Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Forbes-List Billionaires' Wife and Family Members Are The Role Models And The Celebrities Of The Community, Nation and The World

When the moment you have decided to join TrainCan At Amore Paradise, www.TrainCan-At-Amore-Paradise.com matchmaking services to find a "billionaire" wife or a "billionaire" husband, you must understand yourself very clearly that you can take up the heavy responsibilities' role as a billionaire celebrity to lead the world and be the advocate of at least one social problem in the world to form a better place to live for all individuals.  Definitely not to have the perceptions that by marrying a Forbes-list billionaire, you can have many servants to serve you and no need to do anything by staying at home as well as doing online shopping every day.

Let me give you some of the examples of Forbes-list billionaires' wife:

1. Priscilla Chan is Mark Zukerberg's wife with children and both of them are running Chan Zukerberg Initiatives. https://chanzuckerberg.com/ to serve as non-profit to provide a future for everyone by leveraging technology, community-driven solutions and collaboration to accelerate progress in Education, Justice & Opportunity and Science.  

2. Melinda Gates is Bill Gates' wife with children and both of them are running Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ to serve as non-profit fighting poverty, disease, and inequality around the world.

3. Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong is running Dr. Wong Foundation, www.drwongfoundation.org to serve as non-profit with a series of non-profit activities for a better and humane world which include Fellowship for Cultural Exchange, Reading for Literature, Nutritious Food for Health, Jealousy Management for Mental Health and Solving Social Problem for Healthy Community.  Its mission is to solve social problems such as cyber crimes and global warming by cultivating humanity leaders worldwide through the philosophy of bridging the gaps between the poor and the rich, the intelligent and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the oversea graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non-IT savvy individuals.  

My Ph.D. topic in year 2007 was "Bridge The Gap", then, I have started this blog in year 2008 as the witnesses, diary and notes of all my mission to form a better place to live for all individuals and my Ph.D. study lead me to many entrepreneurial journeys which I have planned and started 10 startups to date for longer miles to form a giant conglomerate born and bred from Malaysia towards a developed country's formation as part of my goals in my life and the nation's goal, i.e. Vision 2020.  I am acting as a strategist and think-tank in Malaysia since year 2005 right after I graduated with a Master of Science Information Technology and the survival of Katrina Hurricane by landed Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on 2nd October 2005.  

Note: You can search their online videos on Youtube and understand more about their daily routines and job scopes as the Forbes-list billionaires' wife or husband. 

Contact me if you have better ideas to change the world and you have initiated many activities by showing your leadership to change the world just like what I have done by starting a blog, Malaysian Footprint with writings since year 2008 to gain traction to attract investors' attention to invest into my humanity related Malaysian Footprint Magazine publication or publishing as one of my business ventures!  As a change maker, you must behave a lot of ideas or research questions, a lot of solutions and a lot of initiative to work towards all your campaigns and activities for a better world through entrepreneurship just like what I have been doing since year 2003.  One of my startups is TrainCan At Amore Paradise, www.TrainCan-At-Amore-Paradise.com; I am the founder, CEO and Chief Cupid.  What are you waiting for?  If you are keen to have the heavy responsibilities to change the world, subscribe now or fill in the online application form to alert me that you want to join our worldwide mission to be one of the strategists to plan for everyone's better future or bright future.

If you want a very easy life with no responsibilities to help other people and having a lot of money, then, you must use all your intelligence and IQ to invest in Share Markets, Forex, Gold, Silver, Unit Trust, Bond, Hedge Fund, Bitcoin, Commodity, Insurance, Property, Venture Capital, Startups Investment, Gambling, Lucky Draw and Lottery.

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