Sunday, March 22, 2020

"Fair? Why?": Answers on what you must do to eliminate your jealousy behaviour by improving yourself and hopefully be equal one day!

I started "Fair? Why?" in World Wide Web (WWW) since more than 10 years ago.  "Fair? Why?" is a business consultancy for all people who are jealous on other's relationship/ marriage, wealth/ career and health to achieve "Amore, Dinero and Salute"; Love, Wealth and Health - 24 positive hours a day. 

"Fair? Why?": Answers on what you must do to eliminate your jealousy behaviour by improving yourself and hopefully be equal one day!

Ms. Wong Hui Shin or Hui-Shin Wong is the founder and Principal Consultant for all jealous people who which to improve themselves and hopefully one day no more jealousy feeling and being happy about having Love, Wealth and Health, 24 positive hours a day by working hard after knowing success secret recipes on those you are jealous on.  Confidentiality is the most important key and goal in our consultancy service where "Fair? Why?" will seek for client's permission to help in the promotion and advertising campaigns of "Fair? Why?".  One of my clients who was a completely sour grape of Bill Gates.  He said, "Why should I being poor?  I know programming too."  After half an hour of the consultancy session, he is a happy child now.  He know exactly the direction which he is heading to after the half-and-hour consultancy.

Fill in the application form online to schedule a consultancy session,   

The list of questions in the application form:

1. Name?  You can address yourself as anonymous. 
2. Age?
3. Education background?
4. Why are you jealous?  To stop your jealousy, what do you want to achieve now?
5. Are you keen to be published your jealousy and your success after the consultancy in the promotion and advertising programs of "Fair? Why?"?
6. How much are you willing to pay for this consultation?

Thank you!

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