This is a blog initiated by a simple Malaysian, Hui-Shin Wong who love to travel and read for leisure. She would like to share the information to the people around her mainly for a better place to live. Her writing style ensure you read with joy; a bit classy, a bit didactic, a bit exaggerated, a bit funny and a bit hilarious. It is just her style in love with 'zero' and 'one' in consequence of a Techno-Educationist by education and training.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
MIT Professor Dr. Robert S. Langer’s PATENTS, i.e. also known as Intellectual Property (IP) reach 1050 in counting worldwide and have been licensed or sublicensed to over 250 pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnology and medical device companies. He is an Engineering graduate in Cornell University and obtained his Sc.D in Chemical Engineering at MIT.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Malaysian Footprint Magazine's web address is listed below:
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
University of Cambridge Professor Stephen Hawking was born and raised as one of the genius with healthy mind, body and limbs. Due to virus infection, he lost his function to have healthy and flexible limbs (hands and legs). Watch up COVID-19 variant which can cause you another Stephen Hawking if you are not fully vaccinated!
American Professor Dr. Robert S. Langer Affiliated To Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Started His Career As A Jobless For Many While, A Chemical Engineer For Some While To Move On As Cancer Cell To Schizophrenia Neuropathy System Related Research And Commercialization In Drug/ Medicine Delivery Cum Biochemical Polymer Theoretical Research With Patents By Inheriting The Excellent Family Genetic Of The Father Of Medicine Cum Philosophy, Plato From Greece.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Why am I a big boss even though my computer skill is not 100% excellent while only 98%? It is because I have a team. When you have a team, everything is possible? In addition, I scored perfect in Moral and Ethics, i.e. 100% ever since I was a child until now.
Dear majority medical doctors in Malaysia who jealous on my achievement, please resign and go to China mainly because your diagnosis skill is not good enough in order for you be a CHIEF or HEAD. Excellent Diagnosis means fair analysis, induction, evaluate and make conclusion using your medical knowledge. You can't even justify what is right and what is wrong as well as justify that I am healthy while you want to become a chief and make complaints about me while I am trained by many top schools, how can you become famous while you can not do a great job in your study knowledge domain especially when a healthy person with your diagnosis as a sick person? I am great in Information Technology, i.e. Software Engineering, then, I expand my knowledge to MEDICAL INDUSTRY or VISE VERSA.
How to build great and big business? Let me give you an example in RETAIL!
I buy many clothes from La Martina during their warehouse sales at MST Golf with an extremely great percentage of discount.
Some People Say That I Steal Pants! I Do Not. I Pay. Let Me Justify With My Best Friend, Mabel Liew Cing Fung and Her Mom.
During our industry training period during my undergraduate degree in Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Mabel Liew Cing Fung and I went to LEVI's outlet to find the best jeans which can fit us mainly because she was working with Maersk Logistics by having the staff purchase bonus to buy all Maersk Logistics customers' products with a great percentage of discount which allowed her to buy LEVI's jeans through Maersk Logistics connection, not from LEVI's outlet. We were there in a LEVI's outlet to test wear which was the best by jotting down which number in series of jeans and she reported to this connection of Maersk Logistics to buy my and her jeans from them with a great discount.
I can not tell you how much percentage of discount was that while it was a great percentage of discount.
LEVI's jeans is a customer of Maersk Logistics.
Mabel Liew Cing Fung's email is Kindly connect Mabel Liew and her mom because I was her best friend and she was kind enough to help me to buy a pair of LEVI's jeans using her staff purchase bonus. Of course, I paid her back in cash. In short, I was the one who bought a pair of LEVI's jeans through Mabel Liew Cing Fung because she has the connection mainly because she was a trainee in Maersk Logistics.
She never earn me a single cent because she is my best friend.
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.
Scots or Scottish Gaelic Language
What is Human Development? Your 7 year old child must be study Year 1 or Standard 1 syllabus NOT Year 3 or Standard 3 syllabus as a result of all experts have defined the learning ability of all stages (Infancy, Toddler, Childhood, Adolescence or Teenage and Adulthood).
How can a waitress, waiter, kitchen helper or chef draw the attention from his/ her boss or regular customer to give him/ her money to run his/ her own restaurant?
