Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The world is fair and full of justice! Let me tell you why? Children from the first wife must be automatically inheriting all the wealth NOT inheriting to all those BASTARDS! Let me tell you how these bastards are born!

Lovers will be excited when they are together.  Men's penis and scrotums will be harden and the sperms will be automatically released to their pants and stay put at the chair if they are sitting down face to face with their lover.

These bastards were born with a mother with the status of the unmarried second wife, third wife, fourth wife, fifth wife or etc. with a lot of connection to collect sperms from the men's chair or during their sleeping time especially sleeping side by side with their lover, i.e. the first wife.  Then, they used IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) technology to get an ovum from these bastards' mother and conceived with the sperms.  Many of these innocent men did not have sex at all while they could have a long list of children without an official birth certificate with the name of their father.  These women raised their children or also known as BASTARDS until they were adults and used their children's outstanding academic result and career track record to grab their wealth by hopefully these men can die as soon as possible.

Hence, no wealth inheritance for those who are unofficial in marriage while having genes of the great leaders, i.e. these bastards' father according to them. 

In short, no need to waste your time and plan to be an unofficial second wife, third wife, fourth wife, fifth wife or etc. mainly because all these unofficial next generations will be poor forever with GOD's endorsement to punish these people who are not working hard and be honest to use some money to win a sperm from great leaders to conceive through technology IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization).

Of course, IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) for those legal couples are extremely all right.  If you are a doctor, how would you like to act if the sperms are not ejaculated in the hospital while you have collected them when they have their honey moon or short retreat in a resort's dustbin - sperms within the men's condom?

Looking forward!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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