Friday, August 13, 2021

Why am I chosen as a Forbes-List Billionaire or Trillionaire by the investors? The keywords are CHARITY, VISIONARY, ETHICAL STRATEGIES, ABILITY TO TEACH and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Welcome to my Forbes-List Billionaire and Trillionaire journey!

Let me share with you one of my businesses in matchmaking, TrainCan At Amore Paradise ( with an article posted under my Linkedin profile.  Let me share with you here,  You can look at the detail that I have highlighted my charity organization, and other great charity organizations which are running by Forbes-List Billionaires and perhaps their spouse in the article context.

Let me copy and paste those highlights to show you more why are we being chosen as the billionaires and trillionaires since day one and why am I marrying a billionaire or a trillionaire:

Let me give you some of the examples of Forbes-list billionaires' wife and Forbe-list billionaires:

1. Priscilla Chan is Mark Zuckerberg's wife with children and both of them are running Chan Zuckerberg Initiatives, to serve as non-profit to provide a future for everyone by leveraging technology, community-driven solutions and collaboration to accelerate progress in Education, Justice & Opportunity and Science.  

2. Melinda Gates is Bill Gates' wife with children and both of them are running Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to serve as non-profit fighting poverty, disease, and inequality around the world.

3. Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong, i.e. me is running Dr. Wong Foundation, to serve as non-profit with a series of activities for a better and humane world which include Fellowship for Cultural Exchange, Reading for Literature, Nutritious Food for Health, Jealousy Management for Mental Health and Solving Social Problem for Healthy Community. Its mission is to solve social problems such as cyber crimes and global warming by cultivating humanity leaders worldwide through the philosophy of bridging the gaps between the poor and the rich, the intelligent and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the oversea graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non-IT savvy individuals.  

4. Mike Bloomberg or Michael Bloomberg is running Bloomberg Philanthropies ( for ensuring better, longer lives for greatest number of people by channeling their energy and resources in Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation, Public Health, Bloomberg Associates, Corporate Philanthropy and Founder's Projects using these six major approaches; 1) Remain Flexible, 2) Utilize Advocacy, 3) Rely On Data, 4) Focus On Cities, 5) Look For Unmet Needs and 6) Engage Strong Partners.  

5. Warren Buffett is contributing his wealth, a total of USD 4.1 billion worth of Berkshire Hathaway shares to charity in this June 2021. He wrote: "Society has a use for my money; I don't." He has 238,624 Berkshire shares remaining. He also joined the exclusive USD 100 billion club which includes Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates in March 2021. Bill and Melinda Gates and he are the co-founders of Giving Pledge which is a campaign that encourages billionaire philanthropy. The Buffett Foundation was started in 1964 and it was renamed as Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation in honor of his wife, Susan Buffett, who died in 2004.  

6. How about you? What do you have in your mind to change the world just like what I am doing and the two great ladies and two gentlemen which I have mentioned? If you are from the humble society and you have a big dream to change the world for a better place to live for all individuals and you strongly think that marrying a "Forbes-List Billionaire" could help you to move faster towards your dream, then, you are at the right channel. TrainCan At Amore Paradise is aiming to develop a mobile app and AI-driven solution at all train stations and trains phase by phase and eventually worldwide deployment to eye on more Ordinary Members to join TrainCan automatically as a long list of choices for our VVIP members.

You may observe that when I want to become a billionaire and a trillionaire, the one thing you must have in your mind is to give back to the society.  Hence, you must have a beautiful website about your CHARITY organization and how you are going to give back to the society by having VISIONARY activities planning just like what I have done.  Check again,, my philanthropic unit of and a platform for donors who are supporting my good work in charity by helping worldwide citizens to have free social problem community.    

Here you go, I have been given you all the tips on how to become a self-nominate Forbes-List Billionaire or Trillionaire through all my observation and analysis on all the successful TOP billionaires in the world through reading, and I MAKE A DIFFERENCE to self-nominate myself to be a billionaire's wife and a billionaire soon a trillionaire with ETHICAL STRATEGIES with strong analysis skill and observation; I repeated.  You might have the ideas now, yet, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE, i.e. those who have great analytical skill and observation skill are a few of us and come on, be my followers or our followers!

I have written so many articles which are distinct and excellent to educate next generations on how to become a billionaire and trillionaire.  Thus, ABILITY TO TEACH is extremely important to educate next generations like all of you and my fellow followers as well as supporters.

You can follow me in

You can buy my service to do web development for your website or create your WIKI Page.  Kindly visit my startup, for web development and more.

Here you go!  If you wish to know me more and talk top me, kindly send me a proposal and the agenda of discussion.  I have 14 startups and my time is extremely expensive and busy.

For your information, I was a volunteer for many events and charity organization; more than 10 organization; perhaps 20 organization and I was very comfortable with my heavy workload at the same time.  From this point of information, I have proven to the investors that I can do multi-tasks.  

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