Thursday, September 15, 2022

Many Chinese said "树大招风 - It means one who is extremely rich will get a lot of trouble, rumour and sex scandal in Chinese community" while in WESTERN WORLD, there is no such thing! The bigger tree you are, i.e. you are the richest, the more power you are going to have for a better world.

We must punish the Chinese inventor of this proverb, "树大招风" mainly because of his stupidity and not having a chance to know what is the richest in the world.

Kindly go through my Facebook page of TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( to know more about the richest.

You must know that there are many group of people in the world.  If you want fame as the richest, you can create a competition or richest long list to boost yourself as the richest.  For example, Forbes-List-Billionaires, Thomas Edison's Richest Profiling People or Tun Mahathir Mohammad's Richest List. 

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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