Sunday, October 30, 2022

捉奸在床 (Spotting an affair of your husband or wife right they have sex within a room)

If you are smart or a genius, one thing you will do when you hear that your husband or wife is having an affair, then, you must have the proof by videoing the whole process to claim for a no-need-to-pay divorce for life. 

If you tell the world that he or she is not a virgin, then, can you give me as the genius for all nation that a video or medical proof since withdrawing blood can identify who is or are your sex partner(s)?

If one would like to tell a white lie, why not?  Yet, the scientific proof can talk and that is your medical checkup report.  If you donate blood, then, the whole nation know that you are no longer a virgin if you are really one.

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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