Thursday, April 29, 2021

Multimedia University (MMU) Queen

I was Multimedia University (MMU) Princess; I am not the Queen.  Let me introduce Multimedia University (MMU) Queen, Professor Dr. Neo Mai who is still a virgin and single with a former politician father and a few cats as her "children", a total of 6 cats.

Have a look at Professor Dr. Neo Mai's profile,  

Within my network, I know more than 10 people who have a politician father or a former politician father just like me.  My father is an active politician who just won the latest election under MCA or Barisan National in Hilir Perak.  I am not related to Neo Mai, however, when I wanted to take photos with my colleagues, she quickly walked into our photo.  Thus, I have a group photo with her in my Facebook profile.      

I am known as the "Wonder Woman" while Professor Dr. Neo Mai is known as "Super Woman".

I am here to attach Professor Dr. Neo Mai's photo.  Please be sure that Professor Dr. Neo Mai and "Emeritus Professor" Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin are 2 different women who are the Queen and the Princess of Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.  Professor Dr. Neo Mai is a fatty for sure.  Thus, she has attracted many fatty who wanted her madly as their permanent partner not a marriage with her definitely.  I was fat for a few years and now, I am a sexy and slim lady.  I managed to reduce 20KG of fats with Keto Diet within 3 months due to my very discipline attitude which will lead me to a successful career. 

Figure 1: Professor Dr. Neo Mai


Monday, April 26, 2021

The Queen of Eurasia! Let's Find Out More About Eurasia!

You may wonder who are the Queens of Eurasia, just click on the above link to find out more.

Eurasia is the latest continent in the world, comprising all Europe and Asia with over 5 billion population which consist of 70% of worldwide human beings population.   

Let's explore the members of Eurasia,

Friday, April 23, 2021

The Technology of Elon Musk's Brain Chip On Monkey To Play Mobile Games After Instructions Were Sent Is Featured In "Mommy's Son: A Prodigy's Diary" Authored By Me

I have done tremendous of observation and study on brain wave and heartbeat analysis with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify types of Cardiovascular Diseases patients and Mental Health Diseases patients, so that I can understand their thinking contents, linguistic contents, lies, secrets, intellectual levels, food consumption history and time to action records and many others.  Anyway, I am a Ph.D. study dropped out since year 2015.  By studying the brain wave and heartbeat of individuals with diseases, medical science specialists, researchers and doctors can prescribe the early prevention and precaution activities to cure mental health patients.  And, it is proven that by studying the brain wave and heartbeat, the technology of brain chip on animals and human beings is feasible and carrying out now.

With the wound recovery technology, one would hardly tell that his or her brain was cut and opened for the medical science specialists to insert the brain chip on him or her for further communication to cure the thinking disorder or the identification of good or bad people with brain chip.

People or animals with brain chip can listen to the instructions to excel a skill or many skills to perform daily activities to replace the factory workers, supermarket workers or restaurant workers. 

The brain chip technology will use a turbine installed at the arteries or capillaries of the brain to generate power or electricity to support the communication of brain chip and the Satellite communication by transmitting the instruction and the reaction of the human beings or animals.  It is a type of latest century security system to ensure people's safety by monitoring all their daily conversation daily and the way how they think.  In order to promote world peace and harmony, all the celebrities and top leaders like President and Prime Minister are having brain chip within their head with GPS function, brain wave and signal transmission function, receptors sensitivity, speech or conversation/ chit-chat contents recording, brain operation activities related records and many others.  Once these leaders are in danger, the operations team will take action immediately through satellite communication transmission just like you are chatting on WhatsApp with other people through WiFi or Mobile Data Plan. 

This is a world with humanity and security using technology because all human beings need not to move to Mars and they love the earth, i.e. our planet very much.  The future leaders with humanity can be identified when the pregnant ladies undergo the ultrasound scanning once the fetus is formed through the fetus' brain wave and heartbeat analysis in his or her mother's womb featured together with the ultrasound scanning technology.  Kind-hearted babies can be scanned and detected.  Babies with very high potentials to commit crimes can be scanned and detected.  Jobs allocation planning worldwide in this humane world will be automatically allocated to those who are naturally good after the formation of a zygote from a sperm and an ovum.  Those who are not perfect are automatically being categorized and intensive training will be provided to train them to be very hardworking workers or executors for world peace and a better world as a result of this is a world with humanity.   
Buy my book, "Mommy's Son: A Prodigy's Diary".  Thank you!

Since there is an existing search engine, Yahoo, why is Google appearing as the replacement of Yahoo! since we have learned that we must respect Intellectual Property (IP)?

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997.  Their mission in Google was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."  According to Larry Page's video in Youtube, he said that they did not plan to build a search engine at very beginning; their passion in research and development (R&D) towards their mission on Google lead them the Google search engine today with Intellectual Property (IP) creation and ownership, i.e. more than one patented algorithms which formed a better world i.e. to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful; everyone in every part of the world if the country's government policy allow them to search using Google.

PageRank, a search ranking algorithm for Google which was created by Larry Page and the team.  Page and Brin received Marconi Prize in year 2004.  Thus, we must respect Intellectual Property (IP) creation and ownership especially those with a great and big mission just like my startup, - "To help people to see the world economically" and many other of my startups with Intellectual Property (IP) ownership and creation.

Page and Brin deserve to be the billionaires by forming a better world and to change the world because their initial intention as stated above not that they had seen Yahoo! search engine was doing very well and they wanted to create another search engine to replace Yahoo! by earning a lot of money.  Thus, the passion to solve the worldwide problem must come first and then, wealth will come automatically after you have excelled your passion to form a better world especially applying to the latest century of entrepreneurship.  Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the awards winning role models for all entrepreneurs or all aspiring entrepreneurs because of their passion in research and development at the very initial stage; thus, I suggest all individuals to excel in their research skills using Google, sooner and slowly to get a scholarship to work on a master degree and a Ph.D. if you can afford them, else, being very hardworking executers and workers can be the millionaires too no matter where you are.  My father is an extremely hardworking Malaysian Chinese and he only has a Primary 2 education background, yet, he can speak Chinese and Malay fluently and he is a millionaire in Malaysia now.  His younger days were insurance agent or financial planner as well as a very enthusiastic and proud Amway distributor by selling Amway shampoo door to door when I was 1 year old.  Sooner, he accumulated wealth to buy farming lands and he become self-employed, i.e. a farmer.  My mother is a farmer too.  They managed to grow 6 successful children and I am the eldest in the family.  

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Creativity and innovation are about FINDING UNEXPECTED SOLUTIONS to obvious problems, or finding obvious solutions to unexpected problems.

