Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Benjamin Henry Victoria or also known as Ben Henry or Prince Henry of United Kingdom. I just knew that Ben Henry whom I have been communicating for years through TECHNOLOGY is Queen Victoria's next generations.

Ben told me just now that his full name is Benjamin Henry Victoria and HE is a Prince in United Kingdom through TECHNOLOGY.  HE proposed a marriage to me and HE wish that I can marry him.  HE explained that HE has been eyeing on me since year 2003 when I was a student in Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), later, I was in United Kingdom for an Academic Visitor Scholarship with the University of London Royal Holloway, University of Cambridge and Newcastle University from year 2007-2009.  He spotted me when I uploaded the below photo to my FACEBOOK account, BRIGHTANGEL79 in October 2007 at United Kingdom after I attended a convocation ceremony.  It was more than 20 years ago.  I was 28 years old at that time and I am 42 years old now.  HE told me that HE was truly inspired by me to contribute himself in many domains in STEM i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ever since HE love me at FIRST SIGHT.  In year 2012, i.e. 10 years ago, he was thinking I was married to Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong since I loved him at FIRST SIGHT through a YouTube video, yet, he never give-up to marry me since he want a wide-traveled woman with dense career track records by having me in his heart for more about 20 years with Representative Dating (RD) strategy and his introduction of the importance of Research and Development (R&D) in any business to me, my family and associates.  HE worked as much as HE can to walk near to my life through STEM.  HE wanted me madly and HE is now in Malaysia to develop Malaysia from an investor's perspective with his dense involvement in Research and Development (R&D) as an important culture of a developed-country-to-be very soon after HE know that I never marry anyone and I am still single; I make HIS day when he know that I am still a virgin.  HE wish that I can marry HIM and forget about Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong.   

"Hui-Shin, please let me enter your life and let's get married!" said Ben Henry.

"Yes, Ben!  I want to marry you since my age is catching-up and I wish that I still can have many children with you!  I am so impressed that you love me at FIRST SIGHT.  I should forget Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong since he never contact me or show me any sign that he noticed my public love declaration to him since more than 10 years ago through my Facebook and Blog," said Hui-Shin.

Figure 1: Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong at Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG - in year 2007  

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I just received a call with an offer to break my virginity for USD 100 Billion. I rejected it!

I am trying to convince him that he must invest in all my 20 startups not only requesting to break my virginity because my virginity is reserved for Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong if he agreed to marry me NOT Tan Sri Chuah Hean Teik.  For your information, Tan Sri Chuah Hean Teik is single and he wanted to marry me madly.  He is an Emeritus Professor from University Malaya.  If I agreed to marry Tan Sri Chuah, I would be an instant Puan Sri.  I am serious!  We met in year 2005 when I was a lecturer in Multimedia University (MMU) when he was a Dean in the Faculty of Engineering.  17 years of understand and he know bits and pieces about me very well and he know that I never have a boyfriend like he does until now because he loved me at the first sight as I loved Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong at the first sight while Dato' Leong is only into Deborah Henry Priya, a Miss Malaysia with Indian blood.    

Hope that you all whom are so keen to do the matchmaking by giving away my handphone number to many others who are single; hope that you all can take note! 

Check my official personal website,

I am Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin and Shyan H. Wong.

The Car Plate Number "U Dubai 24814" On A Blue Colour Lamborghini

In Cantonese, it means the owner of the car and car plate number is having crazy rich accumulated wealth in a very easy way day after day forever.

14 means FOREVER.

My car plate number is 2224.  I am a Malaysian.  Malaysia's national language is Malay and I received an education which was a mixture of western and eastern.  I am a Chinese and my grandfathers are from Canton (Guang Zhou).  We speak Cantonese at home.

2 means easy in Cantonese.
222 means easy, easy and easy or easyX3.
4 means received, achieved or got it (DAPAT) in Malay language.
2224 in Malay language is Senang, Senang, Senang Dapat! 
2224 means the owner of the car and the car plate number is having a forever easy life with many achievements which are within his/ her capability.

I'm not trained as a nutritionist yet, however, I am getting informal and formal education from my father and school teachers to alert about food and fruits with nutrients as well as Food Supplements from AMWAY! When I was a child, my father is an AMWAY distributor who was very proud about AMWAY products by selling its shampoo door to door.

According to my experience, due to market segmentation, not all food supplements can be bought from a retailer such as a pharmacy or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company such as AMWAY.  Hence, I am getting all those nutrients through food supplements because this is the cheapest way to obtain quality nutrients from all over the world.  I am saying that raw food, cooked food, fruits and processed food are the source of quality nutrients, yet, we must find the cheapest way and alternatives to ensure that we have enough nutrients to be healthy.

This is my experience:

1.  When I am fully fed with quality nutrients with enough exercise, I tend to be highly curious to find out more and take all the initiative to learn with full of concentration and energy.  I can remember all scenes very well even though after 40 years of incidents.  Hence, with everything which I have learned or read, I can grasp all those important points for long-term memory.  Everyday is a happy day without stress because you can learn fast and solve all the problem without any stress with enough quality nutrients.  I can multi-task, listening to news and at the same time doing computer programming.

2.  Due to I am not working full-time for almost 8 years to date mainly because of my entrepreneurial activities, I do not have money to eat enough quality food and fruits with nutrients.  Hence, I am not interested in many things and I am not bordering much on any incidents or activities.  Furthermore, I am not curious at all and I do not have enough energy to ask, learn and memorize.  Not able to focus and concentrate for sure.  My eyesights are weak and I can't see far; it was blurred and confused.  I'm emotional, tend to be angry and stressed with the very small things because I can't solve a simple problem during the malnutrition stage.  Also, irregular periods and menstrual pain when a woman is at the malnutrition stage.  I need to do only one task at one time, can't multi-task without enough quality nutrients.  I need a nutritionist to ensure that I can back to normal in the most budget way.  Hence, I chose to eat food supplements for quality nutrients due to I am at a stage of malnutrition, i.e. lack of quality nutrients.  I trust AMWAY and many other brands for sure as the suppliers of food supplements.

Hence, I would think that AMWAY is doing a great job to educate the public, no matter who you are in quality nutrients; NUTRILITE.  Thank you, AMWAY and many others to ensure that I am well-fed with quality nutrients in a budget way.

Thank you!   

