There is nothing wrong with a lecturer or a professor to have a startup or a business at the same time teaching in the university or school because in Silicon Valley, California, USA and many other developed countries are practicing it and it is a norm. I am very sure, Malaysia must be a supporter of this practice too at the moment. Why was I fired and asked to leave my job as a lecturer, then?
On 7th December 2014, I was asked to leave my job as a lecturer immediately by the President of Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia without a reason. In January, 2015, I was asked to leave and drop my Ph.D. study by my supervisor Professor Dr. Ho Chin Kuan. I was officially a Ph.D. dropped-out in January 2015. I am always honest and I told my potential employees about my bad experience, yet, they did not hire me as their permanent staff. I couldn't get a job and I forced to sell my condominium in Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia to sustain my life, my Ph.D. research even though I am no longer a student because I deeply believe, my research output would be credential to save life for many people and my entrepreneurial journey by traveling around the world to pitch to request for investment funds. I published a book called "Sunshine Little Kitchen" in year 2012 and it was not sold well. I republished it with another publisher in year 2015, it was not sold well too. In year 2021, I published again with Kindle Direct Publishing for the 3rd edition Sunshine Little Kitchen: The World Traveling Logs in 365 Days. I can't get a permanent job for always 8 years now and I am surviving with the help of my family members because I have spent all my money to travel the world in year 2015 until very recently before COVID-19 Pandemic to pitch to the investors worldwide to request for investment funds to run and request for worldwide attention to invest their money in Malaysia. I have another two properties, i.e. a studio unit in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia and a luxury studio unit in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia and these properties are vacant with no tenants for many years which forced me to request help from my family because I can't afford all these expenses and bad luck into my life just because I wanted to become an academician, a researcher, a book author, a photographer, an entrepreneur and a philosopher at the same time. It is never my fault to be ambitious, it is just my capability as a multi-tasking ENTJ woman.
I never think that I will be having 20 startups at the same time, it was because most of the investors told me that my business ideas were lousy and bad one after one pitch session, hence, I have 20 proven successful business ideas which are converting to 20 startups in World Wide Web (WWW) - at the moment of seed funding acquisition.
I tried my best to get a full-time cum permanent job ever since I lost my job and the recruiters condemned my bad resume writing and my bad conversation skill. Yet, I was employed as a lecturer for 9 years and 3 months at Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia which is a NARIC recognized and registered first private university in "Silicon Valley", Malaysia. I felt insulted and they purposely made me down and sad, however, I never give up, yet, I still can't get a full-time job until today with my persistence in my Ph.D. research even though I am a dropped-out, my entrepreneurship and book writing. To date, I have published 10 English books and I am going to translate them into Chinese (mandarin) and Malay language with the intention to sell my books' film right to film producers.
I never give-up even though investors said that I have lousy business ideas yet, I am still working closely on all my startups, i.e. a total of 20 of them to date. I pray to the GOD, so that I can meet a man who is big enough, strong enough and rich enough to support all my endeavors until I met many of them. Through a matchmaking service, I managed to meet 300++ billionaires and millionaires and they praised me, they supported me, they encouraged me, they admired me for my persistence to work on my Ph.D. research and study even though I am a dropped-out, my entrepreneurial journey and my book writing. Thank you very much to many of you, it is my pleasure to meet you all.
For your information, I am dating a "billionaire" and we are planning to get married very soon and I have started TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( to help all my potential investors to look for their wife because we want our children to grow-up together and attend the summer camp in International Youth Camp, South Korea, The Peace of Voyage, The Republic of Maldives, Oxford Royale Academy, United Kingdom and YMCA Camp Fitch, United States of America and many others together. I am so glad that my business ideas are great enough to generate 7 Trillion USD of projected wealth; I am so glad and I never know that I am going to be a "Trillionaire"! Frankly speaking, never thought of it and I am honoured and looking forward.
My 300++ billionaires and millionaires connection or admirers asked me, "If Malaysian tycoons are not going to help you and fund you, you are not going to be here in Malaysia and you must go to Silicon Valley, California, Portugal, Switzerland and all those countries which welcome you!"
I told the potential investors, "I want to stay in Malaysia because I want VISION 2020 a reality for Malaysia to become a developed country and it was something that made me proud and traveling around the world since year 2001 when I was a student until I finished my self-help research in year 2012 by writing a book called "Sunshine Little Kitchen" with RM 5, slightly more than USD 1 per day as my food expenses allocation to collect money to travel around the world to look for communication and miscommunication related topics as one of my declared research interest in year 2003 when I was a Master student with Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) under a scholarship donated by MOTOROLA, Inc with a recognized master degree by Massachusetts Institute Technology (MIT), USA".
I was exhausted, tired and cried for many time, I did not know what did I do in wrong way, yet, I am 100% confident that I am doing the right job with 20 right business missions for a better world. After I cried, I cheered myself and I didn't have a lot of money to eat, yet, I drank a lot of water and I ate 4 hard-boiled eggs a day.
Even though my boyfriend is a "billionaire", yet, his cash flow is not as flexible as I think, I know more about Forbes-list-billionaires, ways to do business, Return of Investment (ROI), business direction, market segmentation, charity work and many others. "Yes, I am ready to become a worldwide leader, i.e. a Forbes-list-trillionaire!" I know that I am going to have many obstacles in order to reach my final goal, yet, I am fit enough and I never give up. My life is totally changed when I met the richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos and he said my business idea, is extremely good. He said, "Well done!" I am so glad of his praises. My life is completely changed when I have 300++ admirers who are billionaires and millionaires with all their positive comments and suggestions for me to work for a better Malaysia and a better world. Hence, I am here to appoint myself to be a coach or a mentor for those people who want to have a change of their life or using my platform to work for a better world through TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( to look for a dream man or dream woman who are like-minded and supportive enough for all your endeavors. He or she might not be a "billionaire" now, yet, his advice and encouragement worth our attention to listen and taking the action immediately for better causes. I would call these he and she as the potential "billionaires" or "millionaires".
What are you waiting for? Register now for a membership to start your journey to change your life! TrainCan At Amore Paradise is right here waiting for you, let's check the website,
In short, entrepreneurship is a responsibility, a heavy responsibility by leading a group talent to generate profit if possible to pay as much tax as possible to your government and it is a life long responsibility. Being a "millionaire", "billionaire" or "trillionaire" is a responsibility, a heavy responsibility for sure and it is a life long heavy responsibility. Being the wife, husband or family member of a "millionaire", "billionaire" or "trillionaire" is a responsibility, a heavy responsibility for sure and it is a life long heavy responsibility.
I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.