Saturday, August 28, 2021

Hui-Shin Wong Year 2021 Quarter 4 Reading List

 1. "How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual For Our Times"; author: Pablo Servigne and Raphael Stevens

2. "How To Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy"; author: Jenny Odell

3. "All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon's Perspective On Climate Change"; author: Michael T. Klare

4. "The Wall"; author: John Lanchester

5. "After Cooling: On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort"; author: Eric Dean Wilson

Thursday, August 19, 2021

When I was with like-minded individuals, I never faced any problems. Only when the intellectual and humanity levels of differences, arguments and complaints will take place.

I am so sad that I have opened my world to many of you due to I want to become an entrepreneur for better causes to change the world for a better place to live for all individuals through words and technology.  Definitely, all my followers will not have any queries and they are following my entrepreneurial journey and my philosophy of life happily and in cheerful mode.

If you are investors and you want me to help more people through my efforts, welcome to Dr. Wong Foundation (  For your information, Dr. Wong Foundation is a philanthropic arm of  Both of these are my startups and I have another 13 startups; a long list for sure to build a kingdom as a conglomerate born and raised in Malaysia.    

Due to I am always No. 1 or the winners in my classes, competitions and groups, I have no problems with all my classmates and university mates because they know me as a straight-A's student ( and they know that I am a good person to do all good causes for the community.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The amount of food which I have eaten is exactly like what men have. Hence, I am as smart as men and the only woman in a group of Think-Tank.

I spent a lot of money on food, perhaps RM 1000 a day after I fall sick.  You may ask The Fat Fish, Mont Kiara on how I eat almost every day.  I become more intelligent after I fall sick right after I confess that Dato' Justin Leong Ming is my husband perhaps more than 10 years ago.  I eat a lot of high-protein food every day.   

I am staying in Shah Alam and I traveled to Mont Kiara and Bangsar for food almost everyday.  Check, Southen Rock Seafood, Bangsar and my startup,!

I am a famous self-groomed book author in Malaysia and the world.  I wrote many books, yet, the "Nobel Peace Prize" piece is "Sunshine Little Kitchen".  My author profile is and

I'm nice, friendly, intellectual, philosophical, friendly and logical. Your perceptions and miscommunications make you mismatched me and others. Let me list them one by one to alert your stupidity!

"How To Ask Question? (The Humane Children Development)", Author: Hui-Shin Wong.  Learn how to ask questions like me and be an international champion for sure just like who I am today.

I am not the woman or man below while you thought that I was them and your jealousy make you did a lot of crazy actions on me and let all the international investors ran away from Malaysia because you all bullied me and not bullying the people below due to their acts made you crazy.  I am an international champion just like Nicol David who has attracted international investors to Malaysia.  How about you?  How many international investors have you attracted?

Property queen cum 1st Class Honour, Yet, Useless: Angeline Pang Nyuk Khee
PhP programming queen: Dr. Wong Lai Kuan
Transgender queen: Jessie Chung
1st Class Honour, Yet, Useless: Dr. Ng Liang Shing
MMU queen: Professor Dr. Neo Mai
School Teacher queen: Professor Dr. Lee Chien Sing (Rachel) 
Medical doctor IT queen: Wong Hui Chin
Small estate and old folk caring queen: Dr. Wong Chui Yin
Bitcoin king: JX Charm
Google king cum Disabled Folk: Dr. Wong Ya Ping
Investment king: Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong
Minister rank cum 1st Class Honour, Yet, Useless: Yang Berhormat Yeo Bee Yin
Seducing queen and shouted at other sexual harassed her with sexy clothes: Cheryl Yeoh Mei Yin (Latest seduction would be showing a portion of her breast while breastfeeding in her Instagram)

Do you know how much trouble I had mainly because of the activities of these women and men and people thought that I was all of them because I can do so many jobs or activities at the same time?  They are jealous of you all not me because I am just simple and nice without any enemies.  Also, my 300++ admirers; they are going after you all because you all are attractive.  

International people only saw me because I am an international champion.  They know who I am because they know my name.  Hence, international champions attract international champions.  

You just need to google the list above and find out more.  I have done so many activities and you have the perceptions and miscommunication about me on them.  I am clean and wonderful; yet, if you want to talk more, kindly prepare a proposal for better causes through Dr. Wong Foundation,  I am extremely busy and don't let me shout at you as STUPID when you call me non-stop without any objective and a proposal.  Hope that you will understand that intelligent and stupid can't get along.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Financial Planning and Status: My Boyfriend Is A Billionaire

When you are a billionaire, you will have many responsibilities and you will have a long list of agenda such as monthly plan, yearly plan 5-year plan, 10-year plan, decade plan and century plan.  Hence, even though the money is at the bank account, as a billionaire, you are not able to transfer those money due to you have these plans for better causes in the community as the visionary plan.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

"Your Digital Debts" is my startup No. 15 to serve UN Sustainable Development Goal, "Reducing Inequality" by accumulating all your digital debts and we will help to collect money/ debts when you are successful to those who have spent enough money to train you and feed you during your poverty period.

Rich and powerful are going to sponsor many from poverty to do a lot of activities for free with the aim to train quality next generations.  They will use my mobile app or startup solution "Your Digital Debts" to accumulate all these debts and you're from poverty must pay them once you become rich and successful. 

How Did I Gain The Worldwide Respect And Foreigners Treat Me as a VVIP When I Visited Their Countries? Keywords: I Started Traveling The World At Very Young Age.

I have traveled to more than 20+ countries worldwide to many cities when I was 32 years old.  You may witness my victory through my book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen: The World Traveling Logs In 365 Days" which I had published edition 1 with AuthorHouse, edition 2 with Partridge Singapore and edition 3 with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

"When one is curious to travel and take the action to travel; He or She can be a great explorer and a great organizer." ~ Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin

Kindly have a look at my book collection in my Amazon Author Profile, for your further action to buy my books.

If you wish to enjoy Comfy Travel Fans: The Latest Trend of The Next Generation Travels, kindly subscribe yourself at to find out more about the action to see the world economically. 