I have travelled the world with great welcome anywhere and anyplace mainly because I'm a supporter and practitioner of "No Kissing, No Physical Contact At All and No Sex Before Married"!
After I watch a news about a female politician's view that KISSING is innocent and the need for all people around the world by giving an example that baby boy would want to kiss naturally by claiming that kissing is an universal act of LOVE. I test it on my nephew by using my continuously effort with 4.5 years to win a kiss eventually although my nephew love me very much. To conclude, NOT all baby boys kiss one automatically. Watch your words, female politician in Malaysia!
A Role Model Good Example of Farmers All Round the World
A Ringgit Malaysia 1 Million Special Thanks Token To All My Guardian Angels
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.
I am here to say thank you to all my guardian angels along my growing up process. I would like to give away RM 1,000,000 (Ringgit Malaysia 1 million) to each and every guardian angel of mine whom had groomed me a successful individual, i.e. a billionaire converted trillionaire.
Kindly fill in this online form ( on how you would like to spend the RM 1 million in detail, my guardian angels.
Let me give you some good example (1-5):
Example (1):
1. Buy Traveling Points from ( to sponsor more Virtual Mom(s) and Virtual Children worldwide to travel to their Dream Holiday Destination or give this special treat as a gift - RM 1,000,000.00
Example (2):
1. Donate money to Dr. Wong Foundation ( - RM 1,000,000.00
Example (3):
1. Donate money to All-Rounded Virtual Mom ( to sponsor more Virtual Children to be connected to Virtual Mom - RM 1,000,000.00
Example (4):
1. Donate money to All-Rounded Virtual Mom ( to sponsor more Virtual Mom(s) to be certified as a Virtual Mom to guide all Virtual Children worldwide - RM 1,000,000.00
Example (5):
1. Attending a Medical Degree in a foreign university - RM 600,000.00
2. Buying 10 Chanel bags and 10 LV (Louis Vuitton) bags - RM 400,000.00
Thank you!
How Billionaire Jeff Bezos Give Back To The Society and The World To Encourage Worldwide Citizens To Write and Read Books By Spending USD 44.9 Million In June 2022
Friday, July 15, 2022
The History of Baju Kurung
If you were me, how are you going to write your biography? Looking forward for your book publication about your biography. Film Producers can convert your writing into movies just like Book Title: Harry Potter!
The male Scottish and Irish are wearing their traditional clothes, i.e. a knee-length skirt
"Money is not a problem as long as you are committed to your business idea to groom it to a conglomerate worldwide eventually." ~Hui-Shin Wong.
When I was poor with extremely hardworking and honest attitude, Billionaire Syed Mokhtar Albukhary in Malaysia give me MYR 1 million (Ringgit Malaysia 1,000,000) as a result of my work for a better Malaysia which draw his attention.
GOD and my investors never instruct me to groom millionaires, yet, I have responded to them that all my employees worldwide who are competent can be a millionaire because with my 1% of share in, I can be a Trillionaire (USD 1,000,000,000,000 - 1 trillion is a one which is following by twelve zero) according to forecast. Hence, if I do not want a single cent, I only can train 1 million people who can be a millionaire. In this world, there are more than 56 million people are millionaires in year 2022. To conclude, I'm only RICH with a title as a Trillionaire, yet, there are many people in the world are extremely rich mainly they are gaining money from the share market and many others. These people are very free and rich while I am a Billionaire converted Trillionaire is extremely busy to ensure all in order by taking care everything and anything which related to my businesses.
A total combine income of RM 3,000 in a family, a husband and wife with children is considered rich in Malaysia community according to an article read by me in Union Station, Chicago, United States of America (USA).
In Malaysia, I am extremely rich. I told my students.
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.
We are very angry because someone told us that we are racist because the total number of millionaires and billionaires in Africa is the lowest. Let me represent the group to justify!
"We are a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world." ~Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, there are more than 10 million people have upgraded their social status to be a millionaire worldwide due to many incompetence individuals with no vales and ethics who are rich die, thus, many new opportunities for those who are competence with values and ethics. All these people are potential VVIP and VIP members of TrainCan At Amore Paradise (TrainCan)!
"His First Mission" - In year 2002, An American received his first mission to groom talent in a developing country, Malaysia by conducting a computer programming subject, "Computer Graphic" classes using C. He deeply believe that a humble result and imperfection can change the world; he deducted 20 marks of his student's total mark allocation, i.e. his student only can get an A instead of an A+ or 100%.