"Creativity and innovation are about FINDING UNEXPECTED SOLUTIONS to obvious problems, or finding obvious solutions to unexpected problems." ~ Rei Inamoto

I want to add on that sustainable Intelectual Property (IP) rights with high commercialization values are the creativity and innovation to solve obvious problems, not that you are taking the initiatives to change the existing Intellectual Property (IP) here and there or to modify here and there to create another Intellectual Property (IP) because other people like me have Intellectual Property (IP) ownership and you want to have Intellectual Property (IP) ownership too.  The fact, the concern or the motive of creating or inventing Intellectual Property (IP) is to form the solutions of problems for a better world and to change the world not creating or inventing Intellectual Property (IP) to be the rivals of the existing Intellectual Property (IP) owners.  

All the people from developed and developing countries RESPECT Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property (IP) ownership/ rights.  Let me be the advocate in RESPECT Intellectual Property (IP) education and awareness.     

The People Whose Responsibilities Are Contributing To A Durable and A United Nation Are Recognized As Dun Such As Dun Hui-Shin Wong

An introduction of Dun!  Watch up and buy my book, "Mommy's Son: A Prodigy's Diary"!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Global Warming Related Research Works, Activities and Solution Which Featured In "Mommy's Son: A Prodigy's Diary" Authored By Hui-Shin Wong

"Through "osmosis" and slow reaction of Carbon Dioxide and sea water, it will produce carbonic acid.  The reaction of the Carbon Dioxide, sea water and lime/ lemon water, it results the formation of an insoluble Calcium Carbonate precipitate, i.e. the main ingredient of the high calcium supplements for human beings and animals.  Heat or sunglight or external energy is a must to boost this type of chemical reaction as well as the knowledge of Material Science which closely related with the knowledge of osmosis among cells includes the cell wall density and mutation which is applying to the reaction or interaction among molecules and food fermentation energy production.  In short, the solution of Global Warming would be converting the extra heats or Carbon Dioxide now on earth which will melt all the icebergs in artic and antartica to a type of building material, carbonic acid and Calcium Carbonate supplements for human beings and animals to strenthen their bone density."

"Mommy's Son: A Prodigy's Diary"

Book Author: Hui-Shin Wong

Genre: Fiction and Education/ Children's Book

The Foundation of Humanity-Driven Entrepreneurs and Humane Entrepreneurship

"The humane entrepreneurship will not limit people's passion and talents, however, these humanity-driven entrepreneurs must fully leverage people's passion and talents with technology to expand the potential of humane entrepreneurship for a better world." ~ Ms. Wong Hui Shin or Hui-Shin Wong or Shyan H. Wong

An Example of Passionate Hobby

"Washington Roebling's most passionate hobby was collecting rocks and minerals.  His collection of over 16,000 specimens was donated by his son, John A. Roebling II, to the Smithsonian Institution and became an important part of its mineral and gem collection." ~ Wikipedia

Looking for happy and passionate ladies!

Happy is nothing related to how much you are earning.  When you like and passionate to work on something daily, maybe your job or your hobby, you must be a happy person.  When you have a big dream and you are working very hard towards it with full of enthusiasm and passion about it with slightly small progress daily or from time to time, you are a happy person. 

TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( is looking for happy and passionate ladies to join our membership (Ordinary Membership, VIP Membership or VVIP Membership) because I have a huge collection of VIP members and VVIP members are looking for this type of women.

Of course, those women who are sad, nervous, unhappy and fail are wanted too.  You are invited to join the Ordinary Membership.  For your information, failures deserve international awards too.  I have read about a few international awards for failures.  Let me match you with your Mr. Right who can groom you a happy, confident, happy and successful individual through quality relationships for marriage eventually hopefully.  If you are the failures since the day one until 30 years later of hard work or until now, you deserve the international awards for failures due to your very hardworking attitude and positive energy for the contribution of a better community, nation or/ and the world.  Don't give up!  Keep flighting towards your dream!  Smile, OK?  Register now, TrainCan At Amore Paradise (                

I am a seasonal academician who has a role to mentor my students who have very strong basic knowledge to excel their research and education skill for Intellectual Property (IP) creation or ownership. I am not an answering machine for all your queries in all your basic knowledge; students, you must know how to do research and find out the answers yourself.

Besides entrepreneurship and research, I am also a seasonal academician in technology subjects for many students in different universities in Malaysia, United States of America, China and United Kingdom.  I taught students who were studying at one of the University of California in Los Angeles, California, United States of America not long ago and many more.  

Correction: It is University State California not University of California.         

My role as a seasonal academician is to mentor my students who must have very strong basic knowledge to excel their research and education skills for Intellectual Property (IP) creation or ownership.  I am not an answering machine for all your queries in all your basic knowledge; students, you must know how to do research and find out the answers yourselves.

I am not an assignment answering machine.  You must be good enough in all your basic domain knowledge so that you can grab all the knowledge during the lectures and be the students with smart questions and not asking the very basic questions to delay the lecture finishing time because you do not prepare yourself by going through all the lecture notes, vocabulary and jargons before each and every lecture.  

I suggest that all my students will buy the textbooks for each and every subject and read all the chapters from the books before a lecture begin.  I am here to lead you to Intellectual Property (IP) creation not an assignment question answering machine.  Please respect me and please respect yourselves as the latest century undergraduate students with a lot of access to Google search engine, textbooks and other universities' lecture notes.  Be prepare and listen well by excelling all the basic domain knowledge for the research activities which can change the world under my supervision not treating me as an assignment answering machine.  

Watch up and buy my book, "How To Ask Question?"  In this book, you will know a long list of questions for yourself before a class, a tutorial or a lecture and the answers you must have during the lectures, examination, assignment answering period and project planning, implementation and execution period.  

Bad question would be after the class or lecture, you set an appointment with me and you asked me to explain the Cardiovascular System to you while I had explained and lectured in the class to many students including you at my highest professional mode.  Your situation could be your level of understanding of each and every jargon of the Cardiovascular System was poor and it led to your confusion and mixture of learning mode until you can't grasp the whole system flow clearly during the lecture or the class.  Thus, I reserve my right to answer this bad question due to your preparation to attend my lecture is not good enough.
Thank you!     

What I have been practicing in order for me to have so many ideas and business strategy to change the world and to form a better world through education, research and entrepreneurship?

I am a very active and friendly lady with full of curiosity by asking a lot of questions since I was a child until now.  I want to know everything and anything in the world, thus, I learn whatever skills which I think they are in my priority list and I read as much as I can.  Whenever I ask a question, I will make sure that I do enough research to understand the background and the basic theories of the domain knowledge of my question, so that I can find out the answer of my question myself instead of asking the speaker or the teacher.  By doing so, I have developed self-solving problem skills and research skills instead of depending or waiting for others to solve my problem or to give the answer to me.

I also have many suggestions to improve poor design, poor food presentation, poor cooking style which applied to food and many others yet, I try my very best to learn from the top of the top and the best of the best by doing the background study and the basic theories of a domain knowledge whenever I join a class, a tutorial or a lecture.

