Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Silicon Valley Styled Of Starting A Business!

Juliana Chan, Juliana Maria Chan Shu Ping or Chan Shu Ping is not a prostitute as a Singaporean, yet, many people said that she was the mistress of a rich man or a prostitute for many MNCs CEO and Chairman mainly because she used other people's money to start a business.  She had 4 patents before she had decided to become an entrepreneur, yet, she used rich people's money to start her business.  Do you see how poor she is with 4 patents in her research career?  

The moment you start a business, you must use your own money to work on that just like me, Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong, a Malaysian who is struggling for more than 8 years of 20 startups on World Wide Web (WWW) without a single cent of funding from the government or any investors.  I used my own money and I sold my condominium.  By the way, I have 3 properties as a lecturer in Multimedia University (MMU) from year 2005-2014.  Do you see how poor a Singaporean Assistant Professor in NTU, Singapore, Juliana Chan who can't afford to start a business with her own money by shouting loud that she has 4 patents in her research career?  

I never know how to jealous on people, yet, I am only telling the truth that if you grow your career in Malaysia, your lifestyle and prospect is very bright because we must not look at dollar and cent only.   

I started my blog, i.e. this blog in 2008 while Julian Chan was my follower yet, she got the funding to work on what she want to while I can't get a single cent to develop Malaysia and tell the world that I am the one who must be a billionaire or trillionaire NOT Juliana Chan, a Singaporean.

Please act accordingly!  I need investors or a high pay job in order to continue my journey to change the world through entrepreneurship with Silicon Valley Styled of starting a business with Pre-Seed Funding First, then, Seed Funding and Serie A, B, C, D and E for all my 20 startups immediately.  

Thank you!

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