Tuesday, September 6, 2022

"The Shine: Anna Sunshine" is a fiction book which illustrates the intolerance of POOR and RICH being together to work as a team.

"The Shine: Anna Sunshine" illustrates Anna's growing up process to strike for RICH and POWERFUL lifestyle as a married couple with a stepmother who insist on no tolerance to mix with the poor.  Her life was groomed with no tolerance for the poor, yet, she is shining and flying all about RICH and POWERFUL in her career, marriage and soul-searching activities.  Those who are poor can't recognize Anna and can not accept her while those who are rich welcome and salute her for all her activities for a better world.

What is a long list of activities from the poor which are not accepted by RICH and POWERFUL?

What is a long list of activities from the rich which are accepted by RICH and POWERFUL?

Author: Hui-Shin Wong

To be continued!

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