By talking to all level of social status people with very friendly and polite mode, I am concerning about their daily life, their happy moments, their sad moments, their dreams, their children, their spouse, their jobs, their challenges in their jobs, their passion and many things which I am curious to know whenever I have chances to travel around locally or internationally.  I want to know how can I help them to pursue a better life by asking many questions with my level of curiosity and kind heart.

Through my traveling trips around the world within 365 days in 10 years, I met enough people, I learned enough skills, I have accumulating many domain knowledge to groom myself a better self and an international citizen by having enough credential to pick up the role to change the world and to form a better world for many people or all people.  You may buy my book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen" in all major book stores worldwide, Google Play Books and to know more about my journey to develop and many others.

If you can afford it, keep traveling when you have a gap year, else, enroll and subscribe to to let to lead you to all your Dream Holiday Destinations for free, with the best price or with the lowest fees.

What are you waiting for? is waiting for you.


If money is not a problem, what do you want to do for a better world? How much do you want in total? Can I have the proposal?

I had the questions above many years ago when I pitched to many investors.  They said if ROI (Return Of Investment) is not the key factor of a successful project, what do you have instantly in your mind to attract our attention to give you money to run your project?

Tips of the day for you to be more attractive and be the rose of the torns instantly in front of the "Rich and Powerful" people if you were asked one day.  Be prepare!

Powered by TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( 

Oxygen Decay On Building and Construction Materials Once The Construction Projects Delay

In order to tight to the building construction schedule, no delay caused by any reasons for sure.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Kwik-Lok is an innovation feature and it is known as an Intellectual Property (IP) of Gardenia bread which started its humble plant 35 years ago in Section 16, Shah Alam

I have been educating all my students and people around me to educate themselves in any research industry in order for them to own at least one Intellectual Property (IP), so that they can grow old with a little wealth and bring the continuous wealth to the next generations with a very prominent and commercialization sustainable Intellectual Property (IP).  If they are not naturally good, they can work on a Master degree or even a Ph.D. to gain the research experience towards the goal that they can create at least one intellectual property which is the long life gold egg goose to give them gold eggs as their wealth forever.  Hope that in your mind that, you are studying a Master degree or a Ph.D. is not because you want to become a lecturer or a professor, however, you are aiming to learn all the basics to create Intellectual Property (IP) in your domain of research interest to form a better world by solving problems.

If you have Intellectual Property (IP), what are they doing in changing the world and also to form a better world?

Gardenia is doing a great job by having Kwik-Lok, i.e. a function or method to keep the bread sealed and also displayed the price of each loaf and expiry date.  Tetra Pak is doing a great job in packaging.  Thus, those people who have created Kwik-Lok and Tetra Pak are having Intellectual Property (IP) ownership which can ensure them to be a little bit wealthy and bring their wealth to their next generations.  

I have my first Intellectual Property (IP) creation and ownership in dentition of a medicine branch through a University of Oxford graduate when I was 15 years old after I took the additional computer programming lessons besides my formal education.  He was the one who spotted me and he is carrying his business and profession using my IP to create wealth for himself and through him, I was an instant millionaire when I was 15 years old.  Today, I am 41 years old.  I am Wong Hui Shin or Hui-Shin Wong or Shyan H. Wong.  

My IP in dentition aligned closely to the formula below which brings smiles and confidence to many individuals with their identity at the highest confidential mode.  The mission of my IP in dentition is to bring beauty and elegance into worldwide citizens' life as what I have stated again the initiate mission of Shyan Quintessa Art and Design Supply (  What is dentition?  The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution documented the following two formulas show the deciduous and usual permanent dentition of all catarrhine primates, including human beings:

Deciduous dentition: 
{\displaystyle (di^{2}-dc^{1}-dm^{2})/(di_{2}-dc_{1}-dm_{2})\times 2=20.}

Permanent dentition: 
{\displaystyle (I^{2}-C^{1}-P^{2}-M^{3})/(I_{2}-C_{1}-P_{2}-M_{3})\times 2=32.}

In order to stand out in the international crowd just like me, you must study really hard now in order for you to score all 100% and all A's as well as being active in all your co-curriculum activities so that you can have enough knowledge to create Intellectual Property (IP), i.e. by having the gold egg goose who can lay gold eggs forever.  If you think that you are not able to create any IP, no worry, you can be the talent distinguishers just like the University of Oxford graduate who had spotted me and helped me to create my first Intellectual Property (IP) in my life and he owned the commercialization rights of my IP by creating his wealth.

In short, just be friendly and polite by talking to many people without discriminating their social status and keep traveling to eye on talents everywhere.  If you read my books especially "Sunshine Little Kitchen", you will notice that you can find a talent in the slum of India.  Keep on your shopping habit and continue reading as much as you can to broaden your horizon to build your elegant self to attract more talents just like many people are doing now because not many people have the ability to have IP ownership if you are, then, what would be the IP's existence to form a better world and the sustainable commercialization strategy.  If you have money, you can file as many patents or intellectual property, however, people must question on the IP's existence to form a better world and a sustainable commercialization strategy.  For my case, I have a University of Oxford graduate to carry the commercialization role of my IP rights when I was 15 years old and my startup, TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( might have Yen Kuok, a Stanford University master degree or Ph.D. graduate to help in the commercialization of my IP in TrainCan At Amore Paradise worldwide.  Thus, people who can identify talents and support talents by taking over the commercialization roles of their IP ownership deserve to be a little bit wealthy forever too.

Since I have Intellectual Property (IP), it is either my family is extremely rich else, I can't afford to have all kind of reading materials when I was a child and my ability to own more than one Intellectual Property (IP) now if all my IPs are not commercializable or profitable.  Filling patents need money.

Let's learn how to file patents and create Intellectual Property (IP) and be the talents distinguishers and not trying your best to be the shame of the nation by copying others mainly for money not with the intention to form a better world and change the world without respecting Intellectual Property (IP)!

Malaysia and many places of the world are places to grow talents.  If you think that you are a talent and you are not able to extend your talents, thus, you can talk to me directly with all your resume, passport copy or Identification Card copy as well as your proposal to change the world or your proposal to form a better world.  If you don't have the proposal, you can identify your research problem or the social problems which are arising now in Malaysia or the world.  Researchers like me and many others love research questions because once we can solve the problems, we can gain a little bit wealth and also, we will have great satisfaction and proud about ourselves.

Since I have an Intellectual Property (IP) when I was 15 years old, thus, I wish that I can match to one man who also has an Intellectual Property (IP) when he was 15 years old or younger because according to research those who have Intellectual Property at very young age just like me are having a very wealthy family and rich historical family background because they have the access to all kind of reading materials and all these are additional expenses and reading is luxury those days.  Now, with Kindle Unlimited, everyone with a mobile phone, laptop, computer or Kindle devices in the world is able to enjoy reading materials for free. 