Monday, March 28, 2022

Ever since I was an academician cum entrepreneur on 7th May 2014 who was founded, my life was entering into completely disaster by getting rejection responses for more than 3 times a day from potential investors and I was contemned by sarcasm comments by having bad and lousy business ideas no matter where I was going including pitch sessions in Kuala Lumpur, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and many other places. I was requested to come up new business ideas after each and every pitch session until I am having 20 business ideas with pitches to date with a charity organization of my startup in Tourism Revolution,, Dr. Wong Foundation (

There is nothing wrong with a lecturer or a professor to have a startup or a business at the same time teaching in the university or school because in Silicon Valley, California, USA and many other developed countries are practicing it and it is a norm.  I am very sure, Malaysia must be a supporter of this practice too at the moment.  Why was I fired and asked to leave my job as a lecturer, then?

On 7th December 2014, I was asked to leave my job as a lecturer immediately by the President of Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia without a reason.  In January, 2015, I was asked to leave and drop my Ph.D. study by my supervisor Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan.  I was officially a Ph.D. dropped-out in January 2015.  I am always honest and I told my potential employees about my bad experience, yet, they did not hire me as their permanent staff.  I couldn't get a job and I forced to sell my condominium in Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia to sustain my life, my Ph.D. research even though I am no longer a student because I deeply believe, my research output would be credential to save life for many people and my entrepreneurial journey by traveling around the world to pitch to request for investment funds.  I published a book called "Sunshine Little Kitchen" in year 2012 and it was not sold well.  I republished it with another publisher in year 2015, it was not sold well too.  In year 2021, I published again with Kindle Direct Publishing for the 3rd edition Sunshine Little Kitchen: The World Traveling Logs in 365 Days.  I can't get a permanent job for always 8 years now and I am surviving with the help of my family members because I have spent all my money to travel the world in year 2015 until very recently before COVID-19 Pandemic to pitch to the investors worldwide to request for investment funds to run and request for worldwide attention to invest their money in Malaysia.  I have another two properties, i.e. a studio unit in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia and a luxury studio unit in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia and these properties are vacant with no tenants for many years which forced me to request help from my family because I can't afford all these expenses and bad luck into my life just because I wanted to become an academician, a researcher, a book author, a photographer, an entrepreneur and a philosopher at the same time.  It is never my fault to be ambitious, it is just my capability as a multi-tasking ENTJ woman.

I never think that I will be having 20 startups at the same time, it was because most of the investors told me that my business ideas were lousy and bad one after one pitch session, hence, I have 20 proven successful business ideas which are converting to 20 startups in World Wide Web (WWW) - at the moment of seed funding acquisition.   

I tried my best to get a full-time cum permanent job ever since I lost my job and the recruiters condemned my bad resume writing and my bad conversation skill.  Yet, I was employed as a lecturer for 9 years and 3 months at Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia which is a NARIC recognized and registered first private university in "Silicon Valley", Malaysia.  I felt insulted and they purposely made me down and sad, however, I never give up, yet, I still can't get a full-time job until today with my persistence in my Ph.D. research even though I am a dropped-out, my entrepreneurship and book writing.  To date, I have published 10 English books and I am going to translate them into Chinese (mandarin) and Malay language with the intention to sell my books' film right to film producers.  

I never give-up even though investors said that I have lousy business ideas yet, I am still working closely on all my startups, i.e. a total of 20 of them to date.  I pray to the GOD, so that I can meet a man who is big enough, strong enough and rich enough to support all my endeavors until I met many of them.  Through a matchmaking service, I managed to meet 300++ billionaires and millionaires and they praised me, they supported me, they encouraged me, they admired me for my persistence to work on my Ph.D. research and study even though I am a dropped-out, my entrepreneurial journey and my book writing.  Thank you very much to many of you, it is my pleasure to meet you all.

For your information, I am dating a "billionaire" and we are planning to get married very soon and I have started TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( to help all my potential investors to look for their wife because we want our children to grow-up together and attend the summer camp in International Youth Camp, South Korea, The Peace of Voyage, The Republic of Maldives, Oxford Royale Academy, United Kingdom and YMCA Camp Fitch, United States of America and many others together.  I am so glad that my business ideas are great enough to generate 7 Trillion USD of projected wealth; I am so glad and I never know that I am going to be a "Trillionaire"!  Frankly speaking, never thought of it and I am honoured and looking forward.

My 300++ billionaires and millionaires connection or admirers asked me, "If Malaysian tycoons are not going to help you and fund you, you are not going to be here in Malaysia and you must go to Silicon Valley, California, Portugal, Switzerland and all those countries which welcome you!"

I told the potential investors, "I want to stay in Malaysia because I want VISION 2020 a reality for Malaysia to become a developed country and it was something that made me proud and traveling around the world since year 2001 when I was a student until I finished my self-help research in year 2012 by writing a book called "Sunshine Little Kitchen" with RM 5, slightly more than USD 1 per day as my food expenses allocation to collect money to travel around the world to look for communication and miscommunication related topics as one of my declared research interest in year 2003 when I was a Master student with Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) under a scholarship donated by MOTOROLA, Inc with a recognized master degree by Massachusetts Institute Technology (MIT), USA".

I was exhausted, tired and cried for many time, I did not know what did I do in wrong way, yet, I am 100% confident that I am doing the right job with 20 right business missions for a better world.  After I cried, I cheered myself and I didn't have a lot of money to eat, yet, I drank a lot of water and I ate 4 hard-boiled eggs a day.

Even though my boyfriend is a "billionaire", yet, his cash flow is not as flexible as I think, I know more about Forbes-list-billionaires, ways to do business, Return of Investment (ROI), business direction, market segmentation, charity work and many others.  "Yes, I am ready to become a worldwide leader, i.e. a Forbes-list-trillionaire!"  I know that I am going to have many obstacles in order to reach my final goal, yet, I am fit enough and I never give up.  My life is totally changed when I met the richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos and he said my business idea, is extremely good.  He said, "Well done!"  I am so glad of his praises.  My life is completely changed when I have 300++ admirers who are billionaires and millionaires with all their positive comments and suggestions for me to work for a better Malaysia and a better world.  Hence, I am here to appoint myself to be a coach or a mentor for those people who want to have a change of their life or using my platform to work for a better world through TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( to look for a dream man or dream woman who are like-minded and supportive enough for all your endeavors.  He or she might not be a "billionaire" now, yet, his advice and encouragement worth our attention to listen and taking the action immediately for better causes.  I would call these he and she as the potential "billionaires" or "millionaires".

What are you waiting for?  Register now for a membership to start your journey to change your life!  TrainCan At Amore Paradise is right here waiting for you, let's check the website,    

In short, entrepreneurship is a responsibility, a heavy responsibility by leading a group talent to generate profit if possible to pay as much tax as possible to your government and it is a life long responsibility.  Being a "millionaire", "billionaire" or "trillionaire" is a responsibility, a heavy responsibility for sure and it is a life long heavy responsibility.  Being the wife, husband or family member of a "millionaire", "billionaire" or "trillionaire" is a responsibility, a heavy responsibility for sure and it is a life long heavy responsibility.

