Tuesday, January 10, 2023

"The Easterners And The Westerners": Shoes making is a business goes after the great knowledge of Science, i.e. Physics and Mathematics; ERGONOMIC to be exact. If you do not study Physics, Mathematics and Ergonomic, you are unable to excel in shoes making business.

Westerners spend their life to excel themselves in the shoe-making business with intensive research and application of Physics, Mathematics and Ergonomic.  The good example of a successful business in shoe-making is Nike, Puma, Timberland, Michael Kors, Rockport, Marc Jacobs, Dior, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Giuseppe Zanotti and many others.  

In the eastern world (China), they steal my branded shoes such as my Timberland hiking shoes, then, they disassemble the pieces of the Timberland shoes, do exact measurements of each piece, and then, massively produce and make these shoes by sewing pieces to become the whole shoes.  This is cheating and it is never the smart and sustainable way to do business in the shoe-making industry. 

"The definition of Ergonomic in Dictionary.com is relating to or designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment."  

According to source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/ergonomic, ergonomic means design or feature of an equipment (Shoes, Chair, Keyboard and many others) is meant for comfortability.  

The example of sentences are listed below:

1) Ergonomic design/features
2) I use an ergonomic desk chair.
3) I find ergonomic keyboards very comfortable to use.
4) This cookware has ergonomic handles.
5) Almost a third of the work-related injuries are related to workplace ergonomic problems.

"Let's learn from the west, i.e. the best of the best.  If you want to do this multi-billion dollar business in shoe-making, study Science (Physics), Mathematics and Ergonomic.  All the best!" ~ Hui-Shin Wong

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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