Due to I traveled to mostly western countries i.e. Europe countries and United Kingdom for more than 6 months as well as to United States of America for more than 4 months, I had eaten all good American Breakfast or also known as High Protein Breakfast through Keto Diet, I became more radiant, beautiful and smarter, hence, I have started Angel's Breakfast ( to give all Malaysian to have more chances to eat High Protein Breakfast through delivery services during COVID-19 period. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

A good news! I have an offer for a monthly position from USA with USD 2 million monthly salary! Wow, I am so honored; yet, I still want to become an entrepreneur at the same time.


Straight A's Students and Almost Straight A's Students Who Choose To Study Their A-Level Might Have Chances To Study In MIT, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Harvard University, Stanford University and many others

To all my web audience, 

Kindly encourage your family members, your friends and their family members to study hard so that they can do A-Level for a chance to study in top universities as I have mentioned for better future definitely.

42 million millionaires worldwide mahu kahwin semua Malaysian straight-A's students kerana mereka nak pindah dan hidup kat Malaysia kerana Malaysia terletak dekat equator.

Laman web, untuk Ahli Biasa dengan USD 18 sahaja.  Kawan-kawan, belajah bersunguh-sunguh semoga dapatkat staright-A's dengan ulang-kaji semua theory and lecture pada malam sebelum tidur, ulang-kaji sekali lagi pada waktu pagi selepas bangun, ulang-kaji lagi pada waktu malam; selepas 1 minggu, buat ulang-kaji semua lectures dan theory sekali lagi.  Buat ulang-kaji lectures dan theory yang sama hari-hari pada waktu pagi and waktu malam, mingguan and secara bulanan.

Semoga semua Malaysian dapat Staright-A's dan bersama-sama kahwin millionaires atau billionaires. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Speed Reading: Learn To Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour; Author: Kam Knight

You see!  I can only read 100+ pages of book in 1 day.  You see!  I am only an average even though I am a genius and a billionaire representation with very high potential to become a trillionaire in Malaysia.

Whenever You Have Any Idea or New Idea To Change The World, Firstly, Log AS Your Digital Footprint or Online Profile Through Internet or World Wide Web (WWW) To Ensure That You Are A Pioneer And The Worldwide Talent Acquisition Team Will Connect To You Once They Have Enough Prrof and Information About You.

The Big Data and Machine Learning in Human Resources means to reduce mental health problem or illnesses in job-seeking industry or arena, everyone who are connected to the internet no more asking for job and responsibilities because the job vacancies and worldwide talent acquisition team will eye on you and connect to you for the position unless you want to make a difference.  

With the work collaboration and partnership with Google, Amazon Web Service, Microsoft, Bloomberg, IBM and Oracle, we can deliver the job very soon!  Larry Page! Jeff Bezos! Bill Gates! Mike Bloomberg! Larry Ellison! Let's work as a team.  I have sent my pitch deck to Oracle research arm. 

Of course, I am applying this in matchmaking through my startup, TrainCan At Amore Paradise, and

Let's support my mission and work!

"I mean when your online profile is representing you; Opportunities and Services knock your door.  You are no longer alone and being abandoned.  Let's support HumaneData in clouds or Cloud Computing!" ~Hui-Shin Wong

Building Your Digital Footprint or Your Online Profile Is Extremely Important For Globalization and Digitalization. Readers like me can read 300++ pages in 3 days. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Machine Learning Are Working On Your Digital Footprint For Better Causes!

In this globalization and digitalization world, your are no longer need to network face-to-face by simply building your Digital Footprint or Online Profile to find LOVE, Business Opportunities, Education, Hobbies and many more.  NO MORE WHO YOU KNOW, EVERYONE WHO IS EXTRAORDINARY IN THEIR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT or ONLINE PROFILE which can attract investors or life partners will SHINE. 

To attract a billionaire spouse with brain, definitely, NO MORE SEXY SEDUCTION involved.  No need to talk face-to-face yet, we can find a rich husband with brain.  Check TrainCan At Amore Paradise, and  

You just need to excel in these categories in your Digital Footprint and Online Profile for the path of a billionaire spouse and a billionaire destination financially:

Let my startup, Shyan Quintessa Art and Design Supply ( to help you to build a WIKI Page (as low as RM 1000), Social Media Page such as Facebook and a Personal Website (as low as RM 1000) as well as starting a blog now to shine in the world of digitalization and globalization.

Why am I chosen as a Forbes-List Billionaire or Trillionaire by the investors? The keywords are CHARITY, VISIONARY, ETHICAL STRATEGIES, ABILITY TO TEACH and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Welcome to my Forbes-List Billionaire and Trillionaire journey!

Let me share with you one of my businesses in matchmaking, TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( with an article posted under my Linkedin profile.  Let me share with you here,  You can look at the detail that I have highlighted my charity organization, and other great charity organizations which are running by Forbes-List Billionaires and perhaps their spouse in the article context.

Let me copy and paste those highlights to show you more why are we being chosen as the billionaires and trillionaires since day one and why am I marrying a billionaire or a trillionaire:

Let me give you some of the examples of Forbes-list billionaires' wife and Forbe-list billionaires:

1. Priscilla Chan is Mark Zuckerberg's wife with children and both of them are running Chan Zuckerberg Initiatives, to serve as non-profit to provide a future for everyone by leveraging technology, community-driven solutions and collaboration to accelerate progress in Education, Justice & Opportunity and Science.  

2. Melinda Gates is Bill Gates' wife with children and both of them are running Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to serve as non-profit fighting poverty, disease, and inequality around the world.

3. Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong, i.e. me is running Dr. Wong Foundation, to serve as non-profit with a series of activities for a better and humane world which include Fellowship for Cultural Exchange, Reading for Literature, Nutritious Food for Health, Jealousy Management for Mental Health and Solving Social Problem for Healthy Community. Its mission is to solve social problems such as cyber crimes and global warming by cultivating humanity leaders worldwide through the philosophy of bridging the gaps between the poor and the rich, the intelligent and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the oversea graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non-IT savvy individuals.  

4. Mike Bloomberg or Michael Bloomberg is running Bloomberg Philanthropies ( for ensuring better, longer lives for greatest number of people by channeling their energy and resources in Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation, Public Health, Bloomberg Associates, Corporate Philanthropy and Founder's Projects using these six major approaches; 1) Remain Flexible, 2) Utilize Advocacy, 3) Rely On Data, 4) Focus On Cities, 5) Look For Unmet Needs and 6) Engage Strong Partners.  