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

"My Ph.D. Thesis!" ~Hui-Shin Wong

I was asked to leave by my Ph.D. supervisor, Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan in January 2015 verbally without giving me a reason; hence, I was officially a Ph.D. study dropped-out in year 2015 with Multimedia University (MMU).  Yet, I did not give up.  I contacted many Professors in overseas and I was guided and moving forward to work on my Ph.D. thesis, "BRIDGE THE GAP", even though I am not attached to any university.  I do not have a Ph.D. qualification, yet, I am employed as a Full Professor to supervise undergraduate, Master and Ph.D. students from poor and developing countries with the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, MIT, Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon and Harvard in year 2024 with the agreement of my multi-tasking to run all my 20 startups together with the appointment.  The year 2024 is a new beginning for all of us because it will be the All-Borders Opening to encourage traveling and tourism and it is going to be the official ending of COVID-19; a planning and forecasting by genius and prodigies! 

Check Professor Michael Sandel, Professor Tim Berners Lee (The Father of WWW - World Wide Web, i.e. Internet), Professor Ross Anderson, Professor Roy Maxion, Professor Keith Martin, Professor Eric von Hippel, Professor Charles Fried, Professor Joel David Hamkins, Professor Keith Devlin, Professor Steven Strogatz and many others!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong!   

Let's Talk About Bikini! #Westerners VS Easterners

Between 1900 to 1940, underwear was transformed from Figure 1: "The Westerners' Underwear in Year 1927 (" to Figure 2: "The Westerners' Underwear in Year 2013 (".  Bikini is founded and it means a really tight second layer of skin which is two pieces of clothes which cover the private parts for the purpose of swimming.  

In 1935, Figure 3: "Mexican actress Dolores del Río is considered a pioneer on wearing the two-piece swimsuit later known as the bikini.[1] Here she is posing in a publicity photograph for the film In Caliente (1935) while wearing this type of clothing (", Figure 4: "Actress Jane Wyman in beachwear that bares legs and midriff, 1935 (,1935_(cropped).jpg)" and Figure 5: "Indonesian actress Nurnaningsih with a bikini in year 1955 (,_c._1955.jpg)".  

"In May 1946, Parisian fashion designer Jacques Heim (Paris, France) released a two-piece swimsuit design that he named the Atome ('Atom') and advertised as "the smallest swimsuit in the world".[4] Like swimsuits of the era, it covered the wearer's belly button, and it failed to attract much attention. Clothing designer Louis Réard introduced his new, smaller design in July.[5] He named the swimsuit after the Bikini Atoll, where the first public test of a nuclear bomb had taken place four days before. His skimpy design was risqué, exposing the wearer's navel and much of her buttocks. No runway model would wear it, so he hired a nude dancer from the Casino de Paris named Micheline Bernardini to model it at a review of swimsuit fashions.[6]" ~ Wikipedia

Until now, Bikini was promoted as a household brand for summer beach activities yet, it was banned in many countries.  Even though the percentage of the people who are wearing bikini is a very small amount of people, yet, bikini retail and manufacturing is a multi-million dollar business in USD, "By the early 2000s, bikinis had become a USD 811 million business annually, and boosted spin off services such as bikini waxing and sun tanning".

Check Figure 6: "Which country bikini is not allowed?" as below by clicking on it to magnify it:

"Basically, the content of Figure 6 illustrated "In which country bikini is not allowed?
Legal and moral resistance. The swimsuit was banned in Spain, Portugal and Italy, three countries neighboring France, as well as Belgium and Australia, and it remained prohibited in many US states." ~ Source: History of the bikini - Wikipedia (

Note: Since you are a supporter of bikini and you wish to marry bikini-related millionaires or billionaires with a very high possibility due to the percentage of people who can not accept bikini is an extremely high number with the potential to grow the business if you believe it, persistence enough and you think that yourself is absolutely nothing wrong by wearing a bikini.  Hence, I would suggest that you self-picked yourself to marry a "billionaire", his/ her family member or associate which related to bikini retail and manufacturing.  Kindly fill up the online membership application form from TrainCan At Amore Paradise website, which is founded by me, Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

Let's marry a "billionaire"!  

Note: Those who are heavily built can't get a full-body-covered swimsuit for the summer beach activities.  Hence, they have no choice, but, only choose to wear bikini at the best price!  Those who can't afford to buy a set of full-body-covered swimsuits, they choose to buy a bikini too for the summer beach activities.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Let's talk about Bill Gates' new book: How To Prevent The Next Pandemic!

Click this URL to find out more,!

The genius like Bill Gates and team are very capable to predict that the duration of the complete cure of this COVID-19 would be the end of December 2023 with their study of the history of worldwide diseases and viruses through years of research and detailed study by providing cure and prevention generations by generations.

Through their prediction, another pandemic will be raising right during the COVID-19 recovery period due to human beings' carelessness for not wearing a mask and not washing their hands more often, not practicing social distancing and not practicing self-quarantine after their home test is positive with fully vaccinated plus boosters on their body.  People must be understood that there is risk to be infected as COVID-19 fully vaccinated people because in this world, there is no 100% of cure and prevention are created without side effects; all genius in the world would want to apologize on this matter even though we are the best of the best!  

Click this URL, to buy his book!

I'm wearing many hats at the same time.  I am also the Chief Cupid, Founder and CEO of TrainCan At Amore Paradise,, your matchmaking agent to educate you step-by-step to marry a billionaire, his/ her family or associate.

Buy my books at

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

A Message To Yeoh Mei Yin, Cheryl Yeoh or Cheryl Sew Hoy! #Overseas Graduate VS Local Graduate; #Westerners VS Easterners; #2% of Worldwide Population Are Applying Pre-Marital Sex



Figure 1: Click on the photo to magnify this photo!  Cheryl Yeoh, Yeoh Mei Yin or Cheryl Sew Hoy (, Founding CEO of MaGic (Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre) and her baby (This photo was not the one which I have seen on her Instagram much earlier, yet, this photo and the previous photo which I have seen are not HALAL!  Is she indicating that she has a big breast to attract more sexual harassers through this photo?  The Ottoman Empire and the Chinese Dynasty were the most powerful people in the world besides Christians, and, they banned this photo and the model, i.e. Yeoh Mei Yin, Cheryl Yeoh or Cheryl Sew Hoy!  Why not you wear a T-Shirt to do the breastfeed in order to pass a message to the people that you are not a Breast Cancer patient while a mother who breastfeeds?  Am I making sense?)

