Sunday, January 15, 2023

How am I having a career to work for the best of the best cum the richest?

Step 1: Excel in my undergraduate study (1998-2002).

Step 2: Secure a scholarship to work on my Master of Science (2003-2005).

Step 3: Secure a Research and Development (R&D) position, i.e. a lecturer in a research-driven university (2005-2014).  Work on a Ph.D. to excel my R&D skill.

Step 4: Running at least one startup with a lot of technical challenges and I have tried my best to solve one-by-one with my R&D skill (2014 until to date).

Step 5: Asking as many people as possible to invest into my startups by pitching to many people.  There you go, I have successfully secured funding to run my business and there, I am a boss cum profit-sharing boss.  I am rich, yet, my investor(s) are the richest.  Besides the profit-sharing scheme, I am enjoying Intellectual Property (IP) ownership profit generation by generation.   

Thank you for your attention!

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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