Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why am I not not donating a lot of money to the charity organization?

Charity activities were run since year 1756 which invented by Jonas Hanway.  1756-2020, it is a total of 264 years; about 9 generations of people are doing charity. 

I worked as a volunteer in many charity roadshows to collect money donations for many charity organizations worldwide, however, I met some disabled folks and they said they were the King and Queen because they have servants to help them to showers and feed them food.  I met orphans who had been telling me that they eat for free and live for free because their parents asked them to become orphans for free food.

An ordinary man, he has many affairs because many people think that he is rich.  Thus, many girls were going after him.  These women pocked a hole on the condom and their were pregnant after they had sex with this ordinary man as affairs activities without his wife acknowledgment.  All his sons from the affairs were kept in the orphanage home and he did not pay a single cent to grow his sons.  Yet, I would feel that doing charity for orphanage home is completely a laughter white a 7 years old kid can sell tissues in public places after their school time.  All special folks must work to gain for a living no matter what and how were their situations.         

After I became a billionaire, I would think that the beneficiaries of the donation money such as the growing up orphans and educated disabled folks are able to work for money and fund their previous being sponsored charity organizations to run their good shows or jobs to eliminate the feeling of being special folks is a type of prosperity.

My entrepreneurial journey was not easy.  I shared food with beggar while no one helps me to work on entrepreneurship as the government only helping those children of Tan Sri and Dato' Seri to become entrepreneurs with government funding.     

No one care about me!  The only thing, the government knows is to cut jobs.

www.SoLemMi.com is meant to create more than 30,000 jobs in Malaysia.  I need funding to run this holy opportunity to provide more jobs to special folks and etc.  I will not do charity starting a very long time ago and yet, I am providing job opportunities for special folks.  Email me your resume or CV if you are one of the special folks.  Read from my website to get the email.  Orphans are special folk too.

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