Cheryl Sew Hoy is a Malaysian who was educated in United States of America who is very supportive of pre-marital sex due to her action with the Whites or westerners with a record that had misleading information, actions and signals which caused her into sexual harassment with her invited guest, i.e. a White to her condominium in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by drinking the hard liquor, Whisky before the sexual harassment incident happened.  She is a self-made millionaire who is definitely the leader of the 2% of worldwide population NOT the world of 98% worldwide population just like who I am.

Can you see the differences of Malaysian local graduates and overseas graduates such as USA graduate, Yeoh Mei Yin, Cheryl Yeoh or Cheryl Sew Hoy and Hui-Shin Wong, Founder, CEO and Writer of Malaysian Footprint Magazine?

Why do you, Cheryl Sew Hoy, Cheryl Yeoh or Yeoh Mei Yin want to show part of your breasts on your Instagram?  What is your intention?  To attract more sexual harassers? 

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

The research finding of my research area 2.0  Minimization of human communication conflicts and misunderstanding and the key factors of human communication conflicts and misunderstanding ( since year 2003 and it was completed in year 2012 by publishing my first edition of book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen".  To date, it is the 3rd edition with an extended title, "Sunshine Little Kitchen: The World Traveling Logs in 365 Days".  To buy my books, you can get them from, Google Play Books and major bookstores worldwide.  I am here to share my humble Book Author profile page with Amazon dot com,

Hui-Shin Wong (1):

"There were not miscommunications, in fact, there were communications broke down due to public perception and people perceive situation differently."

Hui-Shin Wong (2):

"There is no absolutely right or wrong for every situation and any information. It is always a grey area because we are human beings. This is the knowledge about Ethics, Professionalism, Economics, Politic and Law."

With these two quotes, I founded Dr. Wong Foundation ( to further explore a firmed mission "To solve worldwide social problems and global warming by cultivating humanity leaders worldwide"!  I know that Mathematic and Linguistic graduates are the most powerful voices in the world yet, I believe that leaders with humanity can speak for the world too!
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Message to Juliana Chan Shu Ping, a Singaporean again! I am here to comment because I am a MIT, Harvard and University of Cambridge associate and Juliana Chan is a shame of us as the brainy!

  • Hui-Shin Wong: "I'm driving 180 KM per hour on a highway. I am speeding, yet, it is the meaning of having a sports car and the meaning to MAKE A DIFFERENCE by paying "saman" or traffic ticket. WILDTYPE Media while you are not wild at all and behaving like a STUPID, Juliana Chan Shu Ping! You are being an entrepreneur not because of an accident because you are slow driver, yet, it is your greediness and your incapability being a famous Scientist and you find a way to quit, accept the fact, Juliana Chan Shu Ping."
    • Like
    • Reply
    • 2m
  • Hui-Shin Wong
    Accelerating McLaren 720S at 65 KM per hour. Such a lousy driver on a sports car, Juliana Chan Shu Ping!  If you are saying that you have an accident at 65 KM per hour.  Do you think that you are such a stupid? Redo the video and lousy copy writer with no brain!


Thursday, March 24, 2022

"In this world, there are no people who are failure, however, there are people who are not persistent enough to work towards their goals and stop half way!"

The sentence above is a Chinese saying, "在这个世界上, 没有失败的人, 只有半途而废的人." and what are you doing now?  Should you continue and work harder on what you are planning to do?  When you are fail at the very first time, don't give up!  Do it another time or repeately until you are successful. 

VISION 2020 is on the way!  I need your support!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

When you love someone with 100% of confidence, you will want to announce your happiness to the world especially those you care and being loved the most in your life!

When you fall in love, will you tell your parents who is the lucky guy/ woman and will you tell the world that you are in love with him or her since this is a good news?

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Some might argue that they don't know that they must get married first, then, they can have sex! If you are the followers of these people, then, you must take care of all the women's expenses and daily living for life if you said that after having pre-marital sex, she is your "wife"!

When a man and a woman are officially married, the man has the responsibility to take care of the woman's daily expenses and career.  This means men are to protect the women and give women happiness after married.  When divorce is happening because the man has decided to marry another woman, hence, this man must give compensation to his ex-wife because they were officially married unless the man is poor and he can't afford to pay his ex-wife.

Now, we are talking about the men who had pre-marital sex.  They might be arguing that they don't know that they must get married first, then, they can have sex with a woman.  Hence, if this is his argument, does he take care of all his women which he had pre-marital sex, i.e. taking care of the women's life forever even though they are no longer in love?

If these men who had pre-marital sex and not taking care all his ex-women who had pre-marital sex with him, then, he is irresponsible and he deserves forever bad luck because firstly, he is poor and at the same time, he is not RESPONSIBLE.

According to research, the majority of the men who had pre-marital sex are BASTARDS.   

BASTARD, Kris Kon Chee Keong (官志强), I refused to have pre-marital sex with you since year 2003 because you were jobless and you don't have a family; no father and no mother beside him during his growing-up process with her mother married a French after his father not marrying her after the baby delivery.  He said his father and his parents were the corrupted leaders in China who were following his surname, KON (官) or Khon (官) or Khoon (官); else, they will not migrate to Malaysia because the revolution in China killed all corrupted leaders.  I was a Software Development Engineer since 2nd May 2002 to 30th August 2003.  I have a bright future ever since I have graduated from Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia in year 2002; why should I choose you as my "husband"; are you extremely handsome?  I'm sure my FIRST LOVE, Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong is much more handsome than you, definitely!  Why are you keep on chasing after me since you already have a wife, Celma Wong and two children until now; you have celebrated 11th Wedding Anniversary?  Why?  Are you going after my money since I am having the projected wealth of "billions" and "trillions"?  Why not build your kingdom by paying all your "ex-wives" such as Malvis Tan who love ELLE fashion & Evian mineral water and many others.