Stay tune, "His First Mission"!
"My Artificial Intelligence (AI) Teacher" - In order to draw his very diligent student's attention, he purposely minus 30 marks of a total marks of 100. Yes, his student scored as the TOP student of the batch, yet, he as a lecturer in Artificial Intelligence (AI) would want to shape his student's future with imperfection. What's next? He recommended and instructed India Institute of Technology (IIT) to hire her as an Assistant Professor.
Stay tune, "My Artificial Intelligence (AI) Teacher"!
"My Physics Teacher" - In order to draw her very diligent student's attention, she purposely minus 10 marks of a total marks of 100. Yes, her student scored perfect, yet, she as a teacher in Physics would want to shape her student's future with imperfection. What's next?
A very rich medical doctor waived all her patients' medical fees using her pocket money from her rich dad while her behaviour as over generous led her into a court case and anger from all other medical doctors with a termination of her profession. What would be her destiny if you are a GOD? She is no longer a qualified medical doctor; not because of her skill and knowledge, it is main her kindness lead her so.
100 Ph.D. Studentship Offer with a Research Interest: "Transform Sunlight To Pre-Processed, Processed and Post-Processed Nutrient Through Chemistry" Under Hui-Shin Wong's Supervision
Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld's full name as below. If he is still alive, will you marry him? Should I marry him?
As you know all human beings' big boss is GOD, let's read in detail how GOD reacted as the fairest judge and the best investigator with the best justification.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Why Are Mostly White Men Practicing No Kissing, No Physical Contact At All and No Sex Before Married and After Married While They As A Couple Use IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) To Have Children?
GOD said that everyone in this world is able to meet the richest man in the world once! What would be your preparation and how would you want the richest man in the world to partner with you to save the world? Let's stay tune to know further!
"好!" - Good or Well Done! (A collection of stories which indicating activities in business, belief, culture, language & linguistic, education, research and career!)
Thursday, July 14, 2022
"祖宗福贵, 后代福贵." - A series of real stories which highlighting ancestors' wealthy cum next generations gain more wealth with the right belief, values, marriage purpose(s) and attitude.
Stay tune, "祖宗福贵, 后代福贵."!
Kindly go through a long list of wealthy folks generation by generation at
To be continued!
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin, Shyan H. Wong.
GOD would want to know how HIS self-picked cum self-selected son or daughter can impact the world and what would be the social problem he or she would like to address with a proposal of solution to change the world, to form a better place to live for all individuals and to save the world. How many of HIS other children can be benefited once he or she is successful?
Stay tune, "An Interview With GOD"!
To be continued!
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.
In Year 2009, I refused an offer to be a JPA (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam) Scholar from Malaysia government to pursue a Ph.D. in Password Security at Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom with a graduation contract or bond to act as an important role model in Police Force Malaysia (Police DiRaja Malaysia). I told my professors, I could do more; I was greed of money, hence, I wanted to become an Entrepreneur cum Professor NOT a POLICE WOMAN, i.e. a government servant only.
The Rule of Norm For Fair Business Profit Spending
Talent Acquisition in Anime Entertainment and Education Industry
VISION 2020 is initiated in Malaysia since more than 4 decades (40 years)! Let's celebrate our VISION 2020 a reality and especially thanks to all people involved particularly to those who PLAN, STRATEGIZE, DECISION MAKING and TALENT IDENTIFICATION & MANAGEMENT.
My Father-In-Law tell me that he is the BIG BOSS in Oil & Gas Industry. List of Shell's business associates worldwide.
E2 | Shell Annual Report and Form 20-F 2012 | | ||||||
Exhibits |
Significant subsidiaries
Significant subsidiaries at December 31, 2012, and Shell’s percentage of share capital
(to the nearest whole number) are set out below. All of these subsidiaries have
been included in the “Consolidated Financial Statements” of Shell on pages 99-137.
Those held directly by the Company are marked with an asterisk (*). A complete list of
investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates will be attached
to the Company’s annual return made to the Registrar of Companies.