5. Warren Buffett is contributing his wealth, a total of USD 4.1 billion worth of Berkshire Hathaway shares to charity in this June 2021. He wrote: "Society has a use for my money; I don't." He has 238,624 Berkshire shares remaining. He also joined the exclusive USD 100 billion club which includes Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates in March 2021. Bill and Melinda Gates and he are the co-founders of Giving Pledge which is a campaign that encourages billionaire philanthropy. The Buffett Foundation was started in 1964 and it was renamed as Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation in honor of his wife, Susan Buffett, who died in 2004.  

6. How about you? What do you have in your mind to change the world just like what I am doing and the two great ladies and two gentlemen which I have mentioned? If you are from the humble society and you have a big dream to change the world for a better place to live for all individuals and you strongly think that marrying a "Forbes-List Billionaire" could help you to move faster towards your dream, then, you are at the right channel. TrainCan At Amore Paradise is aiming to develop a mobile app and AI-driven solution at all train stations and trains phase by phase and eventually worldwide deployment to eye on more Ordinary Members to join TrainCan automatically as a long list of choices for our VVIP members.

You may observe that when I want to become a billionaire and a trillionaire, the one thing you must have in your mind is to give back to the society.  Hence, you must have a beautiful website about your CHARITY organization and how you are going to give back to the society by having VISIONARY activities planning just like what I have done.  Check again,, my philanthropic unit of and a platform for donors who are supporting my good work in charity by helping worldwide citizens to have free social problem community.    

Here you go, I have been given you all the tips on how to become a self-nominate Forbes-List Billionaire or Trillionaire through all my observation and analysis on all the successful TOP billionaires in the world through reading, and I MAKE A DIFFERENCE to self-nominate myself to be a billionaire's wife and a billionaire soon a trillionaire with ETHICAL STRATEGIES with strong analysis skill and observation; I repeated.  You might have the ideas now, yet, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE, i.e. those who have great analytical skill and observation skill are a few of us and come on, be my followers or our followers!

I have written so many articles which are distinct and excellent to educate next generations on how to become a billionaire and trillionaire.  Thus, ABILITY TO TEACH is extremely important to educate next generations like all of you and my fellow followers as well as supporters.

You can follow me in

You can buy my service to do web development for your website or create your WIKI Page.  Kindly visit my startup, for web development and more.

Here you go!  If you wish to know me more and talk top me, kindly send me a proposal and the agenda of discussion.  I have 14 startups and my time is extremely expensive and busy.

For your information, I was a volunteer for many events and charity organization; more than 10 organization; perhaps 20 organization and I was very comfortable with my heavy workload at the same time.  From this point of information, I have proven to the investors that I can do multi-tasks.  

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Why am I saying that Digital Footprint for everyone and anything in this world is very important and the security of World Wide Web (WWW) must be there for all nations, communities, countries and the world

It is very important to start your website no matter what you have planned.  Website and social media account creation must be No. 1 task you must have on your agenda because your Digital Footprint is representing you and your companies.

I am so famous worldwide without attending or invited to speak in all these big forums or functions, yet, my Digital Footprint attracted the majority especially people with brains because I am extremely good and highly capable cum a successful individual through all my Digital Footprint history and records.  If I am not one now, then, the talent acquisition and placement system must be having a flaw, yet, be hurry to correct this flaw to avoid embarrassment.  Deeply believe that Malaysia Boleh!  I am a Malaysian, Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shayn H. Wong (Shyan Quintessa Hui-Shin Wong).

If you want an attractive website just like all my list of businesses, do send me a message or subscribe your email at my web development business website,  I am charging RM 10,000 per website including photo shooting, copywriting and web development.  You may propose the price for negotiation.  RM 1000 website development is possible, yet, do not expect any fancy web design and photos. 

I have started to use computers and attended Computer Programming classes when I was 15 years old.  I started to read magazines when I was 3 years old.  I am 42 years old in this September.  You may have a WIKI Page like me for RM 10,000 from my web development business too.  Trust me!  You will not be abandoned when you have a WIKI Page just like many other people.  

Contact me at or Whatsapp me, +6 012 298 2298.

My WIKI Page is handsomely located here,

I am never falling in love with a man face to face.  Thus, I suppose be a virgin, yet, I was raped when I was sleeping in my condominium in Kelana Puteri Condominium, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia many years ago where the person who raped me had the key to access to my condominium.  The locksmith had done something funny for sure.  I am very disappointed that I was pushed to the extreme, i.e. either the virgin category of women and the non-virgin category of women.  Can you cater something for the victim like me who was raped and yet, I am practicing "No Kissing, No Touching/ Physical Contact and No Sex Before Married" philosophy of LOVE?

Holy Grail Copywriting - Kenneth YU, a Singaporean!

Why am I writing so much of Singaporean?  It is because I have the plan to work on "Singaporean Footprint Magazine", a sister company of "Malaysian Footprint Magazine" or a variant of "Malaysian Footprint Magazine".

I am a naturally born copywriter, yet, if you wish to have good content on your Facebook and your website.  Why not join a program of copywriting (

Are your patented Intellectual Property (IP) would be ensuring you the forever wealth? It is YES when you are continuing working on the research area and keep updating the requirements and solving the challenges faced by your patented IP to solve the world problem.

I have a chance to meet Juliana Chan or Juliana M. Chan, a Singaporean through Linkedin and I found that she is completely INNOCENT or we can call her a STUPID due to she stop doing her research and shut down her research lab by not updating her 4 patents and right to secure more challenging problem-solving skill.  Through her writing in Linkedin and all her posts in Linkedin, I believe that she was born and raised from poverty and yet, having the glory by scoring all A's, yet, without a Virtual Mom, she sounds INNOCENT or we called her a STUPID.  I tried my good effort to help her as a Virtual Mom, yet, she refused it and blocked me in her Linkedin.  Do you see how bad example which is she leading the Singapore nation and community by ignoring good comments and good efforts and walk alone with her own ways for a bankruptcy status very soon?  

"Juliana Chan, you are a bad leader!"   