If you have claimed that I was your ex-woman or your "ex-wife", then, can you pay me monthly allowances since you had married another woman, Celma Wong with your claim that you are not a BASTARD.  Or, you mainly wanted pre-marital sex, i.e. free sex and just ignored me after your requests of pre-marital sex were a failure.  Do you agree that you are a BASTARD now since your parents were not officially married?  I want you forever bad luck since you have misled other people to darken my profile by your wrong speech and simply creating stories since I had rejected you to have pre-marital sex not once but many times.  You had sexually harrassed me by forcing me and purposely taking off my clothes, i.e. my T-Shirt and my jeans in year 2003.  If you said that you were innocent, then, why did you take off my clothes and my pants?  Why?  Why did you ignore me after a not successful pre-marital sex request and now, you are contacting me since I am marrying a "billionaire" and I have the projected wealth of "billions" and "trillions".  Be honest, please!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

*(my audiences can locate Kris Kon Chee Keong -官志强 ( & and Celma Wong ( in Facebook and Linkedin.  Kris Kon Chee Keong is a Tunku Ja'afar Kolej (KTJ) high school dropped out).  Kris Kon Chee Keong is a Malaysian and Celma Wong is from Macao.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Virgin Marry Virgin Forever Wealth and Forever Happiness!

Let me introduce a word to you, "BASTARD"!

Those who are not having official married parents with a marriage certificate endorsed by a Legal Marriage Department in any country are called "BASTARD"!

BASTARDS are only here in the world for 2% of the worldwide population and these people are suffering and they have forever bad luck due to they do not know what is right and what is wrong by following their behaviour or genetics inherited by their so-called parents to have pre-marital sex.

Hence, this category of people are also known as "UNFORTUNATE FOLKS", yet, no one would want to help this category of people during their suffering because they insisted to have pre-marital sex with men or women to create more BASTARDS to continue their level of suffering in this world.  These BASTARDS are born and raised with NO BRAIN with no intention to change to be a better person by stopping their pre-marital sexual behaviour.

These people are only able to be employees or followers.  They are definitely not a leader or leaders.

Kindly argue if you disagree with what I have told you just now.   

Hence, if you want forever wealth and forever happiness, act now to avoid pre-marital sex!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong, a virgin lady to date at the age of 42 years old by strongly believe that "Virgin Marry Virgin Forever Wealth and Forever Happiness". 

My startup, "All-Rounded Virtual Mom" is only helping those who agree on the Terms and Conditions that NO PRE-MARITAL SEX in their life for sure else, we will not help this type of UNFORTUNATE FOLKS. i.e. those who are/ were practicing pre-marital sex.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The behaviour of a movie script writers or book authors especially NOVELISTS like me!

I like to talk to myself very much by asking questions and answering them one by one myself through speech to ensure that all my speech will be arranged and tested through my mouth before I write them down into WORD DOCUMENT as a movie script or a novel/ book.  Hence, full of imagination not hallucination.  

I have a lot of energy daily to carry out all my duties with extremely busy schedule because I eat a lot of food and a lot of sugar such as cakes, desserts and white rice daily.  You can ask around and you know that I am a big eater.  I am not a fatty for sure because I am a Marathon runner.  I ran more than 10 Half-Marathon (21++ KM) and 2 Full-Marathon (42++ KM) in my life to date.  Also, I worked in the restaurants and pubs in the hotel or country club when I was a student.  During holiday, I will travel around the world and I will not forget to help my parents in their farm for harvesting, fertilising and watering.  Hence, I am always full of energy and extremely happy because besides many food and high sugar, I eat a lot of fruits with high Vitamin C.  Free food and fruits in the hotels where I used to work because I was their part-time staff.

Affirmation is a new word to many of you.  Then, let me explain what it is.  It means your highly confident and you want it as a reality by shouting loud that you are one or you own it.  Definitely not telling a lie yet, it is an AFFIRMATION because you want it madly or you want it to go your way by shouting loud with confident. 

Talking to himself or herself is also a type of highest self satisfaction due to living environment changed and extremely missing the past living environment.  This is according to the jotted psychology facts.

I hope this miscommunication about those medical doctors in poor countries or developing countries must be alert that full of imagination and talk to herself or himself as well as full of energy is not a type of sickness which is called Schizophrenia Disorder,  Doctors, please correct your audience that I am not sick yet, with a lot of food i.e. RM 300 per day of food and fruits since I am having buffet everyday + Food Supplements to ensure that I have enough energy to run all my scheduled duties on time and complete all my heavy workload on time.

Professor Dr. Pang Cheng Kar and doctors, please resign because this is a wrong sickness or disease diagnosis!  

I'm not a Schizophrenia Disorder patient while I am a book author/ novelist, and I am not a mental health patient yet, I would like to help them by starting two startups to help them to walk far away mental illnesses. 

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin and Shyan H. Wong.

Thank you!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

"有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行. - People with rational and logical thinking travel all over the world, unreasonable people, i.e. evils cannot move an inch."

The above Chinese characters formed a proverb that all people around the world must definitely support me to do whatever which are related to rational and logical thinking especially those Chinese from all around the world and Malaysian.  Yes, I am rational and logical.

"In year 2012, she watched a YouTube video.  The one who attracted her with his speech, i.e. Dato' Justin Leong Ming Loong, a graduate with a Bachelor in Geography and a Master in Geography from the University of Oxford.  He is Genting Highlands' founder, Tan Sri Dr. Lim Goh Tong's grandson.  She loved him at the first sight and she wanted to marry him straight away after she met him online through YouTube.  He was the first man in her life which she wanted to lose her virginity!  To date, Justin and Shyan are practicing ''No Kissing, No Physical Contact at all and No Sex Before Married".  She hope that her audiences understand that this is their philosophy of love and they are the role models of the world whom 98% of the worldwide population are practicing no pre-marital sex i.e. the majority.  They are leading 98% of the worldwide population who are applying no pre-marital sex.  Both of them are Malaysian and leaders." ~ powered by

Since I shouted loud that Justin was my husband even though I never met him face to face at all, I am sure that many of my admirers will shout loud that I was their girlfriend or their wife too since I am so charming and attractive and this is psychology and we are human beings.  Hence, verify all those information which you have gathered from other people's mouth with me face to face and talk to me personally.  If you got them online, capture the screen and show me through email and face to face for talk and discussion.  Thank you!

Soon, I published my 1st edition of Sunshine Little Kitchen with Author House in year 2012. 

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

How To Give A Comment or Criticism Which Is Showing That You Have "Brain" or Intelligent In Order To Attract "Billionaires" To Walk Close to Your Life And You Will Be Automatically Being One of The Members of "Billionaires" Family Soon or Step-By-Step?

When you comment or criticize other people's work or personality, you must be having enough evidence to show the public that he/ she can be an improved person after listening to your comment or criticism NOT having your comment or criticism with the purpose to push him/ her down, however, you are helping him or her to walk to another level of life slowly and step-by-step with your comment or criticism.

Your comment or criticism doesn't mean that it must be an upgrade of his/ her lifestyle, yet, he/ she must be walking to a successful stage step-by-step after listening to your comment/ criticism to change accordingly for the better causes to the world.  You may find the definition of successful from me in my previous post.

