Tuesday, November 15, 2022

What is a Ph.D. output with multi-million, multi-billion or multi-trillion USD net worth?

My friend want to do a Ph.D. in Music.  He seek for my advice.  I say he can create a new formula, methodology, theory, philosophy or categorize some new knowledge in music.  He instantly has the idea and report himself in UC Berkeley (https://www.berkeley.edu/) in California, USA to study a Master degree first.

Ph.D. means doctorate degree.  With high school graduation, you must study a Pre-U, then, a degree, a Master and finally a Ph.D..  To work on a Master by research and Ph.D. study, you must excel your knowledge in research.  Research means you are having a mission impossible with your research interest and you are looking for the best feasible solution with your talent to form a better world.  You are searching for a solution to form a formula, methodology, theory, philosophy or many others in order for you to graduate. 

My best friend in Music is Jay Chou and followed by Qu Wanting.

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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