What are you waiting for?  Support All-Rounded Virtual Mom services at and  I am the Founder, CEO and Virtual Mom No. 1 of All-Rounder Virtual Mom.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

In order to become a billionaire or a trillionaire, the Originality of your idea to solve worldwide problem and being the PIONEER do count! Check me out! I am a billionaire and trillionaire quality and candidate!

I am Wong Hui Shin, Hui-Shin Wong or Shyan H. Wong.  Welcome to billionaire's or trillionaire's world!  Copycats will never be a billionaire or a trillionaire, watch this, China or Chinese!

If you are a pioneer with an original business idea and yet, you were replaced by others, it means your personal communication and interpersonal communication are having flaws, i.e. your personality has changed due to not able to make the right decision just like Juliana Chan ( and or Juliana M. Chan who had made the decision to block me in her Linkedin account or profile after I gave her positive comments and advice since I am a naturally born billionaire or trillionaire with extremely high potential.  According to my experience, Juliana Chan is going to bankrupt very soon if she is divorce at the same time without a cardiologist husband to help her.  Her husband and she are bad role models due to their decision-making and the news which I was having through media and the Internet about them.  Only know how to show off with all her qualifications and yet, no actions on new public social impact contribution; just a follower!  Good job, follower and copycat, Juliana Chan or Julian M. Chan!  You must encourage all people who are within poverty like you to do Science or STEM not to hide your family background and you should be proud that you are born and raised from a poverty family, Juliana Chan or Juliana M. Chan, stop showing off, let people know more about you not your qualification or education background; tell people what you have done, you can impact the world to do Science and STEM as their degree major; print out all these statistics to show the media instead of showing off your paper qualification as a STUPID, Juliana Chan or Juliana M. Chan! 

It is another good example that Cheryl Yeoh ( had made the decision to block me on her Facebook account due to I was offering help to her problem and it led to her employment contract being discontinued.  

I am here to tell you that why United States of America (USA) must be the No. 1 in economy perspective because their application of Freedom of Speech as well as their leaders' ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong.

China or Chinese, a tips for you to grow as the No. 1 in economy perspective in year 2030. 
When you are not able to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, then, you must accumulate more supporting data and information by reading a lot and you must have the ability to do research to find out more about the types of decisions you must never go wrong.  

"When you have a dream to become a billionaire or a trillionaire, are you ready to make many important decisions which can drive your businesses to the next level. If you are a leader, are you able to differentiate what is wrong and what is right? Are you a supporter or Freedom of Speech?
Do you want to learn what is right and what is wrong? Or, do you want mobile apps to help you to differentiate what is right and what is wrong?
Want to know more about Easterners and Westerners?
Stay tune, Malaysian Footprint Magazine! I am waiting for funding from investors."

These italic lines are messages which I have shared in my Facebook page and Malaysian Footprint Facebook page.

Good luck! 

I learned step-by-step to excel my English towards perfectionism, i.e. scoring 100% in order for me to communicate with those who have the English Language background.

As long as you are good in one language to express your feelings, vision, life mission, strategy and partnership opportunities through your networks, you are a leader.  Hence, learning to excel English is a must agenda in your life to communicate better and read more learning materials because people who are speaking English had done so much better in their life and we can learn a lot from them.

It is never a problem if your English is not good while you have all the good criteria such as having good vision, good life mission, good strategy and good partnership opportunities.

Hence, I am here to follow up the submission of "Match Making Service: Qualify Me as One of the Billionaires' Family Member Application Form", with TrainCan At Amore Paradise, a matchmaking service for all wonderful people. 

Why am I a Billionaire Quality? It Is Because I Read A Lot and Never Reject Any Reading Materials Due To My Ability To Differentia What Is Right And What Is Wrong Ever Since I was 3 Years Old Until Now.

You may check with my friend, Isaac Tan ( on what type of titles I read monthly or yearly.  He is my e-book purchaser with a lot of supports in part of my reading materials.  I can read 300 pages ++ within 3 days with an average of 100++ pages a day.  Within a month, I can read 10-12 books. 

What do I have in my mind?

1) Camino Road by Renee Green (Artbook, 2021)

2) The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir by Sherry Turkle (Penguin, 2021)

3) Viruses, Pandemics, and Immunity by Arup Chakraborty (MIT Press, 2021)

4) Quantum Legacies: Dispatches from an Uncertain World by David Kaiser (University of Chicago Press, 2020)

5) Probable Impossibilities: Musings on Beginnings and Endings by Alan Lightman (Pantheon, 2021)

6) Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality by Frank Wilczek(Penguin, 2021)

7) Money for Nothing: The Scientists, Fraudsters, and Corrupt Politicians Who Reinvented Money, Panicked a Nation, and Made The World Rich by Thomas Levenson (Random House, 2020)

8) Wall to Wall: Law as Culture in Latin America and Spain Co-edited by Ana Yáñez Rodríguez (Vernon Press, 2021)

9) Redesigning AI: Work, Democracy, and Justice in the Age of Automation edited by Daron Acemoglu (Boston Review, distributed by MIT Press, 2021)

10) Step Up, Step Back: How to Really Deliver Strategic Change in Your Organization by Elsbeth Johnson(Bloomsbury, 2020)

Another quarter of my book list:

1. Liberalism and the limits of justice (1982), author: Michael J. Sandel
2. Justice: What's the right thing to do? (2009), author: Michael J. Sandel
3. The Tyranny of Merit: What's become of the common good?, author: Michael J. Sandel
4. Justice: A reader, author: Michael J. Sandel
5. What money can't buy: The moral limits of markets, author: Michael J. Sandel
6. The case against perfection, author: Michael J. Sandel
7. Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy, author: Michael J. Sandel
8. Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics, author: Michael J. Sandel
9. Encountering China: Michael Sandel and Chinese Philosophy, author: Michael J. Sandel
10. Study Guide: Justice by Michael J. Sandel (SuperSummary), author: Michael J. Sandel
11. Liberalism and its critics (Readings in Social & Politics Theory, 3), author: Michael J. Sandel
12. Liberalism and its critics (Readings in Social & Politics Theory), author: Michael J. Sandel
13. Liberalism and the limits of justice (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy), author: Michael J. Sandel

Another great view of my book list:

2. All my books which I am selling in and you can find out more at my Facebook page,

3. How to avoid a climate disaster?, author: Bill Gates (

Monday, August 9, 2021

I'm a Billionaire Quality hence, I am Going To Be A Billionaire and Marry a Billionaire! Juliana Chan or Juliana M. Chan is a Worker Quality, Hence, She is a Worker Who Need Mentorship. I am here for her, yet, she blocked me in Linkedin.