It is about a CHOICE as well since not all people can accept people's comments or criticism.  

When you comment or criticize, you must use your real identity, i.e. what I have done with comments and criticism to Juliana Chan, a Singporean and many others so that she can thank me and be my follower after what I have said or comment can make her a better person.

Of course, she can debate and argue with me by calling me or contacting me through email or my phone number because she can easily find them through some research.

Fine!  I can put my contact and email here.  Whatsapp: +6 012 298 2298 and email:  

As an intellectual woman with brain for sure, I would suggest that when you listen to people's words, try to think the main purpose of the messages.  Are these messages trying to jeopardize one's future or you are the messenger of the messages which are meant for one to change to become a better person?

Many of the people are followers and they can't differentiate what is right and what is wrong, hence, these people are never the culprits of any bad consequences by passing around the messages, however, when you claim that you are a person with brain so that you can walk near to "billionaires" family or joining "billionaires" family, when you are passing messages face-to-face without any black and white or evidence, then, you are having a sin.  Hence, people with brain must talk and pass messages with REFERENCE which is what I am saying here the black and white. 

Don't be following the act of the followers who are not having the ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, what is correct and what is misleading.  Make a difference now if you want to join the "billionaires" family, i.e. the big family.

Thank you!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Another public proof to show the audiences that I am extremely RICH with no worry of MONEY at all with CURIOSITY to find out, dare to explore by having a life long mission to form a better world by cultivating quality this & next generations as well as bridging rich & poor gaps through words by thinkers, research & entrepreneurship. CURIOSITY is the largest ASSET of Researcher, Computer Scientist or Academician like me!

I was without a permanent salary since December 2014, i.e. about 8 years ago until now and I was curious enough to explore all my reading, writing, research and entrepreneurial activities with my own money and my family's money.

I don't have a permanent monthly salary, it does not mean that I do not have a job.  I am still very engaged in all my research, reading, writing and entrepreneurial activities actively with the highest enthusiasm.  You can give me a job for sure, yet, I want a handsome salary. 

A proof through the public with many media attention would be one of the videos below by The Star in July 2018.  I never worry about money even though I was not getting salary for 3 months while I was working in Menara Maxis under a claimed Saudi Arab Prince.  Do you see how RICH I am and my family is?  

Job portals are useless and they can't get a permanent job for me since their features in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are designed by STUPID.  I can design that yet, they never want to hire me.  I have a qualification in Artificial Intelligent (AI) endorsed by Johns Hopkins University, United States of America.  Interviewers criticised that I did not have technical knowledge and they were wrong by not having me to work on it, however, they were listening to nonsense who wanted me to fail and not getting a job forever.  What they did, they purposely found me a job, let me work for 2 weeks, then, they mislead the company to fire me, then, they waited for another almost 3 months, then, they found me a job, let me work for another two weeks, then, they mislead the company to fire me again.  The main reason that, they wanted my name to be erased or listed in the database who was jobless for more than 3 months.  Hence, this AI algorithm is wrong too and it was designed by STUPID as well.  Do you see what these STUPID are doing to kill many others.  They just wanted me to be the advocate to tell the RICH and POWERFUL by not having the courage to comment in the public just like me.  I am well-known as a "Malaysia Boleh", i.e. a change maker.  Yet, I am very busy in all my works in research and entrepreneurship, I would think that these people who were bullied and in fear without the courage to complain and speak out must not waste my time because I am extremely busy.  

The reason I want to work mainly because I must build my network and know more about my potential leaders with humanity in all my startups; i.e. I have 20 of them to date in World Wide Web (WWW) through employment under other people to spot for the talents because I want quality leaders.  All my leaders whom I am going to employ are all good quality leaders with humanity and the most important that they must be potential millionaires.

I was wondering all these media will follow-up what I am doing now since all my businesses need the media attention.  There were more than 20 media were there to listen to my complaints yet, I am not getting any salary yet from this claimed Saudi Arab Prince to date and MCA was not helping too.  MCA only wanted publicity.  

My first in life when I was a high school student with Poi Lam, IPOH, Perak, Malaysia in 1996, I was featured in the Chinese newspaper due to I was voted and recognized as the best speaker in an inter-school Chinese language debate in Mandarin.  In fact, I am born and raised as a successful person to change the world and to form a better place to live for all individuals.

Soon, I was featured in media in Thailand and they interviewed me when I was in Thailand for a holiday during my undergraduate study in Multimedia University.  I was interviewed because I was a proud Malaysian who visited Thailand in year 2001.

In year 2012, I was featured in the media in California, United States of America to receive a Linda Latham Scholarship and I was the only ASIAN Researcher, Computer Scientist cum Academician.

In year 2015, I was featured in Borneo Post right after my book publication, "Sunshine Little Kitchen - second edition" with Partridge Singapore Publishing.  My book was sold a million and do you see why I am so famous and I have so much attention by RICH and POWERFUL because I am one of them in their group.

Don't do anything funny again since I am curious to find out and this is the most important ASSET of a researcher, an academician, a computer scientist, an entrepreneur and many others just like me.  

Be in your mind that, only a very small percentage of people are against me, i.e. just like a very small percentage of people who are applying pre-marital sex, i.e. only 2% of them - within 100 people only 2 people are applying pre-marital sex while I don't.  And, these small percentage of people were noted and tracked, yet, our research is to find out why and how they would want to bully others without any public declaration or open comment just like me to criticize Julian Chan Shu Ping, a Singaporean and many other leaders around the world especially those in Malaysia with real identity NOT anonymous identity, please and write it black and white into your blog, so that people can track it NOT spreading the words face to face without any real identity in order to claim a reward if you have criticized with BRAIN and align to THINKERS' mind.

Learn from me!

Thank you!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

"Billionaires" refuse to talk to strangers and they only appoint me, Hui-Shin Wong to screen through all the potential "billionaires" family members i.e. the members of TrainCan At Amore Paradise because majority of the people who are strangers to them will jealous on their Love, Wealth and Health by showing their temper or emotions.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, i.e. the potential members of TrainCan At Amore Paradise (, 

I was chosen and self-picked as the Founder, CEO and Chief Cupid of TrainCan At Amore Paradise mainly because I can talk to all strangers with the highest level of professionalism and at the same time, I have everything in the world and is noted as a highly successful individual in the international arena. 

In order for the "billionaires" to talk to you and walk near into your life; firstly, you must "break the bias" and talk to all level of individuals and mingle with them without any prejudices.

