Friday, October 28, 2022

Do not get me wrong! I never say buy low sell high, i.e. trading or doing business is not good, yet, I have a choice to do Research and Development (R&D) by commercialize my research output with Intellectual Property (IP), i.e. TrainCan At Amore Paradise,, All-Rounded Virtual Mom and many other of my startups. In short, we must encourage all people to further their study by having a degree first, then, Master and Ph.D. in order to grab the R&D skill and specific knowledge in depth NOT in a hurry to graduate when you are not an expert in a domain knowledge. Do not give-up if you are not a Ph.D. student in OxBridge and Ivy-League Universities. As long as you are into Research and Development (R&D) and publication, your effort and contribution are noted and appreciated.

Intellectual Property (IP) - include patent, copyright, trademark and trade secrets.

The perception of elite society or the very rich people would be valuing professional such as teacher, lecturer, professor and many others while doing business or trading with no right of Intellectual Property (IP) would be a very low class of working profession with no recommendation unless you have no other choice.

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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