Monday, September 19, 2022

My Fiction: "The Logic Behind Job Firing For Genius"


When the moment of a genius was fired without a reason, the moment of RICH and POWERFUL just began!  You are going to get huge funding to form a better world!

You might be posted to many small jobs with small pay mainly because you need to know ordinary human beings to become your employees.  Congratulations!  You are going to be a big boss very soon within eight years of suffering.

If you are working on genius business ideas, then, you must get jobs to work with genius, i.e. no longer a small pay job.

"If your business idea is to repair suspension bridges, then, you need all those intense technical skilled workers such as civil engineers, Duke Benjamin Henry Hughes.  You will not be assigned to a transition job as a waitress, waiter, teacher and many other small jobs.

"If you are working on matchmaking using Artificial Intelligence (AI), then, your transition job before you receive funding would be mainly on AI-related jobs, Senior Professor Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin."

"If you are working on a startup mainly on psychology for poor people, then, your transition job must be a school teacher in community schools and colleges, Professor Angela Duckworth."  Only poor people will have psychiatric sicknesses.  I read this from an article; perhaps it was published by Harvard Health Publishing which is backed by Harvard Medical School ( 

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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