Monday, March 9, 2020

Go Cloud!

I lost my phone a few times to date, thus, no phone number records anymore except a few phone numbers which I am able and I want to remember.

I met snatched thieves, my bags were gone and of course, my phones were gone. 

Thus, the solution of remembering or remaining your phone records, your files, your photos and your videos are through "Go Cloud".

"Go Cloud" means you upload all your online documents, photos and videos to the internet via Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Mi Cloud, Microsoft Cloud Services, Adobe Cloud and many others.

I have a few cameras when I was a primary student until now.  I took mainly all the meaningful photographs and of course some photographs which were taken under others' instruction because they wanted to be with me in my photos.  Of course, I never say no about these types of instructions.

My history of "Go Cloud".  I uploaded all my digital photos online through Friendster and Facebook. 

Since I am also a good photographer, I will take all the meaningful moments which I am going to have with my boyfriend or husband-to-be.  I am looking forward to tell the world that I am having a boyfriend, I am going to engage and I am going to get married.  I will create a Facebook page or Instagram to illustrate all my relationship records.  When I have a boyfriend, I will tell the world face-to-face and digitally. 

I am looking forward for my first ever relationship in my life, i.e. a relationship which I am able to tell my family and the world. 

"Who is the lucky man?" 

"Mr. Golf, are you the one?"

 "Mr. Casino, are you the one?"

"Mr. Golden Ratio, are you the one?" 

"Why should I hide while having a relationship at any age is a good news for sure?"

"If you have a relationship with sex, you must tell the world because a lot of guys out there are looking for sex before marriage type of relationship.  You can ask my good friends, Katie White and Adeline Jenkins.  They had sex before a marriage and after 16 years of the relationship being together and they are finally get married with their boyfriends.  They told me their relationship and they are very proud about what they had done."

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