My books are featured in Kindle Unlimited, you can read them for free if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited.  Thank you!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Dr. Chuah Hean Teik's Admirers

Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Dr. Chuah Hean Teik is also known as Prof. Chuah or Tan Sri,

When Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Dr. Chuah Hean Teik met me at very first time, he chased after me because he spotted me at the first sight and loved me at the first sight.  I was stunted and I ran away just like Fave Founder and CEO, Joel Neoh met me at very first time when we were in Hong Kong and he fell in love with me at first sight and ran after me, also, Professor Dr. Dato' Victor Wee who ran after me and chased me by loving me at the first sight many years ago.  Anyway, thank you for being my admirers and loved me at first sight and I know that LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT is extremely powerful if these happen mutually.  If I choose to marry Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Dr. Chuah Hean Teik or Prof. Chuah, I would be a Puan Sri now and no longer a Datin.    

Anyway, I love Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong at the first sight more than 10 years ago.

Let's talk about Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Ir. Dr. Chuah Hean Teik's admirers.  This long list of women told me when they met me face-to-face because they know that I am not Prof. Chuah's admirer.  I hope that Professor Ir. Dr. Lee Sze Wei or Professor Ir. Dr. Ewe Hong Tat or Prof. Chuah's networks can tell Prof. Chuah to choose one for his long list of admirers.  I have short-listed 3 below through my startup,  If you have secret admirers, tell me and I can link you to them.   

3) Associate Professor Tan Ah Hui,

These women told me many years ago and I hope that they are still single and Prof. Chuah is still single too.   
Let me tell you Joel Neoh and Professor Dato' Victor Wee's admirers if I have more time.  These women came to me and told me that they loved these two men at the first sight, OK?

This is my Wiki page,  I am an advertisement platform cum celebrity for everything new either fashion, technology equipment, mobile apps, games, videos, software and many others.

I am still a virgin at the age of 41 years old now!

Many people might want to know who is my Mr. Right or my husband because a successful man has a very supportive woman just like me.  For your information, I am still a virgin.  More than 10 years ago, I wanted to marry Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong.  Hence, GOD shape me as his ideal wife.  Due to many people thought that I am no longer a virgin since many years ago, the followers of GOD matched me to the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezof, founder and former CEO cum a divorcee.

I wish GOD's followers know that I am a virgin now and match the right one for me to be my husband.  I want an official marriage not a partnership in any relationship.  I hope he is Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong, a year elder than me, an undergraduate and a postgraduate of Oriel College, University of Oxford, a Malaysian, an investor and he is Genting Highlands founder cum a billionaire, Tan Sri Dr. Lim Goh Tong's grandson.  I am 41 years old now.    

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Right Ohm, Power or Energy When You Are 100% Confirmed And Decided To Marry A Man or A Woman To Grow Old With Him or Her With Children

This is a very important knowledge domain for a life decision to marry a man or a woman because marriage means you want to grow old with him or her for life with love, care and be healthy.

When you have the right ohm, power or energy to know one, to do somethings which are very related to him or her, to flavor him or her, to assist him or her for a successful, happy and healthy life in terms of career, education, mental or emotional health, social health and physical health, this is what we call eternal or long-lasting LOVE.

You might hear about puppy love, i.e. the LOVE and EMOTIONAL which you have with your girlfriend or boyfriend just like by having a pet or many pets.

Leaders with thinking and logic are very sharp, they are able to determine LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, then, their right ohm, power or energy to 100% confirm and decide to marry one after he or she manage to mold their right and ideal Mr. Right and Ms. Left as their official husband and wife with tremendous afford if they spotted you because they want to grow old with you with children.

Are you falling in love?  If yes, is it puppy love?  If yes, is it conditional love?  If yes, is it forever and eternal love?

The world is not interested in any puppy love and conditional love; thus, no need to tell your love stories like puppy and conditional again and again because it showed that you are not a sharp, thinking and logic leader.  The world is interested to know about your eternal or long-lasting love.  How about you write a book about your love story to grab a chance to be a self-made billion-dollar book author?  If you want to know more on how to do the book publication, kindly finish your manuscript first, them, you may contact me or Author House, or Kindle Direct Publishing.

Good luck!

Your LOVE expression through Text Messages, SMS and Email which are not costly or free might not mean anything if you are sending them with casual mode and without any feelings or emotional attachment; you will feel very or extremely happy when your love one give you a heart shape or a rose through Text Messages, SMS and Email.  Can you tell the sender or the receiver of your LOVE expression through Text Messages, SMS and Email is sincere to express his or her love or mainly just a courtesy or casual mode by sending out "I LOVE YOU" to more than 10 people, thus, you must ask him or her face to face when you meet him or her to further confirm his or her love expression to you.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

How many gifts have you received from your girlfriend, your love or your wife? Does she like you? Or, only your one directional love?

"If she doesn't spend money on you, she doesn't like you.  Women have money."

I believe there are many types of leaders and how much a leader is earning must be directly reflecting to his or her pay or income? Billionaires and Trillionaires are proven leaders with Thinking and LOGIC with the ability to solve new problems just like GLOBAL WARMING.

Are you a leader?  How much are you earning now?  If you feel that you are underpaid, let's have a chat.  You may email or call me directly.  This is a consultation service by "Fair? Why?", a unit of Dr. Wong Foundation ( initiated and founded by me, Hui-Shin Wong.  

A leader can change people's life and these leaders deserve forever wealth generation by generation.  What have you done to impact the community and to help the community for a better life.  Let's discuss further.  If you are just a follower and you are a leader at the same time, keep up your good job to pass messages to your followers for a better world and a humane world with continuous afford towards PERFECTIONISM.

Do you have the thinking skill, the logic skill and the passion to develop a better world and a humane world with new ideas in entrepreneurship just like me which can change the trend of the worldwide economy?  If yes, let's talk, we will welcome you to join the billionaires and trillionaires community.  I was a member ever since I published my book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen" in year 2012 and I was invited to sit on a Gulfstream private jet when I attended a conference with Linda Latham Scholarship 2012 at Monterey Bay, California, USA.    

Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz shouted "STUPID" live or through media to review "A New Dawn of Malaysia" Especially The Formation of Universities

Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TARUC), are you stupid as what Rafidah had discussed in the public by not able to identify good or bad teaching talents to join you for excellent education?

"I Am A Breast Cancer Survival", Said MDEC CEO.

Surina Shukri is the current CEO of MDEC.  Let's see her calibre and capability after the breast cancer flight with success,

Forever Wealth or Sustainable Business Development From Generation To Generation, i.e. 100 Generations of Rich and Powerful Status

Click the above to find out more how to experience Forever Wealth or Sustainable Business Development From Generation To Generation and at the same time, you must respect King and Queen or the leaders of the communities in order to pursue forever wealth and sustainable business development.

