Saturday, July 2, 2022

I Have Enough Of "Low Sugar, Low Salt and Low Oil In My Diet"! Walk Far Away If You Are This Group Of People!

I'm so smart without any jealous feelings mainly because I am not in this group of people who are applying "Low Sugar, Low Salt and Low Oil In Daily Diet".

According to research, those who are incapable and extremely jealous of others' belonging and success are within this group of people.  Of course, if you are sick, then, you are an exception to my clause.

It should be tasted accordingly in all types of cooking as long as the food can be presented as the most delicious with the highest nutrients NOT LOW SUGAR, LOW SALT and LOW OIL in your cooking please if you are grooming leaders with brain.  

Do you know that SALT is a combination type of minerals which is extremely good for our four senses, i.e. SEE, HEAR, SMELL and TASTE!  If you eat low salt ever since you were a baby until now, can you see better or can you read better without a spectacle since you lack of these nutrients in your daily diet?  Of course, NOT TOO SALTY for sure, definitely NOT LOW SALT. 

Sugar and oil are very good for our body.  I can't find a reason why I must eat LOW OIL and LOW SUGAR since I have been so smart and so intelligent ever since I was a child until now with adequate salt, oil and sugar, yet, definitely NOT LOW SUGAR, LOW SALT and LOW OIL.  

You must check KETO DIET!

Stupid people will have stupid observation and conclusion.  Correct me if I am wrong!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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