You may find my articles on Linkedin and check my credentials as I am a billionaire or trillionaire quality, not a worker quality.  Please take note!

Hope to hear from you soon if you wish to connect!  My Linkedin account is

A Singaporean, Juliana Chan or Julian M. Chan is not able to accept my comments positively through Linkedin and she blocked me. Hence, she is FIRED even though she is a MIT graduate, Cambridge graduate and Harvard graduate at the same time!

Look at this lady, Juliana Chan or  Juliana M. Chan who is always living in the past as a graduate yet, she doesn't sound like a big school graduate who can change the world with something different, yet, she is a good follower of Gender Equality, a copycat of MIT Review for Asia and what is next?

I suggest that she can work as an anchor in Bloomberg Technology or assistant of Emily Chang ( since all her photos are with famous people in technology and she loves to interview big people in technology.

This is the lady, a good follower!  Good job!

I told her some tips on how to boost the sales of her magazine publication, i.e. Asian Scientist in Linkedin.  And, she blocked me without replying politely.  You see!  Singaporean women and some men are always at the bottom when we talk about innovation and self-esteem.  They are just the world followers, good job, followers!  

Sunday, August 8, 2021

When you are going out for dating, you are knowing each other more day after day on both of your lifestyle, dreams, goals, rewards, problems, do's and don't! Online Dating can play this role too!.

If you are tired of doing online dating by telling all your potential wife and husband about yourself, then, you can pay our services at and by entering your email at the bottom of our website by clicking the "Subscribe" button.

I am the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid of TrainCan At Amore Paradise. 

Boy-Girl Relationship Advocacy

As the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid of TrainCan At Amore Paradise, I am acting as the advocate of "How A Pre-Boy-Girl Relationship" would be by going through "Yes" or "No" response on the Do's and Don't list as suggested below.

Go after the man who is good at planning by telling you his plan far ahead in everything which including how he would want it in a relationship.  I am here to lead you to date a leader with planning such as 1-week plan, 1-month plan, 1-year plan, 5-year plan, 10-year plan and etc.  Those men who are good at planning, they are definitely a good catch because they are the leaders of big corporations or those who are managing multi-million dollar or multi-billion dollar projects.  It is your choice to choose a leader who is good at planning or you like a small fly who is good at giving you surprises without any planning such as taking off your clothes and at the same time kissing your body without asking for your permission.

I am going to alert all boys and girls to discuss about what are the do's and don't before they start a boy-girl relationship to avoid disappointments and break-out.  To me, I prefer a "No Kissing, No Physical Contact and No Sex before Married" boy-girl relationship, just like a Muslim couple because I have more than 300++ of men who are going after me at the same time while I'm only very focusing to my love at first sight lucky man in year 2009 through YouTube until very recently.  Is he going to marry me or am I going to marry another man?    

Let's explore some are the common do's and don't of majority couples in Malaysia with strictly NO SEX.  If you want sex with your girlfriend, you may discuss and plan it with her in advance just like you are planning for marriage so that she can prepare herself in sexy clothes with good smell, yet, not recommendable to have pre-marital sex to maintain our culture and values as Malaysians.  

1) Kiss on forehead and cheeks which need not take off girls' and boys' clothes.  Girls are encouraged to wear Baju Kurung.
2) Sharing room or beds during traveling locally or overseas time. Note: You must trust him as a good person before you as a girl agree to share a room with her by telling him that during the sharing, no any romance at all.
3) Cook and bake cakes together.
4) Shopping together.
5) Swim together.
6) Telling bed time stories together.
7) Enjoy a driving trip together.
8) Enjoy morning walk together.

1) No kissing on the girls' body at all since girls must be wearing Baju Kurung or long sleeves and long pants even though they are not Muslim while I feel that Baju Kurung is such a great invention to avoid sexual lust from men.
2) No Pre-Marital Sex
3) No touching on the girls' body or the boys' body.
4) Strictly no taking off girls' clothes for romance without asking her permission verbally in advance or have it in any planning.  You can see your girlfriend's body with a bikini during the swimming together time on a pool not in a room by taking off her clothes.

Messages to girls: As a woman, we must choose a gentleman as a husband who know how to do planning not having any surprises and ad-hoc activities such as going for a trip, sharing a bed and start to have sexual activities without asking girl's permission.  Note: girls are used to have brothers and sisters, hence, it is a norm for them to share rooms with boys and yet, they are safe.  Thus, do not assume that when the girls who are willing to share a room with you or go for a trip with you might be willing to have sex with you.  Did you ask for her permission first before you move on to any sexual activities when you are sharing a bed with her?

If you want to play safe, strongly suggest that you may book two rooms when a couple or girlfriend and boyfriend would want to go for a vacation.  Anyway, you must have an idea of how would your dating experience must be by working on relationship planning.     

Enjoy dating!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Why Must the Founders of Startups Get A Full-Time Job Else Way Before An Official Grant or Investment Fund?

GRAB founder, Tan Hooi Ling was a full-time employee with McKinsey and Company even though she had an idea to boost passengers' safety in Taxis using GRAB mobile apps and founded GRAB.  She stopped working with McKinsey and Company right after years of pitching and until securing of investment funding.

Hence, a message to the employers: Hire Startups' founders because they can help to boost your company sales and many other arenas because startup founder like me is extremely capable with VISION, Strategies and full of networks for partnership.  You can check with the Wizlynx group on how I helped them to boost their sales by introducing all my friends who are corporate and MNC CEOs.

Hire me while I am waiting for the official investment fund at this moment!  Due to I have 14 startups and I need to pay for the maintenance fees, hence, I want RM 30K monthly; hope that you all noted.

Call me at +6 012 298 2298.

I am part of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) under a Master of Science 18-month Training in year 2003-2005

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is part of the big universities alliance which love to solve problems with Mathematics and Science; and, I was trained by MIT and my role as an entrepreneur is to solve Social Problem with technology which including unemployment.  Those who always have a lot of problem are always not related to the big universities or nonliterate, yet, they are some exceptions.

