Friday, January 13, 2023

"The Poor And The Rich": The ultimate truth about the attitude of Chinese from China and many others who are not able to be groomed and known as a millionaire, billionaire or trillionaire mainly because its answer, jealousy! According to survey, those sour grapes are those who are aiming for low sugar, low salt and low oil in all their cooking recipes and food. Kindly avoid all these nonsense!

These sour grapes or people with jealous attitude just do not want potentially very rich people to go rich.  They said their only objective to against all these leaders' direction to go rich was to stop all these potential millionaires, billionaires or trillionaires to become rich with no other objective.

Hence, these are poor people attitude.  Do you know what is poor man syndrome?  The above fact is the poor man syndrome.  It is a type of sickness.

Those who are very supportive with the ultimate goal to save the world are rich people with a positive attitude.

To test one is a sick person with poor man syndrome, a few round of medical check-ups are needed with blood drawing to further investigate one with low sugar, low salt and low oil eating diet.  These are scientifically proven sour grapes or people who are having a jealous attitude.

Let's have a medical check-up yearly to have a dating relationship for at least 8 years to find out a true leader as your wife or husband if you wanna to marry a potentially rich husband or wife!

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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