Friday, March 11, 2022

Another public proof to show the audiences that I am extremely RICH with no worry of MONEY at all with CURIOSITY to find out, dare to explore by having a life long mission to form a better world by cultivating quality this & next generations as well as bridging rich & poor gaps through words by thinkers, research & entrepreneurship. CURIOSITY is the largest ASSET of Researcher, Computer Scientist or Academician like me!

I was without a permanent salary since December 2014, i.e. about 8 years ago until now and I was curious enough to explore all my reading, writing, research and entrepreneurial activities with my own money and my family's money.

I don't have a permanent monthly salary, it does not mean that I do not have a job.  I am still very engaged in all my research, reading, writing and entrepreneurial activities actively with the highest enthusiasm.  You can give me a job for sure, yet, I want a handsome salary. 

A proof through the public with many media attention would be one of the videos below by The Star in July 2018.  I never worry about money even though I was not getting salary for 3 months while I was working in Menara Maxis under a claimed Saudi Arab Prince.  Do you see how RICH I am and my family is?  

Job portals are useless and they can't get a permanent job for me since their features in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are designed by STUPID.  I can design that yet, they never want to hire me.  I have a qualification in Artificial Intelligent (AI) endorsed by Johns Hopkins University, United States of America.  Interviewers criticised that I did not have technical knowledge and they were wrong by not having me to work on it, however, they were listening to nonsense who wanted me to fail and not getting a job forever.  What they did, they purposely found me a job, let me work for 2 weeks, then, they mislead the company to fire me, then, they waited for another almost 3 months, then, they found me a job, let me work for another two weeks, then, they mislead the company to fire me again.  The main reason that, they wanted my name to be erased or listed in the database who was jobless for more than 3 months.  Hence, this AI algorithm is wrong too and it was designed by STUPID as well.  Do you see what these STUPID are doing to kill many others.  They just wanted me to be the advocate to tell the RICH and POWERFUL by not having the courage to comment in the public just like me.  I am well-known as a "Malaysia Boleh", i.e. a change maker.  Yet, I am very busy in all my works in research and entrepreneurship, I would think that these people who were bullied and in fear without the courage to complain and speak out must not waste my time because I am extremely busy.  

The reason I want to work mainly because I must build my network and know more about my potential leaders with humanity in all my startups; i.e. I have 20 of them to date in World Wide Web (WWW) through employment under other people to spot for the talents because I want quality leaders.  All my leaders whom I am going to employ are all good quality leaders with humanity and the most important that they must be potential millionaires.

I was wondering all these media will follow-up what I am doing now since all my businesses need the media attention.  There were more than 20 media were there to listen to my complaints yet, I am not getting any salary yet from this claimed Saudi Arab Prince to date and MCA was not helping too.  MCA only wanted publicity.  

My first in life when I was a high school student with Poi Lam, IPOH, Perak, Malaysia in 1996, I was featured in the Chinese newspaper due to I was voted and recognized as the best speaker in an inter-school Chinese language debate in Mandarin.  In fact, I am born and raised as a successful person to change the world and to form a better place to live for all individuals.

Soon, I was featured in media in Thailand and they interviewed me when I was in Thailand for a holiday during my undergraduate study in Multimedia University.  I was interviewed because I was a proud Malaysian who visited Thailand in year 2001.

In year 2012, I was featured in the media in California, United States of America to receive a Linda Latham Scholarship and I was the only ASIAN Researcher, Computer Scientist cum Academician.

In year 2015, I was featured in Borneo Post right after my book publication, "Sunshine Little Kitchen - second edition" with Partridge Singapore Publishing.  My book was sold a million and do you see why I am so famous and I have so much attention by RICH and POWERFUL because I am one of them in their group.

Don't do anything funny again since I am curious to find out and this is the most important ASSET of a researcher, an academician, a computer scientist, an entrepreneur and many others just like me.  

Be in your mind that, only a very small percentage of people are against me, i.e. just like a very small percentage of people who are applying pre-marital sex, i.e. only 2% of them - within 100 people only 2 people are applying pre-marital sex while I don't.  And, these small percentage of people were noted and tracked, yet, our research is to find out why and how they would want to bully others without any public declaration or open comment just like me to criticize Julian Chan Shu Ping, a Singaporean and many other leaders around the world especially those in Malaysia with real identity NOT anonymous identity, please and write it black and white into your blog, so that people can track it NOT spreading the words face to face without any real identity in order to claim a reward if you have criticized with BRAIN and align to THINKERS' mind.

Learn from me!

Thank you!

I'm Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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