Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Is it right or wrong when you are sharing a room with a male if you are a female? I would say that it is the perception of the people around you to determine your answer.

I have 5 siblings and I am the eldest.  I am 43 years old in this September.  I was sharing a room with my 5 siblings, i.e. 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers in our house in home town when we were younger because it was only 1 room available for 6 of us. 1 room for my grandmother.  1 room for my parents.  1 room for reading purposes and book collection, i.e. a small library in our house because our family members love to read and buy books.

My siblings and I were very active in camps or summer camps when we were younger.  We shared room with strangers; male and female who were within our network when we were young.  I was in Korea, Maldives, United States of America, United Kingdom for camps; male and female from all around the world are sharing a big room to sleep side-by-side during the camp activities while there were no sexual harassment cases reported mainly because we are the hopes of the nations who never apply "PRE-MARITAL SEX"!

If you are sharing a room or a bed with a man or a female which can trigger any sexual activities, then, you must be a couple who are open enough to accept "PRE-MARITAL SEX"!  If both of you do not have any sexual activities, then, both of you must be good friends with no kissing, no physical contact at all and no sex before married, then, both of you could be a couple or the role models of the best husband and wife with no intimate or any close activities at all before married; this is the way as the role models of the society or the world, not those who are having pre-marital sex be the role models without a very concrete reason.  

Do you want to share a room to know more about your potential husband or wife during their sleeping time?  Join summer camps when you are a kid because you will be extremely successful when you know everything when you are a kid, especially falling in love when you are a kid!

Remember, only 2% of the worldwide population is practicing PRE-MARITAL SEX while I was not one, I am not one and I am not going to be one because I am a SAINT Mary whose hymen was broken by a KING during my sleep at my home in Kelana Puteri Condominium whom we believed that my sons would be the KINGs and my daughters would be the QUEENs.  Yes, I am a QUEEN mainly because JESUS claimed that HE is a KING, then, I must be the QUEEN who is a modern SAINT MARY.  Christianity is getting stronger and stronger mainly because these people support me as the MODERN SAINT MARY who lost my virginity to the KING just like SAINT MARY was pregnant with JESUS under this beautiful legend or belief. 

Are you a Christian, i.e. my supporter to believe that I am a VIRGIN WONG HUI SHIN or HUI-SHIN WONG just like VIRGIN MARY? 

If you think that Christianity is all about lies and story-telling, continue to attack me; come, I'm ready because all Christians and Muslims who believe in GOD are here to support me unless they are the fake Christians who are against me!

Here to conclude my research interest ever since year 2003:

Hui-Shin Wong (1):
"There were not miscommunications, in fact, there were communications broke down due to public perception and people perceive situation differently."

Hui-Shin Wong (2):
"There is no absolutely right or wrong for every situation and any information. It is always a grey area because we are human beings. This is the knowledge about Ethics, Professionalism, Economics, Politic and Law."

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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