The Rule of Thumb For Employment In All Successful-Oriented Employers Is To Employ Best Quality Employees Not To Employ Poor Employees As The Choice With The Reason of Helping The Poor By Ignoring Or Rejecting Rich and Quality Employees' Service or Employment

I just received a Whatsapp message from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TARUC).  According to the coordinator, he or she said that the TARUC TOP MANAGEMENT chose to hire a full-time staff to take over my part-time lecturer role in TARUC starting in May 2021.  I would think that I am a perfect lecturer for any courses since I have a very good education background and I have more than 12 years of teaching experience in educating and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students.  The TOP MANAGEMENT whom I am referring to in this context definitely not Professor Dr. Lee Sze Wei because he was my classmate many years ago and he know me.  

The Rule of Thumb For Employment In All Successful-Oriented Employers Is To Employ Best Quality Employees Not To Employ Poor Employees As The Choice With The Reason of Helping The Poor By Ignoring Or Rejecting Rich, Honest, Hard-working, High Ability and Willingness To Teach, Outspoken and Quality Employees' Service or Employment.  We must employ quality employees no matter what is their social status; poor, rich or bankrupt.  Bankrupt individuals deserve employment too if they are able to contribute quality works.  Discrimination the Rich, Powerful and Quality individuals here in employment by stopping all his or her employment opportunities; this is a crime for sure.  What do you think?

Friday, April 16, 2021

Good Planning and Punctuality are extremely important!

A millionaire can broad on a private jet service too.  I have shared with you that there are more than 3000 billionaires in the world now.  Thus, the air traffic nowadays in all major airports is extremely heavy due to there are many private jets are flying to all destinations of the world.  According to my research finding, there are 46.8 million or 46,800,000 million people worldwide are millionaires in year 2019.  In year 2021, there are more than 1000 newly recognized billionaires and of course, their followers deserve to be millionaires.  Hence, when you are flying on a private jet or using the private jet services, kindly practice good planning and punctuality because all the major airports are very busy and they are not able to afford any flight departure delay or rescheduling to a very short period of time just like you want to delay your flight today at 3.00 p.m. to tomorrow 3.00 p.m..  There are 40% of the total millionaires worldwide are staying in United States of America.  You are smart enough to find out where would be the best place for you to look for your rich husband or rich wife.  Match-Making Consultation is available at  If you want to go to USA, you can apply for a Green Card or buy a Green Card lottery which you can get them from Google or any other search engine.  Green Card is the entry and residence permit for all people worldwide to stay, work or do business in the United States of America (USA).  Once you win the Green Card lottery, you can get a Green Card and legally stay and work in USA.  There was a family who was late for the private jet departure at a Dream Holiday Destination during the peak season, i.e. a summer.  Ended up, they only managed to broad on their private jet only 3 months after that with a total of more than USD 50 million total losses due to the private jet must pay the parking fees at the airport for 3 months.  Thus, good planning and punctuality are extremely important.  The total net worth of all millionaires in the world in year 2019 is USD 158,261 trillion (158,261 trillionaires or 158,261,000 billionaires if the millionaires grouped themselves together); in short, please don't bully millionaires because their power might be much powerful than a billionaire or a trillionaire like me when they group or unite together to make things happened.  The keywords would be stay friendly, be polite, be kind and start to practice your networking skills because you might be ended up be the "king" or the leader of a group of millionaires who can make a difference for the world.   
"According to estimates, in the middle of 2019 there were 46.8 million people worldwide whose assets exceeded one million USD, of which nearly 40% lived in the United States. The total net worth of all millionaires stood at US$158,261 trillion."

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Nutrition Facts of Beef, Salmon, Oyster, Tuna, Squid, Prawn, Pasta, Cheese, Lemon, Pineapple, Watermelon, Mushroom, Broccoli and Kale

Below are my favourite food and fruits locally and internationally with their respective nutrients.  I eat a variety food and fruits besides my favourite food below.  You can get all these in any major supermarket and signature restaurants in Malaysia.  For sure, you can get them in Isetan, KLCC and Cold Storage, KLCC.  I have seen this food in Village Grocer, Subang Parade and Jaya Grocer, Damen Mall.  Of course, you can get all these in Giant and Tesco in Malaysia.


  • Calories: 217.
  • Water: 61%
  • Protein: 26.1 grams.
  • Carbs: 0 grams.
  • Sugar: 0 grams.
  • Fiber: 0 grams.
  • Fat: 11.8 grams.
  • Mineral: Zinc and Iron
  • Various Vitamins


  • 175 calories.
  • 10.5 g of fat.
  • 0 g of carbohydrate.
  • 18.79 g of protein.
  • High volume of Omega 3 and Fatty Acid
  • Mineral like Calcium 


  • Calories: 68.
  • Protein: 7 grams.
  • Fat: 3 grams.
  • Vitamin D: 80% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): 7% of the RDI.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 7% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B12: 324% of the RDI.
  • Iron: 37% of the RDI.

Tuna (Fresh Tuna or Pizza with Tuna from Pizza Hut or Domino's Pizza): 

  • Calories: 191
  • Fat (Omega 3 Fatty Acid): 1.4g
  • Sodium: 83mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Protein: 42g


A 3-ounce serving of uncooked squid contains around 198 milligrams of cholesterol (good cholesterol for brain) and 13.2 grams of protein along with 0.3 grams of total saturated fat. It also contains healthy fats: 0.09 grams of monounsaturated fat, and 0.4 grams of polyunsaturated fat.


In fact, 100 grams of prawns contains about 25 grams of protein, approximately the same as a similar amount of chicken or beef. Prawns are extremely low in calories. The same 100 grams of prawns contains only about 115 calories. Chicken contains about twice as much and beef three times as much. 

Pasta (Spaghetti and many others):

  • Calories: 221
  • Fat: 1.3 g
  • Sodium: 1 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 43.2 g
  • Fiber: 2.5 g
  • Sugars: 0.8 g
  • Protein: 8.1 g
  • Mineral: Iron and Magnesium
  • Vitamin E 


Cheese is a great source of calcium, fat, and protein. It also contains high amounts of vitamins A and B-12, along with zincphosphorus, and riboflavin. Cheese made from the milk of 100 percent grass-fed animals is the highest in nutrients and also contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K-2.

Lemon or Limau Citrus in Malaysia: 

  • Calories: 29.
  • Water: 89%
  • Protein: 1.1 grams.
  • Carbs: 9.3 grams.
  • Sugar: 2.5 grams.
  • Fiber: 2.8 grams.
  • Fat: 0.3 grams.


