or Dutch Lady) and 2 hard boiled eggs almost everyday for my breakfast.  At that time, a nasi lemak bungkus is about RM 0.50.  I swam almost everyday for half an hour either in the morning or in the evening.  Besides swimming, I ran half-marathon and full-marathon.  In the afternoon, I ate at the university's nearby mamak stalls; double portion of white rice, fish head curry with vegetables.  In the evening, I ate Chinese style fried rice or nasi goreng kampung.  Before I went to sleep, I drank a chocolates drink or Milo.

Food is extremely important to maintain your energy daily.  Exercises can enhance your food absorption and at the same time, it give you the endurance for your body to be more ready for your daily activities.

Of course, as a student and a lecturer at those days, we had a lot of free food in the hotels with abundant of activities.  Thus, bring your family to hotels for buffet once a blue moon would be pretty good.

Please don't be angry if you can't have the kind of the energy which I used to have.  Train now, swim, walk, run and eat, eat and eat for energetic life daily.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Miscommunication or Communication Broke Down?

This is an interview session between Lara and Ms. Hui-Shin Wong, the founder of Malaysian Footprint Blog/ Magazine.  

Lara: Ms. Wong, we all know that you are seeking for a job now, what would be the working environment you want to work?  

Hui-Shin Wong: I have been involved in many roles and I worked in many companies to date.  I would say two working environments would be best matching my personality and ability.  Working Environment 1 would be all my colleagues and the contact person from working partners or clients must be scholars or high achievers.  It means their academic performance and their personality performance are being listed as scholars with scholarship or family-funded high achievers in their academic and personality performance.  Personality performance would be great in considering their co-curriculum activities track records.  Working Environment 2 would be I am the STAR or the ROSE among all the "thorns" with the guides from top GURU in my career.  "Thorns" would be my colleagues or students with average academic performance and personality performance who are respecting me and they salute me as one of the top scholars by learning from me or seeking for my knowledge consultation in certain scenarios.  I prefer to work in Working Environment 1 because I experienced no miscommunication or communication broke down throughout my years in Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) as a Research Assistant for 18 months and Multimedia University (MMU) as a lecturer for 9 years and 3 months.    

Lara: Thank you, Ms. Wong!  Can you name some of the miscommunication and communication broke down in your life so far?

Hui-Shin Wong: I did mention that in my blog posts here in Malaysian Footprint and also, I highlighted the solution to avoid miscommunication and communication broke down in my book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen".  Kindly get a copy directly from or you can get it from online shopping websites.  

Lara: Noted, Ms. Wong!  We all know that you mentioned in your e27 profile and a community forum that you are connected to Private Jet.  Can you tell me more?

Hui-Shin Wong: Sure!  When I was a secondary school student, I was offered to broad on a Private Jet from Ipoh to Penang for a lunch.  When I was in a scholarship award (Linda Latham Scholarship) ceremony in Monterey Bay, California, USA, I was invited to broad on a GulfStream, another Private Jet big brand in my life.

Lara:  Thank you for your clarification.  I am sure that many of them are aiming for Linda Latham Scholarship now.  This scholarship is meant for Ph.D. students.

Hui-Shin Wong: Yes, I am a Ph.D. study dropped out due to incapability of my supervisor, Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan to lead me to a Nobel Prize award research direction.  It is my pleasure and I deserve it as a Linda Latham Scholar.  In my journey, I met many sour grapes.  Thus, I have started "Fair? Why?" to lead these sour grapes to be the balanced individuals because they are over-reacted and acted wrongly by "killing", "murdering" or doing some small action to stop people proceed to the next steps just what I am facing now.  I have a message to the sour grapes:  "If you all want to board on a private jet, look for Four Seasons Hotel.  They have the services.  I spent more than RM 380,000 on my dreams and ambition for all the start-ups to lead to world peace for the aim of a Nobel Peace Prize.  Thus, boarding on a Private Jet for RM 100, 000 would be just a piece of my cake and I can afford it too based on my personal ability.  Again, look for Four Seasons Hotel to book for a Private Jet trip."

Lara: Well done, Ms. Wong!  I am sure the sour grapes will work hard to get their dream to board on a Private Jet.  Ms. Wong, we know that your records would be working for a few jobs at the same time.

Hui-Shin Wong: Yes, Lara!  Thank you for your questions.  I save a lot of money because I earn more when I worked more jobs at the same time.

Lara: I would think that you are in a senior position now.  Are you going to work on a few jobs again at the same time?

Hui-Shin Wong: I would work on some charity at the same time when I am going to work as a senior position very soon, a head of the department or a director in an international organization. Well, my main point is to accumulate money to run my start-ups to lead to a Nobel Prize Peace Award, if any junior position which is USD 100,000 a year would be great for me too.  I just know there is a position in AMAZON subsidiary.  For sure, I am open to all job matching  possibilities.  Thank you for giving me a chance.  

Lara: Thank you and good luck in all your undertakings.           

Hui-Shin Wong: No problem.  I am comfortable with light minded individuals.  I  am actively looking for a husband for sure.  Most of the sour grapes are come from international schools and those from very poor family with good grades in their academic years.  I have seen a few of them.  Remember, walk near me, sour grapes because you can know more about my start-up, "Fair? Why?".  Hope that you all will walk far from these people and these people come to me for the consultation under "Fair? Why?".  I am just saving the world to provide all the reasons why they are not getting the fair treatment as what they have expected or being the sour grapes on what people had achieved so far.  

Lara: Ms. Wong, once again, thank you for answering our questions.