Saturday, January 14, 2023

"We must respect bold problem/ challenges solvers especially the pioneer or inventor because we are not COPYCAT." ~ Hui-Shin Wong

Bold problem/ challenges are featured in Bill Gates' Facebook page.  Let me give you an example: NET ZERO!  I am a solution provider for many bold problem/ challenges.  Of course, NET ZERO is one of my problem-solving target with technology solution and trade secret.

NET ZERO means the emission of Oxygen minus the emission of Carbon Dioxide must be balanced to ZERO in our atmosphere.

Yes, Benjamin Henry Hughes (my husband) and I are sharing a company ownership to solve the above commercially.  We are also the bold problem solvers of GREEN ENERGY with a factory to produce and export our patented or trade secret poof green/ alternative energy.  

Besides, we are into the RECYCLING business, we use our patented or trade secret proof remedy to transform used vehicle tyres into textile for long pants and many others.  We have another factory to do this.  

When you need to do business with Hi-Tech or technology, if you are not patent or trade secret owner(s), then, you can adopt their technology by paying loyalty not COPYING theirs by claiming yourselves as the problem/ challenges solvers by replacing business market of pioneer or inventor.

China, please take note! 

The only way to become a pioneer or inventor, you must study and read a lot with enlightenment.  Enjoy reading!  To having a Ph.D. qualification is an option to become a pioneer or inventor not all.  

We are very small tiny trillionaires in the world.

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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