  • Calories: 82.5.
  • Fat: 1.7 grams.
  • Protein: 1 gram.
  • Carbs: 21.6 grams.
  • Fiber: 2.3 grams.
  • Vitamin C: 131% of the RDI.
  • Manganese: 76% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B6: 9% of the RDI.


  • Calories: 30.
  • Water: 91%
  • Protein: 0.6 grams.
  • Carbs: 7.6 grams.
  • Sugar: 6.2 grams.
  • Fiber: 0.4 grams.
  • Fat: 0.2 grams.

Mushroom (Enoki Mushroom and etc.):

  • Calories: 15
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Sodium: 4mg
  • Carbohydrates: 2.3g
  • Fiber: 0.7g
  • Sugars: 1.4g
  • Protein: 2.2g

Thiamin 6%
Riboflavin 5%
Vitamin B6 5%Niacin 23%
Magnesium 4%Phosphorus 11%
Zinc 4%Copper 5%


  • Calories: 31.
  • Water: 89%
  • Protein: 2.5 grams.
  • Carbs: 6 grams.
  • Sugar: 1.5 grams.
  • Fiber: 2.4 grams.
  • Fat: 0.4 grams.


  • Vitamin A: 206% of the DV (from beta-carotene)
  • Vitamin K: 684% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 134% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 9% of the DV
  • Manganese: 26% of the DV
  • Calcium: 9% of the DV
  • Copper: 10% of the DV
  • Potassium: 9% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 6% of the DV
  • It also contains 3% or more of the DV for vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorus

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Malaysia is a food heaven by presenting local and imported food with extremely high nutrients and extremely good price!

The selling price of any type of food like squid, beef, chicken, salmon and many others are measuring and justifiable by the total amount of nutrients you can provide from your food or cooked food.

Thus, you may find them well charged or fair charged for most of the food in Malaysia.  Of course, some food selling or business might not have gone through the nutrients measuring and justifiable stage to determine the quality of food and the fair price of the food.  Thus, there is room for improvement to present the best food in Malaysia.

Malaysia is food heaven because the imported food here in Malaysia is much cheaper than what I can get in Singapore restaurants.  Hence, try your best to dine in different western or eastern restaurants in Malaysia because they are very affordable especially when you have a restaurant booking app, EATIGO.  Enjoy 50% discount for restaurant dine-in through EATIGO restaurant booking mobile app.

Red Meat Especially Good Quality Beef, Big Fat Deep Water Salmon Belly and Variety Seafood Locally and Internationally Like Kelantan Squids Groomed Me As A Very Durable Person

I was a very traditional Chinese Malaysian who has been practicing no beef and vegetarian diet since I was born until I had chances to go abroad in year 2001 and experienced different food.  Red Meat Especially Good Quality Beef, Big Fat Deep Water Salmon Belly and Variety Seafood Locally and Internationally Like Kelantan/ Terengganu Squids Groomed Me As A Very Durable Person.

Now, quality food farming is everywhere in Malaysia and Malaysia has a very good relationship with other countries by importing their food which I have mentioned above.

Thank you, Malaysia to ensure me to perform durably by having good food supply in Malaysia just like what I had experienced overseas.  I found that I became smarter and more intelligent after I had more variety of food besides no beef and Vegetarian Diet just like many Chinese in mainland China. 

I suggest that worldwide citizens can have variety of food just like what I have jotted down in my first book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen: The Worldwide Traveling Logs in 365 Days".

As a high flyer and successful Malaysian Chinese also the role model for many Chinese around the world especially mainland Chinese in China, I suggest that Chinese eat quality beef, Salmon, seafood, pasta and walk far away from your Chinese religious belief to avoid beef consumption and only the vegetarian diet to support durability human development and be a durable Chinese and a worldwide recognized citizen.  

The western world is so successful ever since 5000 BC and as the Easterners are slowly picking up and I suggest Easterners have more variety of food by importing their food and consume them for a better and successful eastern world to be more durable in learning and any activities you are carrying out especially Chinese from mainland China.


100-Day Grass-Fed Beef Steak, 100-Day Grain-Fed Beef Steak, 100-Day Vegetables/ Organic Vegetables Fed Beef Steak or 100-Day Kimchi-Fed Beef Steak

100-Day Grass-Fed Beef Steak, 100-Day Grain-Fed Beef Steak, 100-Day Vegetables/ Organic Vegetables Fed Beef Steak or 100-Day Kimchi-Fed Beef Steak could be ready on your table in the United Kingdom and Europe for not less than USD 300 per portion with 2 side dishes and additional cost for red wine pairing. 

Only Those Who Are Stupid, Not Able To Respect Women, Not Able to Be Taught With Poor and Powerless Family Background and A Liar that Their Family Are Very Rich Will Adopt Sex Before Married According to My Research Findings

Through my experiences to mix with all those "Rich and Powerful" people who are having great track records in their family history and their contribution to the ancient and modern worldwide economy will have sex after married because they know what is respect to the women they love, they know planning and protocols by stated the wedding day with the planned wedding ceremony and sending money, food, gifts like gold jewelry to the women's family members or parents by asking for their permission.  These "Rich and Powerful" men will treat their women as their Queen or Princess.  

Through my experience, Only Those Who Are Stupid, Not Able To Respect Women because they treat women as slave, Not Able to Be Taught With Poor and Powerless Family Background and A Liar that Their Family Are Very Rich Will Adopt Sex Before Married Because They Only Wanted to Cheat Women and Get Free Sex.  

Thus, no sex before married would be the best strategy for all women to attract "Rich and Powerful" men because they will treat you like a Queen and a Princess when they love you and admire you.  

Of course, men might not be able to control lust and seductive cum sexy or naked women who are offering sex to them.  Thus, they had sex before married mainly because the women wanted and initiated sex activities first.  Through my research findings, those "Rich and Powerful" men who had sex before married with seductive cum sexy women and marry them those women eventually only 0.000000000001%, such as Prince Henry from United Kingdom and Meghan Markle, a South African Cum American from the United States of America.      

I don't know Prince Henry, i.e. Meghan Markle's husband from the United Kingdom face to face.

Those elegant and wise women like me will use words and thinking to attract the "Rich and Powerful" men and the evidence has shown that I have attracted those next generations from Ottoman, Persian, Greek, Roman, Nazi, Great China and many others.  Thus, enroll now and let me coach you on how to attract "Rich and Powerful" men in your life by subscribing and register now at  Start now to create an online profile that can represent yourself such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Personal Website, Personal Blog, Company Website, Company Blog, YouTube Profile, Netflix Profile, etc. and let the world to know you more online first, so that you can attract the "Rich and Powerful" men just like me to get into a marriage.  I will guide you step-by-step to let you grow as attractive as I am.   

I am the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid of TrainCan At Amore Paradise.  Talk to you soon. 

Just in case, you are no longer a virgin, a divorced woman or a widow, then, I can match you with their associates/ employees or those "Rich and Powerful" men who are a divorced man or a widow.