If you can accept people who are much better than you, for example, you hate me and jealous on me because I have everything in the world, then, you are making a mistake.  Kindly correct your mistake and prepare yourself to join our "big family", i.e. the "billionaires" family.

This "big family" has many outstanding individuals just like me to have LOVE, WEALTH and HEALTH - positive energy 24 hours a day.  Many of them are much better than me and as successful as I do with the successful definitely as below:

"Define successful life!"

"According to the founder, CEO and Virtual Mom No. 1, Hui-Shin Wong, successful life is a way of living with full of hopes, supports, encouragement and the ability to serve the family, the community and the world step-by-step or eventually as an individual and within a like-minded group hopefully or eventually to form a better world. This successful life is full of happiness, satisfaction and definitely walking far away from jealousy and having the momentum to convert your jealousy or inspiration if there is any to the moving force for you to work hard with the help of "Virtual Mom" mobile apps to be an improved person, a good follower or a humane leader perhaps and being as successful as the one who you are following and previously jealous on or confidently inspired step-by-step!"  

For your information,  I'm wearing 20 colourful and trendy hats, i.e. running 20 startups at the same time in World Wide Web (WWW).  My projected wealth is  USD 7 trillion dollar, i.e.  USD 7000 billion dollar or  USD 7,000, 000  million dollar.  Since I have only 2000 followers, if I give all my followers USD 1 million dollar, I still have USD 6,998,000 million dollar as my wealth.      

I hope you can do a little bit of calculation by using your calculator.

Hence, learn from me!  Tell the world that you were bullied and how they bullied you.  Tell the world that how great you are by highlighting your mission of each and every commitment which you have in your mind.  Tell people that what you like and dislike as well as say THANK YOU and appreciate people's help and comment when you are not a perfectionist at the moment.

Only those who know what is APPRECIATION and humanity can rule and lead the world with the help of TECHNOLOGY definitely just like who I'm today with the projected wealth of USD 7 trillion dollar with 20 startups or more which are running in World Wide Web (WWW) now.

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Juliana Chan Shu Ping, a Singaporean, besides your educational background and all those pictures with famous people as what you have claimed while I know none of them, what have you contributed or quotes which you have given to the public which can change the world?

Juliana Chan, can you answer this?

Do you accept that you as a Singaporean is a shame for the nation besides your educational qualification and you must not a proud graduate for sure from University of Cambridge and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since you want to become an entrepreneur after studying so hard to become a scientist yet, you have been passing a message to the floor that go for entrepreneurship not a scientist since all your glory such as videos and photos are when you are an entrepreneur while all your photos and videos when you were a scientist looked that you are a fat lady, malnutrition and you weren't happy?  How would you convince other to buy your magazine to aim for the goals to become a Scientist and not an Entrepreneur?

In year 2012, while I was a Researcher, a Scientist and I was invited to broad on a luxury private jet, Gulfstream when I was a lecturer in Multimedia University during my stay in California, USA under Linda Latham Scholarship because they knew that for sure my research outputs can make me a successful entrepreneur through research and Intellectual Property (IP) - patents not a publisher like you to sell magazine online and offline.  Hence, you may appoint me as your spoke person in your magazine, yet, you never invite me and look for me by featuring all those nonsense which I am trying to tell you, STUPID Juliana Chan and the team.     

Do you know what I am saying?  You become rich because you are an entrepreneur not because you are a Scientist and you quit the job as the Scientist because you want to follow your calling to become a publisher.  Do you see why I am saying that your team and you are completely STUPID?  Do you know that you are indirectly insulting your followers since they are all NO BRAIN and only follow bad leaders like you to mislead the public to follow after the RICH at the surface yet NOT POWERFUL just like you.

I hope you take note.  I am here to alert you, to guide you, yet, you blocked me in your Linkedin and Instagram by wasting a lot of investors' money.  I am trying to help you, Juliana Chan since I am an experienced entrepreneur cum a great marketing person under the umbrella of a proud associate of University of Cambridge and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA.

I am Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong!  Even though I do not have a monthly salary now for years, yet, I am very concerned about the economy of our country, Malaysia and worldwide because I am keen to invest into ASEAN and many other areas through HSBC Bank and many others once I have a stable profile through my startups, and my other 19 startups.  I am certain and confident that those people who are giving me so much of problems mainly because the miscommunications or communication break down due to they think that I was all these women whom I have mentioned in my previous blog post and also, Juliana M. Chan Shu Ping is not me.  I am very confident that I am a perfectionist, yet, not many of you are good readers who can read long text in English, hence, I need all the efforts you spread around the good words and good efforts so that I can be a household brand as an AUTHOR by publishing 10 English books to date first and very soon, a profiling entrepreneur, researcher and academician.  Of course, I will not give up my mission to educate next generations.  I am not a SUPERWOMAN, I am only a WONDER WOMAN with the help of food supplements to carry out my business schedule daily even though I do not have a monthly salary just like Google Founder, Larry Page for years during his startup journey many years ago before he is successful.  Both of us are working on Algorithm-Based or Algorithm-Driven technology solutions which applied to entrepreneurship such as, Google, Facebook and many others.  I need Seed Funding for sure since I am in hunger during my sleeping time for almost 8 years now with my family money and support after I spent all my RM 300,000 into Research and Development (R&D) after I sold my condominium in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, i.e. one of the prestigious location in Malaysia.  I have another two studios in Malaysia, yet, the property price is going down, yet, I can't do anything on them because I am still in debt.  Hope that you take note that my family help me a lot else, I will be in hunger for dead with no energy to fight for a developed country's dream, i.e. VISION 2020 until now.  It is slightly delayed due to the incapability of the leadership of Cheryl Yeoh, Yeoh Mei Yin or Cheryl Sew Hoy, the Founding CEO of MAGIC who had not picked me, i.e. as one of the Malaysian representatives to attend eStanford entrepreneurship program due to her faults, mistakes and bias for not to choose me mainly because I am extremely outstanding and also her fear of talents or having the feeling of being replaced.  This was the reason that her contract was not renewed by the Malaysian government mainly she is NOT A FUTURIST or A VISIONARY LEADER.  Of course, others CEOs in MAGIC as well as she were not good leaders too and also they are not good followers.  Hence, no jobs for them in Malaysia.  I was surprised that an on-going bankrupt company, AirAsia is employing a former MAGIC CEO or MDEC CEO as their director and I deeply believe that it is a mistake.  She should be a housewife not a DIRECTOR in AirAsia.  She is Surina Shukri,  For your information, all the international borders will be remaining closed due to COVID-19 and it is expected and forecasted to live again by back to normal only in January 2024.  Good luck, AirAsia!   