I had many problems and people gave me many problems; I managed to solve them one by one using Science, Mathematics and Technology by having a total of 14 startups now to move forward and heading to be listed in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Hence, when you have problems or when you are bullied, just drop me an email or call me, so that I can representing myself to solve your problem with a new startup to solve your problem.

My email is and my Whatsapp is +6 012 298 2298. 

Most of the time when those who are bullied, people who are capable will always forward these problems to those so-called brainy, yet, not all brainy can solve problems and many of them would choose to run away from the problems or not helping those folks who are having a lot of problems.  Of course, when you help people to solve their problems, you must be ethical and not destroying many other good people's business and daily routines.  Thus, only those brainy like me who are able to use technology to solve social problems would be nominated as the billionaire or trillionaire in the country or the world.  No jokes, 14 startups; here, I have started.   

Thus, it is good to have conversations with poor people or all level of people for the process to look for problems to form more startups and work on the impactful research outputs.

I have been doing this since year 2003 by stated the research questions and actions in my personal website (  As a result of the content of this website, I managed to tackle my husband-to-be with the strategy of "No Kissing, No Physical Contact and No Sex before Married!"

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Why is Malaysia having at least one UNICORN, and becoming a developed country very soon?

It is because Malaysia shouted out loud that Malaysia want to become a developed country by setting up a VISION 2020 and many other countries are following its footsteps.  We want to help those with dreams and dare to shout out loud not helping those who have dreams while doing it quietly. 

Why was rejected in so many accelerator programs?  It was because the evaluators are not brainy and they have never seen a UNICORN; in other words, they are not smart enough or can't have breakthroughs by making something different by following others or simply following other known successful entrepreneurship.  How about the rest of brainy or potential unicorn?

Why was rejected to join the e-Stanford program many years ago?  It was mainly Cheryl Yeoh ( is founding CEO of MAGIC feel inferior after she met me by barring me and block me on her Facebook; hence, another STUPID.  Cheryl Yeoh Mei Yin is another STUPID who was sexually harassed by a guest in her home.  Come on!  Why did you invite your guest to your home and drink alcohol with sexy clothes?  Any logic and any reasoning?  She also told me that she was never into Jason Sew Hoy and the main reason she got married was because he was rich; she had no other choices due only Jason Sew Hoy was going after her and MAGIC did not renew her contract!  Hence, when Jason Sew Hoy is poor then, Cheryl Yeoh will leave Jason Sew Hoy.  Admirers, watch up!  

I talked to Cheryl Yeoh about many startup,, she said my business idea can not achieve certain selection criteria, hence, I was not selected for the eStanford program.  Year later, the book, "Exponential Organizations" by Salim Ismail, proof that my startup, is a UNICORN.  You see!  How stupid the judging and evaluation team lead by Cheryl Yeoh in MAGIC Malaysia while they can't differentiate and see further who and who are UNICORNs.  She bullied me and she just ignored me mainly because I am a local graduate and NOT a JPA scholar.   

Due to the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW), everything is recorded and using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in WWW, we can spot STUPIDs very fast and STUPIDs tend to have job offers very soon due to the employers only want followers; proof me wrong!  "When you want to make a difference and think out the box, then, you must be an entrepreneur not a professor.  A professor can't be the entrepreneur at the same time", said Multimedia University (MMU).

I shouted out that I am a billionaire or trillionaire many years ago mainly because of affirmation and I am very confident about my capability and business ideas with the right mentorship; my parents and family are farmers and we are not having any genes to do business, yet, I was chosen due to Multimedia University (MMU) fired me in year 2014 and I was never given a full-time job for more than 6 months until now.  Due to why are so many investors coming to Malaysia mainly because brainy in Malaysia are mostly none due to many of them prefer to work in overseas as workers, hence, they can becoming full leaders to lead Malaysia and other countries also, they have seen all these behavior and further confirmed themselves why they are so rich as the westerners and why easterners are such the foolish to become rich due to the westerners' leadership.  Easterners bully easterners.  Malaysian bully Malaysian or Chinese bully Chinese; these are foolish acts and behavior to give laughter to the west.  Easterners just can't accept brainy and extremely outstanding among themselves; when they spotted one, then, they killed one not helping them to have their dreams come true; perhaps I am wrong.      

I shouted out loud that I am a billionaire or trillionaire, that was the main reason I was chosen.  Very simple, we want those who are dare to speak and dare to talk loud for his goals and dream not those who are working silently and quietly towards their goals.    

When people bullied us as the easterners, we must find out the reasons with reasoning, judgment and the ability to differentiate right and wrong not simply just following complaints and change accordingly without any protection to your people.  Hence, when you want to be a leader; i.e. a billionaire or a trillionaire, you must be learning from me with good reasoning, judgment and the ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong.  When people bullied my people without any good reasons, I will fight for my people so that bullying will be distinguished and no more in any culture.

Let's support reasoning and GOOD JUDGEMENT IN ANY LEADERSHIP.  When y6ou want to become a billionaire or a trillionaire like me, FIRST, ask yourself, are you a FAIR person; ask yourself, can you differentiate what is right and what is wrong?  Are you going to protect your community, nation and country when someone attack any of them in your network?

If the Prime Minister must be a female, I would appoint Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz not YB Yeo Bee Yin.  YB Yeo Bee Yin is a good follower for sure, definitely not the economy controller just like me with 14 startups to date in Malaysia.  I am not interested to become a Prime Minister, however, if there are no other best candidate who can be the Prime Minister, I will appoint myself; yet, you all must be remember that Malaysia want me not I want Malaysia.  The University of Oxford want me not I want the University of Oxford.  Hope that you all are clear about my capability in reasoning, judgemental and the ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong.

The University of Malaya want me not I want University Malaya because I can help the University of Malaya to move to the next stage by commercializing teaching powers' research outputs.

Monday, August 2, 2021

My Ph.D. Study Status in Multimedia University (MMU)

I started my Ph.D. study in Multimedia University (MMU) year 2011 due to University of Cambridge did not enroll me as their student.  In December 2014, I lost my job as a lecturer in Multimedia University (MMU).  In January 2015, I talked to Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan and he asked to drop my Ph.D. study due to he afraid of being having a lot of trouble by acting as my supervisor due to I was fired by the President of Multimedia University (MMU) without any reason.  I told him that I am fine without a Ph.D. study because I am capable enough in my Computer Programming skill due to I was a millionaire when I was 15 years old after I learned Computer Preogramming.  