For those young girls or all women who are single, you must practice women's priceless dignity by "No Kissing, No Touching, No Physical Contacts and No Sex Before Married" in order for you to marry a "Rich and Powerful" husband.  

Of course, some very attractive women might be sexually harassed or raped by those who are STUPID and POOR because only STUPID and POOR will commit sexual harassment.  Those who are rich and at the same time, they want to fulfill their sexual needs, they will go for prostitution by paying.  Thus, Netherland or Holand is doing a great job because prostitution is legal in Netherland or Holand.  If you are a virgin and you want money, then, you may consider a prostitute position in Netherland because many rich and powerful men want virgin women as their prostitutes and eventually their wife after years of paying the service fees to the same prostitute.

African American multi-billionaire, Oprah Winfrey ( was molested and raped with pregnancy when she was 14 years old in United States of America.  Through my research findings, those women who were molested or sexually harassed by men are extremely attractive and outstanding.  Be mindful that, such attractive and outstanding women will have a very good life with "Rich and Powerful" men for a better world and change the world mainly these women have "Rich and Powerful" husband, thus, don't be a stupid or a moron or an idiot and not able to control your lust by committing sexual harassment or molesting when you meet attractive and outstanding women.  You can be jailed.  

Thus, "No Kissing, No Touching, No Physical Contacts and No Sex Before Married" for all women with priceless dignity.

Start your online profile to attract the "Rich and Powerful "and start dating online now.  If you need my consultation, please feel free to contact me through my business website,

Even though I know many "Rich and powerful" men with great family history and background ever since 5000 BC, I am still in love with Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong because I fall in love with him at the first sight.  Love at the first sight is very powerful.  He is nothing great if I am comparing him with those "Rich and Powerful" men who are my admirers, yet, I wish that my relationship with Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong would be a win win and mutual benefit relationship or marriage if we are ready and fit for a marriage.  Anyway, let me try!  I am falling in love with Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong.  I hope that I would be the woman he love the most in his life.  Hence, I am here at TrainCan At Amore Paradise to look for attractive and outstanding women worldwide especially Malaysian because my admirers, the "Rich and Powerful" want Malaysian as their wife because they find that Malaysian food raise attractive and outstanding women.  If you are not attractive and not outstanding women and at the same time you want "Rich and Powerful" men, I can do the introduction too because some of my clients insist to have fat girls as their wife and some of my clients insist ugly as their wife.  Of course, I know the reasons while I prefer that you can be an ordinary member first at TrainCan At Amore Paradise, then, we can talk face to face.

By marrying the employees/ associates of the "Rich and Powerful" men or women could be very fruitful life.  The CEO of Microsoft is an employee/ associate of Bill Gates and this CEO was earning USD 42.9 million annually.  The offshore Petroleum Engineers are employees/ associates of Shell, BP, Petronas and many others and they are earning RM 50,000 monthly as expatriates in Malaysia.  I have a log list of examples and catch me by subscribing to the newsletter and register now to be a member. 

Women with big dreams are always attractive!  Think big and act now to subscribe and register. 

Thank you!

How Am I Move My Career Ladder From An Employee, i.e. a Software Engineer to an Technology Entrepreneur, i.e. a Multi-Trillionaire?

I have the following points as my values of life in order for me to become an extremely successful Technology Entrepreneur, i.e. a Multi-Trillionaire according to economy bodies forecasting, business schools and business magazines.  You can't be a multi-trillionaire if you just want to help a person or a category of people or a group of people to solve problems in your own ways without TECHNOLOGY.

1. CURIOSITY - To find out why people are crying, sad, nervous, fear, complaining and unhappy.  Use your knowledge in TECHNOLOGY to ensure all people will stop crying, sad, nervous, fear, complaining and unhappy.  

2. KIND - To aim at helping all people worldwide.  

3. SHARING IS CARING - Share as much as you can about your invention, innovation or the solution for the problems in Social Media because by going through Social Media, i.e. the TECHNOLOGY just like you are owning an intellectual property by filing patents or writing, you can earn loyalty; I deeply believe this business model one day by collecting cents if you are the initiator of the solution of the problems.  If you are the followers of the people who solve problems and you use his or her methods to solve problems, then, you deserve to be rich too because obedient cum good followers of the successful celebrities and leaders as well as leaders in a group of people or a category of people, yet, definitely not a billionaire or a trillionaire if you are mainly a good follower.  If you want to be rich when you are a follower then, go to CHINA.  I know that McDonald's former workers in China do a business duplication of McDonald's in cheaper version after years of working in China and they become multi-billionaires in China under Hurun Global Rich List 2021.   



6. INVESTORS ACQUISITION - You must ensure more investors can support you because when they are calling themselves investors, their network is very BIG.  You do not need a friend or a family member to become a TRILLIONAIRE in these modern days as long as you pitch to many people and these people become your investors. 

Good luck!

Computer System Intelligence

Ever since Dec 2014, I do not have a permanent job.  I am an entrepreneur yet, I am not able to pay myself monthly.  Thus, I am living a very basic lifestyle and I need a straight beger to buy me a meal in Sentul due to my aspiration on entrepreneurship to form a better world by pitching to investors all around the world using my own money.  I save his handphone number in my handphone so that when I have money, I will pay him back.  Anyway, all my handphone numbers are gone due to snatched thieves.  No cloud computing or cloud on mobile those days in Malaysia.

Since I am not able to pay my own salary and the investors insist that I will only can get portion of the business profits, thus, I am a free labor for Malaysia and many part of the world due to my aims for a bigger portion of the profit, i.e. USD 1 Trillion, i.e. USD 1000 Billion.  I received some money from the government due to they have detected that I am jobless by checking my bank account debit and credit.  In real life, I am a very successful entrepreneur with thinking skills, problem identification skills and the ability to solve problems.  Thus, I would say that the Computer System Intelligence which including Mobile Application, Software and Cloud Computing in all the government and government-linked organization is pretty low or moron because they have indirectly reduced my social status by introducing me to many low-level people who think that they are very smart and in fact, they are not.  They might be having a big position and earning good pay in the companies or organization, yet, their intelligence might be lower than me.  

Thus, many foreigners are coming to invest in Malaysia due to they have spotted the stupidity and the level of intelligence of the people in Malaysia since they only want low-cost labor and obedient employees, so that they can gain more profits and get a firm social status in Malaysia due to their ability to spot problems, provide solutions and evolve to a smarter and more intelligence computer system for Malaysia and the rest of Malaysia's supporters.       

Privacy is the biggest money for system in Malaysia if you can solve the problem that people can't know how much you have in your bank accounts in Malaysia.  