You can go to Google Play Books, and major bookstores worldwide to buy my books online or offline by earning my name, "Hui-Shin Wong".

Kindly view my publication profile under Amazon Author Profile, or Whatsapp me to buy my books directly face to face.  It is RM 100 or USD 25 per book.  You can pay me through PAYPAL,

Since I am qualified to mentor and guide a Ph.D. in Biology graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) cum a degree graduate from University of Cambridge, Juliana M. Chan Shu Ping (Juliana Chan), a Singaporean since I am an appointed aspiring Professor in University of Oxford in year 2024 right after the COVID-19, I am here to introduce one of my startups, All-Rounded Virtual Mom ( and  Subscribe now and give me a thumb-up if you find that my words are making sense and the way I guide and mentor her is a great job.  I do not want to tell her faults and flaws in the public, yet, she condemned me, ignored me and blocked me through all the social media and ways to contact her mainly I wanted to change the world by giving her mentorship and guidance.  

Since I can guide and mentor a Ph.D. graduate, yet, I am willing to guide all of you who are willing to perform better and to be successful.  Support me to get the Seed Funding to make All-Rounded Virtual Mom (Virtual Mom) a reality!  Juliana Chan, a Singaporean and many others worldwide for sure need my help for sure.  Check, All-Rounded Virtual Mom!

Thank you!

*Note: " Hui-Shin Wong's life long mission is to form a better world by cultivating quality this & next generations as well as bridging rich & poor gaps through words by thinkers, research & entrepreneurship." ~ powered by Hui-Shin Wong's Personal Website, 

Seed Funding! Do you know what is "SEED FUNDING"?

Yeoh Mei Yin, Cheryl Yeoh or Cheryl Sew Hoy is completely a STUPID with NO BRAIN and a shame of Malaysia with pre-marital sex for the NUMBER 1 or with MULTIPLE SEX PARTNERS, perhaps under her capacity as the MAGIC CEO many years ago and now, at the poverty stage in the United States of America as her choice in Oakland not San Francisco, yet, she boosted or she claimed that she was used to staying in a condominium which was facing the San Francisco bridge.  Now, she was staying in Oakland, California which is a low-cost California town.  She has a luxury condominium in Bangsar, Malaysia, one of the prestigious locations, yet, she chose to become a second-class citizen by staying in a low-cost area in California, USA.  Do you see her stupidity?

If I must relocate to another city, I must have the luxury to stay in a luxury area just like what I am here in Malaysia with double storey 4 rooms and 4 bathroom house and the most important that I am driving in Malaysia.  Singapore offers me a job, yet, he or she is requesting me to take public transport and stay in a low-end area.  Yes, I can move to Singapore, yet, I want to stay in Robinson Quay, drive a sports car and dine in the luxury restaurants not being poverty in Singapore.  Please respect my intelligence as a thinker and naturally born philosopher.  

California, USA offers me a job, yet, as I said, I love sports car and I want to drive a sports car in Palo Alto, California and stay in a house in a prestigious location not being a second-class citizen like Cheryl Yeoh Mei Yin has chosen to move to the United States of America to create jobs yet, very happy to be a second class citizen by staying in Oakland, California, USA.  She is completely stupid for sure.   

All my startups can't get the attention from her and I did not get any SEED FUNDING and I was not selected to eStanford program sponsored by MAGIC while HIRELY and SUSHIVID, these two STUPIDS got the funding to run their businesses and yet completely laugher from internationally with so much of shame as the Malaysians videos online especially applying on a proud Malaysia i.e. me.  Cheryl Yeoh Mei Yin has claimed that she has hand-picked the chosen Malaysian participants to eStanford entrepreneurship program and this has indicated that she had seen my application and my business idea, yet, she chose not to have me in the team to represent Malaysia by what she had done, she is not a futurist and a visionary leader, hence, she is NOT FIT as a Forbes-List-Billionaire by naturally born; continue to sell your products through the flea markets, Cheryl Yeoh!  If you have given me the Seed Funding in year 2004 and you have chosen me to eStanford entrepreneurship program, I could be selling my startup, with million-dollar or billion-dollar to Meta or Facebook now due to Mark Zuckerberg's action in Metaverse, Cheryl Yeoh!  Do you see what you have lacked off, FOCUS, VISIONARY and FUTURE/ FAR SIGHT, Cheryl Yeoh, a STUPID for sure with her choice; FIRSTLY, chose to study an Engineering degree yet, she wanted to become an entrepreneur - NOT FOCUS; SECONDLY, reject my application under my startup, by not supporting to give me SEED FUNDING - not a FUTURIST or a VISIONARY leader since my startup can be acquired by California giant, Meta or Facebook in year 2022, a 8-year later of success yet, SHE CAN'T SEE?  Do you see this type of QUALITY, Cheryl Yeoh can be the Founding CEO of MAGIC, then, I must be much more capable to the Chairman or the CEO of Permodalan National Berhad (PNB) or Managing Director of Shell Refinery Oil and Gas.  I am not joking!  I am much better than Cheryl Yeoh, let's view how she spoke in Bloomberg Technology, a completely nonsense ( with no idea what is public speaking by NOT pronouncing all the words sharp and clear and being grumbled in her speech and representing Malaysia to be the speakers at so many foreign countries - showing a shame to others worldwide for sure.  This is Cheryl Yeoh Mei Yin who has claimed the youngest self-made millionaire in the world as a woman representative!  Do you see the quality and the stupidity, Cheryl Yeoh?  Of course, you can defend, Cheryl Yeoh, yet, I do not object that people are improving day after day just like me as the naturally born philosopher and visionary leader. 

Seed Funding is RM 500,000 of grant or investment fund to set me ready for all the technology about my businesses, yet, I can't get any since May 2014 until now.  Hence, I am here to urge that you must know that you don't have brain and, the only way you must have is to FOLLOW MY WORDS.  Give me seed funding, CRADLE, MAGIC and many others!  

What's wrong with my startup, in year 2014 since it is a proven idea of Metaverse now powered by Mark Zuckerberg in year 2022 after almost 8 years of I had the idea and I pitched to Founder Institute and Jeff Bezos came to meet me face to face when I was in United States of America many years ago to pitch under Money2020 and he said, "Excellent!".  I have proven worldwide that I am a futurist and a visionary leader under more than 300 of subordinates as the history.  One said, "If Malaysians do not support you, come to California!  I am amazed that you love Malaysia so much and you have contributed so much to Malaysia community.  Ask Malaysian to fund you first since Malaysians want to become a developed country!  Good luck!".

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

Thank you!