Company name | % | Country of incorporation | Principal activities | Class of shares held | ||||||||
Shell Development (Australia) Proprietary Limited | 100 | Australia | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Energy Holdings Australia Limited | 100 | Australia | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Qatar Shell GTL Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Deepwater Borneo Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell International Trading Middle East Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Brasil Petroleo Ltda | 100 | Brazil | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Canada Energy | 100 | Canada | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Canada Exploration | 100 | Canada | Upstream | Membership Interest | ||||||||
Shell Canada Resources | 100 | Canada | Upstream | Membership Interest | ||||||||
Schiehallion Oil and Gas Limited | 100 | Cayman Islands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell EP Holdingselskab Danmark ApS | 100 | Denmark | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Gabon | 75 | Gabon | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Upstream Gabon SA | 100 | Gabon | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Ferngasbeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH | 100 | Germany | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Erdgas Marketing GmbH & Co. KG | 50 | Germany | Upstream | Equity | ||||||||
Shell Erdgas Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH | 100 | Germany | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Exploration and Production Libya GmbH | 100 | Germany | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Verwaltungsgesellschaft Fur Erdgasbeteiligungen mbH | 100 | Germany | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell E&P Ireland Limited | 100 | Ireland | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Italia E&P Spa | 100 | Italy | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Sarawak Shell Berhad | 100 | Malaysia | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell MDS (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad | 72 | Malaysia | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Abu Dhabi B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Jordon Oil Shale Company B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Caspian B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Deepwater Tanzania B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell E and P Offshore Services B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Egypt N.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Egypt Deepwater B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Egypt Shallow Water B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell EP Middle East Holdings B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Exploration and Production Investments B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Generating (Holding) B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Redeemable, non-redeemable | ||||||||
Shell Olie – OG Gasudvinding Danmark B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Sakhalin Holdings B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Salym Development B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Redeemable, non-redeemable | ||||||||
Shell Western LNG B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Energy Holdings Offshore Limited | 100 | New Zealand | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Energy Petroleum Holdings Limited | 100 | New Zealand | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Energy Petroleum Taranaki Limited | 100 | New Zealand | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Energy Asia Limited | 100 | New Zealand | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Investments NZ Limited | 100 | New Zealand | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell New Zealand (2011) Limited | 100 | New Zealand | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited | 100 | Nigeria | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited | 100 | Nigeria | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||||
A/S Norske Shell | 100 | Norway | Upstream | Ordinary | | Shell Annual Report and Form 20-F 2012 | E3 | ||||
Exhibits |
Company name | % | Country of incorporation | Principal activities | Class of shares held | ||||||
Enterprise Oil Norge AS | 100 | Norway | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Tankers (Singapore) Private Limited | 100 | Singapore | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Espana SA | 100 | Spain | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Enterprise Oil Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Benin Upstream Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell China Exploration and Production Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Energy Europe Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell EP Offshore Ventures Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Exploration and Production Oman Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Gas Holdings (Malaysia) Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell U.K. Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
SCCP Oil & Gas, LLC | 98 | United States of America | Upstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Partnership Capital | ||||||
Shell Exploration & Production Company | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Inc. | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Offshore Inc. | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Offshore Response Company LLC | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
Shell Onshore Ventures Inc. | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell US E&P Investments LLC | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Equity (Voting) | ||||||
SWEPI LP | 100 | United States of America | Upstream | Partnership Capital | ||||||
Shell Compania Argentina De Petroleo S.A. | 100 | Argentina | Downstream | Nominative | ||||||
Shell Australia Limited | 100 | Australia | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Refining (Australia) Proprietary Limited | 100 | Australia | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
The Shell Company of Australia Limited | 100 | Australia | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Austria Gesellschaft mbH | 100 | Austria | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Western Supply & Trading Limited | 100 | Barbados | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Belgian Shell S.A. | 100 | Belgium | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Saudi Arabia (Refining) Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Pennzoil-Quaker State Canada Incorporated | 100 | Canada | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Canada Limited | 100 | Canada | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Chemicals Canada Limited | 100 | Canada | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell (China) Limited | 100 | China | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Tongyi (Beijing) Petroleum Chemical Co. Limited [A] | 75 | China | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Czech Republic Akciova Spolecnost | 100 | Czech Republic | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
A/S Dansk Shell | 100 | Denmark | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Butagaz Sas | 100 | France | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Ste Des Petroles Shell Sas | 100 | France | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Deutsche Shell GmbH | 100 | Germany | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH | 100 | Germany | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH | 100 | Germany | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Hong Kong Limited | 100 | Hong Kong | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Hungary Kereskedelmi zRt | 100 | Hungary | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell India Markets Private Limited | 100 | India | Downstream | Equity | ||||||