Women's Priceless Treasure is Their Dignity or Worthiness within Many Powerful Empires Such As Roman, Greek, Persian, Ottoman, Nazi, The Great China and Many Others in This World

You can find the meaning of dignity or worthiness here,

In Chinese, dignity or worthiness is 尊严.  

I am dealing with many Forbes List Billionaires and their family mainly with great family background and history perhaps since 5000 years Before Christ or 5000 BC until very recently such as Roman, Greek, Persian, Ottoman, Nazi, The Great China and many others through TrainCan At Amore Paradise (  These people are the next generations of the leaders for many people such as Qin Shi Huang Emperor of The Great China has more than 30 million people during 221 BC, Roman, Greek, Persian, Ottoman, Nazi and many others.

These people come to me mainly because I have stated that my principle of love online, i.e. "No Kissing, No Touching, No Physical Contact and No Sex Before Married".  Thus, they are expecting all Malaysian are acting as such because according to them and their family history, women's priceless treasure is their dignity or worthiness.  Thus, let the men who are the leaders going after the women.  If you are a woman who has priceless dignity or worthiness which worth more than USD 1 billion, please don't call the man to show your interest to him.  Let the man call you if he is interested in you.  Unless you are doing a business or you are working because of your responsibility, then, you have no choice to call the man.  However, you must know well about Market Segmentation.  If your business is meant for people within your network only, for example, you are selling GOLD Jewelry by doing cold calling, yet, you must know that "rich and powerful" people like my VVIP clients as stated above are not keen into GOLD, yet, they are more keen into Gemstone Jewelry such as Emerald, Sapphire, Turquois, Jake, Diamond and many others.  You keep on calling them to sell insurance, property, offering of bank loans, personal loans, request for donation in charity organization and many other products sales pitch mainly because you don't know what is Market Segmentation and it has indicating yourself as innocent and not well taught in business.  Please stop calling them if you can not grab all the knowledge of Market Segmentation in business as well as if you can't think of any business which can benefit them, their family business and their involvement, please do your research first.  Kindly read the text below on my dream relationship and quality time for mutual attraction and happiness.        

I am definitely your fan if you have a big dream to marry a rich and powerful man, yet, you must subscribe to the newsletter of TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( or fill in the online forms to state your will and who you want to marry to and not getting their numbers and keep on calling them without a mutual benefit and win win.  Don't waste their time since they only want to go after you if they are interested in you after they know you well through web such as your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Instagram and your personal website with words, videos and photos.

You are not wrong to fall in love with them, however, "Rich and Powerful" men would want to take the first move to contact the women unless the men told you in their social media such as Instagram that they would like the women to go after them.

Please respect yourself, women, stop calling men without any good reasons with mutual benefit and win win.  Also, I would suggest the best sales strategy by cold calling or calling strangers, be polite and talk like a servant; do not shout at your prospect clients through phone and learn well about Market Segmentation before you call them or call me; win win and mutual benefit would be the keywords.  I keep on receiving calls daily and all these are mostly wasting my time.

Thank you for your attention!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Caring, Loving, Intellectual and Responsible!

At this moment of my life, I would want a husband who is caring, loving, intellectual and responsible.

CARING - He must take care of my feelings and desires because I am a human being.  

LOVING - He must think about me wherever he goes by buying me pieces of souvenirs or presents.  He must understand that I love flowers especially a big bouquet of deep red big roses with a mix with some other small little greens and small little flowers or herbs.

INTELLECTUAL - He must be able to secure at least one patent filing approved from USPTO either join names application or single name application.  Please read this Wikipedia page ( about the action and business strategy of Levi's Jeans Founder, Levi Strauss to find out his relationship on patent filing. 

RESPONSIBLE - I deeply believe a man with full of responsibilities is very attractive and I believe a responsible man can be very successful and become rich.  With my strength and business knowledge learned from Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA, I believe that I can help the one I love with all these 4 criteria to go very far and I agree to marry him.  I hope that he can help me in all my undertakings too.  I want to become a Forbes-List Billionaire and I wish that he is a Forbes-List Billionaire now or in the future.  I am looking for a man who can accept a prospect Forbes-List Billionaire like me and he will give me all his support and care until I achieve my final destination, i.e. a Forbes-List Billionaire compliment and recognition internationally.

Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong has the greatest potential to become a Forbes-List Billionaire.  He must be a very good candidate of my husband by fulfilling all the above 4 criteria.  Looking forward.


I Bought a Pair of Levi's Jeans in Year 2001 and I Wore It When I Traveled Around The World in 365 Days Within 10 Years; Ended Up, The Next Generation of Levi's Jeans Founder's Family Proposed a Marriage To Me in Year 2019

I came across Levi's Jeans in year 2001 when I was doing my industry training with a Japanese company, Fujitsu Malaysia.  I bought one pair of Levi's Jeans and I believed that I have chosen the best design and cutting.  The pair of Levi's Jeans has a serial code with the design code.  I liked them very much.

Since I wore it to travel the world until year 2012 in more than 20 countries and I was automatically becoming the brand ambassador or the Levi's Jeans international live model for slightly more than 10 years because I liked to wear it almost every day and personally, I think it was so beautiful, fit and elegant on me.

The Levi's Jeans family, business partners and related associates my presence in many countries during my traveling trips.  Thus, they have decided to match Levi's Jeans Founder's next generation who is around my age to me for marriage.  Due to I have too many choices of matched men in my life, I did not accept the marriage proposal.  All men and women in the world are allowing to dream and make choices to marry a "Rich and Powerful" wife or husband.  Do some research on who you want to marry and let me know.  Thus, I am here to coach you on how to attract billionaires' attention in your life by words on the Internet, how to do research and choose who you want to marry the most, what type of men or women suit you the best to grow old together with you and having your children and grooming with your physical look with your attires, what are the do's and don't and let me lead you to a quality relationship with "Rich and Powerful" through TrainCan At Amore Paradise (; I am the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid. Subscribe to the newsletter and join now by filling up the online forms on the website.

Anyway, below is a little bit about Levi's Jeans and some of the facts.  In order to know more, you can read more in Wikipedia (  

Levi Strauss and David Stern have decided to do business together.  On May 20, 1873, the two men received U.S Patent 139,121 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office which was an idea of protection to use copper rivets to reinforce the points of strain, such as pocket corners and at the base of the button fly on denim jeans.  And, they have launched and sold their first pair of jeans to a California gold miner.  In 1890's, their company has created its first pair of Levi's 501 Jeans and eventually, they have landed a multi-billion dollar business in retail by selling Levi's Jeans worldwide with 2800 company-operated stores.  In year 2018, they have reported to the public that the company's business revenue is USD 5.575 billion.

Albert Einstein wore Levi's Jeans too.  

In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company experienced a 62% fall in sales and recorded a USD 364 million loss and with immediate action from corporate leadership to cut 700 office jobs in the hopes of saving USD 100 million in expenses.