A few years ago, the graduate admission office called me to collect my Ph.D. study tuition fees since year 2015 until now; about 5 years of tuition fees were not paid.  I was surprised that Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan just verbally rekjjected to supervise me while he did not apply it in black and white.  I tried to talk to him for many times yet, he refused to see me by giving the reasons that he was too busy.

When I applied for jobs, companies told me that I must finish my Ph.D. first, yet, I told them that I was a Ph.D. dropped-out since year 2015, January and they said I was lying or telling lies.  This is Malaysia and brainy people are playing games and "Tai Chi".

For your information, Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan is a graduate of the University College of London (UCL).  He did not fight for me with no reason firing and he was afraid of having a lot of trouble by standing out to fight for me as my supervisor. 

I am definitely a dropped-out in year 2015, MMU graduate admission office, hope that you can act as a brainy not a STUPID by having enough reasoning that Professor Ho Chin Kuan did not do his job and it is never my fault because he was afraid of POWERFUL people by not protecting me; not one in fact, many of them.

After I Lost My Job As A Lecturer in Multimedia University in Year 2014, All My Verbal Agreements Are No Longer A Reality; Hopefully, it is reaching a full stop soon.

A few years ago, Professor Tam Hwa Yaw flew to Malaysia to interview me, to recruit me, so that I can be part of his team in BIG DATA research.  He had verbally agreed to my employment and I had happily announced it to my blog, Malaysia Footprint.  Yet, he changed his mind after that.  Well, I did not update it to my blog here because no one care.

I Kept Shouting Out Loud That I Was The Best Of The Best To Ask For Help Due To Bullies Not Showing Off

If you are an intelligent person with a brain, after you read my resume and you have done a little bit of research about me, you must be thinking of giving me a position as a CEO or CTO or perhaps a Vice-Chancellor position in University Malaya.  I wrote that I have involved in so many charity organizations and I have been traveled to more than 20 countries in year 2009 due to I worked extra miles and count every single cent to accumulate money to travel the world and to see the world with mission and vision.

Hence, my job scopes as the CEO and CTO of a company or Vice-Chancellor of University Malaya would be working on Visionary Planning, Strategy and Partnership and beyond.  Why must it be University Malaya?  It is because I am a brainy and let brainy help them to commercialize their research outputs since I have had more than 14 startups in the World Wide Web (WWW) ever since year 2014 until now.  I know what is research outputs to commercialization.  

In year 2014, I have started with a great mission to help people to see the world economically.  I have foresight and I plan for very far and I can see very far.     

My technical skill is proven as I have completed my Master Thesis, "Policies For Cellular-WLAN Integration" in year 2003-2005.

I did partner with many big organizations during my work as a lecturer in Multimedia University from October 2005 to December 2014. 

All the people who know me well know that I am a perfectionist due to I excel in multi-languages and my role and responsibility are to be a leader of an organization, not a small little job such as Service Analyst, Java Developer and etc.  These people who wanted me to work in a small position are sour grapes because they didn't know that why am I so smart and have so much energy due to these sour grapes can't eat a lot and taking care of their bodies with BMI.  Yet, anyway, good luck, sour grapes!

Looking forward the CEO, CTO or Vice-Chancellor position in University Malaya only or better grade's university or company because only people with brains can see my future and only people with brains will allow me to have such positions.  I want at least RM 30K monthly salary due to I have many debts worldwide.

Do you agree smart and brainy people must be working with smart and brainy people as a group else no more chemistry and no more walking to future miles?  What do you think?

To all sour grapes and those who are intellectual average:

1) Do you have a jealous feeling when you know that I have traveled to more than 20 countries with my own money in year 2009; I was 30 years old?  My suggestion to you is to enroll to ensure that you can get first-hand information to travel the world with minimum money.

2) Did you feel painful and threatening when you had hired me due to you had received the information that my languages were not good and yet, I had performed excellent writing, listening and talking skills in multiple languages during the hiring and straight away, you had decided to fire me due to you afraid that I might replace you in the company?  My suggestion to you is to stop recruiting people who are excellent just like me.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

I Am Sharing NOT Showing-Off

I published my first book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen" in year 2012 under AuthorHouse self-publishing services which is going to lead me to a Nobel Prize award which I have triggered the blossom of the whole tourism industry by using only words that I had projected myself as a poor student and a poor full-time employee who was a Software Development Engineer, Research Assistant, ICT-Teacher and Lecturer.  Through my words in my books, many people had decided to become a globalist and thinker by traveling around the world.  

In year 2014, I have started to help people to see the world from different perspective economically by selling and buying virtual tours with lucky draw contests to sponsor the winners to their Dream Holiday Destinations at least once in their lifetime and I have set up the Traveling Points accumulation system for those virtual tourists to accumulate Traveling Points from purchasing self-service superimposing photos to redeem the Dream Holiday to see the world within a 5-Year Guarantee Travel Policy.  With the wealth I have collected from, I have started as the philanthropic arm of  

If you wish to travel with very minimum money to see the world, what are you waiting for, join now and subscribe to newsletter to travel for free if you win the lucky draw contests else accumulate your Traveling Points which you have earned from the purchasing of self-service superimposing photos!

We have a long list of jobs such as photographers or also known as sales executives who are going to move around in every part of the world to educate people on how to do the purchasing of self-service superimposing photos, enroll to the lucky draw contests to win free Dream Holiday and accumulate Traveling Points to redeem the Dream Holiday within 5-Year Guarantee Policy.

Besides all these business activities, is acting as a huge investor in the shares market and many other profitable like Renewable Energy projects and etc due to we have abundant of projected cash daily.

I Travelled to United Kingdom For More Than 3 Times With My Own Money From Year 2007-2009 With The Longest Stay of 6 Months For One Trip and Stayed in Central London

During my stay in Central London, United Kingdom, I met so many TOP BRAINS and yet, I was matched to Royal Family members from all around Europe and United Kingdom through cupids without my knowledge and the 100% confirmation of I was a single without a boyfriend and a virgin through the confirmation of gamma-ray determination of virginity entrance machines at the immigration department in the United Kingdom and all the Europe countries which I had visited them when I was in United Kingdom.

