Sunday, June 19, 2022

In year 2005, when I traveled to Chicago, USA, I read an article, it said a combined family monthly income of RM 3000 in Malaysia was considered rich, then, I automatically related it to my family, i.e. the combined income of my parents as farmers. With this metric, my family was VERY RICH in Malaysia!

I told my students that my family was very rich because of this incident was happened to me when I was in Chicago, USA in year 2005.

Yet, if you are in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and Hong Kong with a monthly family combined income of RM 3,000 is considered very poor.

Of course, I know many rich or super-duper rich family worldwide especially farmers and those who studied SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING and MATHEMATICS (STEM).  If you want to know some of them, you can browse my website, to get to the Facebook page, and read them, i.e. all of my posts as the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid of TrainCan At Amore Paradise (TrainCan) to find out what is the international standard of RICH or VERY RICH.

Since I am a STEM graduate, then, let me work harder to be an INTERNATIONAL KNOWN RICH WOMAN through startups to boost Malaysia's GDP (Gross Domestic Product).  I am looking for SEED FUNDING and PRE-SEED FUNDING for all my 20 startups in WWW and I want them to be run at the same time.

I need about 2 million USD for the first round, and 6 months later, I need 60 million USD, soon, 3 billion USD.  I'm a forecasted/ projected trillionaire (1 trillionaire is 1000 billionaires) because I have so many followers who are shouting loud and working hard on my ideas or innovating from my ideas ever since year 2014 worldwide.  

Thank you! 

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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