Aico Uno S.r.l. | 100 | Italy | Downstream | Quotas | ||||||
Shell Italia Holding SpA | 100 | Italy | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Italia SpA | 100 | Italy | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Malaysia Trading Sendirian Berhad | 100 | Malaysia | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Refining Company (Federation Of Malaya) Berhad | 51 | Malaysia | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Chemicals Europe B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Chemicals Ventures B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell China Holdings B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Gas (LPG) Holdings B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell MSPO2 Holding B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Nanhai B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Nederland Chemie B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Nederland Raffinaderij B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Trademark Management B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary |
[A] | Shell voting rights are 80%. |
E4 | Shell Annual Report and Form 20-F 2012 | | ||||||
Exhibits |
Company name | % | Country of incorporation | Principal activities | Class of shares held | ||||||
Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Trading Russia B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Gasnor AS | 100 | Norway | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation | 67 | Philippines | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Polska Sp. Z O.O. | 100 | Poland | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
OOO “Shell Neft” | 100 | Russia | Downstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
Shell Chemicals Seraya (Pte) Limited | 100 | Singapore | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Limited | 100 | Singapore | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Limited | 100 | Singapore | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Seraya Pioneer (Pte) Limited | 100 | Singapore | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell South Africa Holdings (Pty) Limited | 100 | South Africa | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell South Africa Marketing (Pty) Limited | 72 | South Africa | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Brands International AG | 100 | Switzerland | Downstream | Registered (Voting) | ||||||
Shell & Turcas Petrol A.S. | 70 | Turkey | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Additives U.K. Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Caribbean Investments Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Chemicals U.K. Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell International Petroleum Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Trading International Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
The Shell Company of Thailand Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
The Shell Company of Turkey Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
The Shell Company (W.I.) Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies L.P. | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Partnership Capital | ||||||
Equilon Enterprises LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
Pennzoil-Quaker State Company | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Quaker State Investment Corporation | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
San Pablo Bay Pipeline Company LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
SCOGI, G.P. | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Equity | ||||||
Shell Chemical LP | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Partnership Capital | ||||||
Shell Chemicals Arabia LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Gom Pipeline Company LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
Shell Pipeline Company LP | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Partnership Capital | ||||||
Shell Trading (US) Company | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Transportation Holdings LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
SOPC Holdings East LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Membership Interest | ||||||
SOPC Holdings West LLC | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
TMR Company | 100 | United States of America | Downstream | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Bermuda (Overseas) Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Holdings (Bermuda) Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Oman Trading Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Solen Insurance Limited | 100 | Bermuda | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Americas Funding (Canada) Limited | 100 | Canada | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Finance Luxembourg Sarl | 100 | Luxembourg | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Treasury Luxembourg Sarl | 100 | Luxembourg | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
B.V. Dordtsche Petroleum Maatschappij | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Brazil Holding B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Finance (Netherlands) B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Gas B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Common | ||||||
Shell International Finance B.V. * | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Nederland B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Overseas Investments B.V. | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Petroleum N.V.* | 100 | The Netherlands | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Treasury Centre East (Pte) Limited | 100 | Singapore | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Finance Switzerland AG | 100 | Switzerland | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Solen Versicherungen AG | 100 | Switzerland | Corporate | Registered (Voting) | ||||||
Shell Energy Investments Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Holdings (U.K.) Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell International Holdings Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Overseas Holdings Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Treasury Centre Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | | Shell Annual Report and Form 20-F 2012 | E5 | ||||
Exhibits |
Company name | % | Country of incorporation | Principal activities | Class of shares held | ||||||
Shell Treasury Dollar Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Treasury Euro Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Treasury U.K. Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
The Shell Petroleum Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
The Shell Transport and Trading Company Limited | 100 | United Kingdom | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Pecten Victoria Company | 100 | United States of America | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Leasing Company | 100 | United States of America | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Oil Company | 100 | United States of America | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Petroleum Inc. | 100 | United States of America | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||
Shell Treasury Center (West) Inc. | 100 | United States of America | Corporate | Ordinary | ||||||