When I came back to Malaysia, after I watched a few YouTube videos of the speech of Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong, I immediately updated my Facebook marital status as married and shouted that I was married and set a wedding date at Calvary Church, Kuala Lumpur without further action and communication with Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong due to I was highly confident that he will marry me due to I was extremely excellent and I had so many Royal Family members who are going after me when I was in Europe and United Kingdom on and off for 2 years.

Due to the cupids ensure that we did not meet each other and I had announced that I was married due to my overconfidence attitude and practice, most of the Royal Family members rushed into a marriage because they wanted our children to study together and to establish friendship and eventually a relationship if they are great and confirm to stay old together.  I am so glad when I got to know this just a few minutes ago.

I am here to declared that I am still single.  Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong remains his status as my acquaintance, not a friend of mine due to I had tried my best to connect myself to him through Linkedin and many other ways to connect to him.  Of course, I wish to know him due to I just knew that he is a University of Oxford graduate not long ago.

I would like to apologize if there are many miscommunications and misperceptions which you all might have in your mind due to you all 100% confident that I must be not a virgin due to Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong must be the person who had taken my virginity and I would announce to the world that I never had a quality relationship with a man because these men did deserve my virginity-let-go and I am very traditional to keep my virginity to my husband only.  I repeat it once again, I only wish to let go my virginity to my husband only right after the Registration of Marriage (ROM) and the official announcement from the officer that I am married and He and I are husband and wife.

Yes, I am still a virgin because I can't name who was the one who had taken my virginity and when was I lost my virginity unless my feeling of a bit hot and the penny-liked penetration and he broke my hymen during my sleeping time in Kelana Puteri Condominium, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.  Yes, my first property in my life was a unit of 1080 square feet condominium with a swimming pool, squash, tennis court, a gym and related facilities.  I can't recall when was that, I just knew that I was not hurt and no blood dropping on my bed and my vagina, hence, I would think that it was just a dream, yet, why did I feel warm on my vagina?  This is interesting, right?

Later, I was told that it was the method which used by all the Royal Family members to ensure that all their matches must be virgin before their official marriage or wedding day.  Then, how are you going to justify the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle; she is a divorcee; yet, she married a Prince, Henry in United Kingdom?  After years of investigation that they have confirmed that my hymen was real and I am a 100% woman with Chinese tradition who insists "No Kissing, No Physical Contact and No Sex before a marriage" due to high volume of admirers and I can't kiss and have sex with more than 300++ men due to all of them were extremely excellent by evaluating using SWOT Analysis.

A tarot told me that he is an Italy blood Royal Family member and I have checked with Google that the Italy Royal Family members had transformed themselves into commoners many years ago.  Someone told me that he is the Malaysia Terenganu Prince, yet, I am right here waiting and I am ready for an official marriage for sure due to all my entrepreneurial activities are formed and set with systems and rules; I am looking forward for good people to work for me.
I can't believe that I am a Princess if their words are trustworthy and yet, I am open my choices to know more people to broaden my networks as the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid of TrainCan At Amore Paradise, and  Within these years, I knew many billionaires due to my status as an entrepreneur top pitch to the billionaires to ask for their investment funds into my businesses or business ideas.

Praise Lord!  Thank you!

Why did I not a Straight-A Student While I've Admitted and Awarded to Study A Master of Science Program with MIT Collaboration in Year 2003?

The Master of Science admission board and Scholarship evaluation board in year 2003 had further confirmed that only my capacity of WRITING in all languages was not perfect due to spelling mistakes only with never spent enough time to double-check all my writing for spelling correction before my essay/ writing submission which my languages result of SPM, the high school official examination had shocked the world due to all my essay scored "zero" or "0%" due to more than one spelling mistake within a sentence by having the all essay in 3 languages (Malay, Mandarin and English) with good story flow, good meaning, good opinion and good justification.  My comprehension, grammar, reading and listening in all 3 languages were just perfect.

They accepted me as a student in year 2003 and I was graduated in year 2005 with an excellent Master of Science Thesis with a title, "Policies For Cellular-WLAN Integration" specifically focusing on Information Security. 

I am sure that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) had done a great job by having a HUMANE decision to accept me as a scholar with MERIT to pursue its Master of Science degree.  Right after I had done my tasks as a Master of Science student for graduation, I got a job as an ICT Teacher (2005) in a smart school in Malaysia to promote STEM with my own syllabus.  The Head Master of the smart school knew my weaknesses, i.e. my English writing was not perfect, hence, she helped me to edit all my lecture notes, tutorials and examination papers before I released them to my students.

You see!  Malaysia is a humane world!  Recruiters used SWOT to eye on talents to work for them.  Recruiters wish to have good attitude cum hardworking workers just like me and of course, when they meet perfectionists as job seekers, that would be great!

I have been writing through my blog, i.e. this blog called Malaysian Footprint since January 2008 and I am sure through all my writing, you are very confident that I am a good attitude worker cum good learner and leader with globalization and knowledgeable by making extra effort to travel around the world.  
These people attacked me and were jealous on me because they have claimed that they were perfect yet, they couldn't get a scholarship to study.  Some of them claimed that they had exactly the number of A's which I was having, yet, they did not have a chance to secure a scholarship to study.  What I wish to tell these jealousy dubes that I am good in doing Analysis and Drawing/ Making the Conclusion which I have shown these when I was a Bachelor of IT (Hons) Software Engineering student and Master of Science Information Technology student with the tip-top proven skill in Computer Programming.  If you wish to give me a job in programming, hence, I must be the ADVISOR, else, I will not be interested to work on that because Computer Programming is just too easy for me and I feel it is not challenging enough; unless it is a high paid job, then, I would be considered to work on that.  I am asking for not less than RM 30K monthly salary if I must be employed because I had been to many interviews and they were using me to answer many questions and they stole my answers for their people within their group to pass the interview examination of all big companies.  Hence, if you want to test my Computer Programming skill, I would say, you employ me with RM 30K monthly first and I will show you how good I am.  Thank you!