It is because Malaysia shouted out loud that Malaysia want to become a developed country by setting up a VISION 2020 and many other countries are following its footsteps. We want to help those with dreams and dare to shout out loud not helping those who have dreams while doing it quietly.
Why was rejected in so many accelerator programs? It was because the evaluators are not brainy and they have never seen a UNICORN; in other words, they are not smart enough or can't have breakthroughs by making something different by following others or simply following other known successful entrepreneurship. How about the rest of brainy or potential unicorn?
Why was rejected to join the e-Stanford program many years ago? It was mainly Cheryl Yeoh ( is founding CEO of MAGIC feel inferior after she met me by barring me and block me on her Facebook; hence, another STUPID. Cheryl Yeoh Mei Yin is another STUPID who was sexually harassed by a guest in her home. Come on! Why did you invite your guest to your home and drink alcohol with sexy clothes? Any logic and any reasoning? She also told me that she was never into Jason Sew Hoy and the main reason she got married was because he was rich; she had no other choices due only Jason Sew Hoy was going after her and MAGIC did not renew her contract! Hence, when Jason Sew Hoy is poor then, Cheryl Yeoh will leave Jason Sew Hoy. Admirers, watch up!
I talked to Cheryl Yeoh about many startup,, she said my business idea can not achieve certain selection criteria, hence, I was not selected for the eStanford program. Year later, the book, "Exponential Organizations" by Salim Ismail, proof that my startup, is a UNICORN. You see! How stupid the judging and evaluation team lead by Cheryl Yeoh in MAGIC Malaysia while they can't differentiate and see further who and who are UNICORNs. She bullied me and she just ignored me mainly because I am a local graduate and NOT a JPA scholar.
Due to the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW), everything is recorded and using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in WWW, we can spot STUPIDs very fast and STUPIDs tend to have job offers very soon due to the employers only want followers; proof me wrong! "When you want to make a difference and think out the box, then, you must be an entrepreneur not a professor. A professor can't be the entrepreneur at the same time", said Multimedia University (MMU).
I shouted out that I am a billionaire or trillionaire many years ago mainly because of affirmation and I am very confident about my capability and business ideas with the right mentorship; my parents and family are farmers and we are not having any genes to do business, yet, I was chosen due to Multimedia University (MMU) fired me in year 2014 and I was never given a full-time job for more than 6 months until now. Due to why are so many investors coming to Malaysia mainly because brainy in Malaysia are mostly none due to many of them prefer to work in overseas as workers, hence, they can becoming full leaders to lead Malaysia and other countries also, they have seen all these behavior and further confirmed themselves why they are so rich as the westerners and why easterners are such the foolish to become rich due to the westerners' leadership. Easterners bully easterners. Malaysian bully Malaysian or Chinese bully Chinese; these are foolish acts and behavior to give laughter to the west. Easterners just can't accept brainy and extremely outstanding among themselves; when they spotted one, then, they killed one not helping them to have their dreams come true; perhaps I am wrong.
I shouted out loud that I am a billionaire or trillionaire, that was the main reason I was chosen. Very simple, we want those who are dare to speak and dare to talk loud for his goals and dream not those who are working silently and quietly towards their goals.
When people bullied us as the easterners, we must find out the reasons with reasoning, judgment and the ability to differentiate right and wrong not simply just following complaints and change accordingly without any protection to your people. Hence, when you want to be a leader; i.e. a billionaire or a trillionaire, you must be learning from me with good reasoning, judgment and the ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. When people bullied my people without any good reasons, I will fight for my people so that bullying will be distinguished and no more in any culture.
Let's support reasoning and GOOD JUDGEMENT IN ANY LEADERSHIP. When y6ou want to become a billionaire or a trillionaire like me, FIRST, ask yourself, are you a FAIR person; ask yourself, can you differentiate what is right and what is wrong? Are you going to protect your community, nation and country when someone attack any of them in your network?
If the Prime Minister must be a female, I would appoint Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz not YB Yeo Bee Yin. YB Yeo Bee Yin is a good follower for sure, definitely not the economy controller just like me with 14 startups to date in Malaysia. I am not interested to become a Prime Minister, however, if there are no other best candidate who can be the Prime Minister, I will appoint myself; yet, you all must be remember that Malaysia want me not I want Malaysia. The University of Oxford want me not I want the University of Oxford. Hope that you all are clear about my capability in reasoning, judgemental and the ability to differentiate what is right and what is wrong.
The University of Malaya want me not I want University Malaya because I can help the University of Malaya to move to the next stage by commercializing teaching powers' research outputs.