Thursday, February 23, 2023

"The Rich And The Poor": Do not be a shallow person to justify one's capability and wealth status using dollar and cent in his/ her bank account, we must justify one by understanding each other, i.e. his/ her capability to solve bold challenges such as NET ZERO and many others! As a start, we can evaluate one by observing his/ her involvement for a better individual (continuously improve himself/ herself by taking short courses), family (organizing a family gathering or birthday celebration), society (organizing plastic recycling campaign), country (representing your country by presenting yourself with your food, culture and language) and the world (be an activist of NET ZERO).

Be professional and apply justice to treat all equally to form a better world for all individuals.

Respect is a must to all range of people, yet, we must not forget poor people deserve respect too. 

Those who have a lot of money are prestige, yet, they spend a lot of money to help people to be a better person and a respectful co-worker or worker.

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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