Saturday, December 12, 2020

Personal Research Requirement: I was a Service Desk Analyst for 6 months (contract)

My initiative to be involved in a field study, "To bridge the gap between the IT Savvy and Non-IT Savvy individuals" to act as a Service Desk Analysis for a contract of 6 months to listen and help all kind of IT-related problems from non-IT Savvy individuals to revoke and fasten the needs of Robotic Process Automation (RPA),  

Welcome to my personal research world, I have stated my research scopes very clearly on the first day I started my blog, i.e. this blog, "Malaysian Footprint".

"Hui-Shin Wong is a simple Malaysian who read a lot and travel the world. Through her stories, she aims to change the world for a better place to live. She hope her readers evolve their mindset to a globally thinker and not only following others without thinking. "See, Think, Enlighten, then, Follow (S.T.E.F.)!” Also, she would like to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich, the intelligence and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the oversea graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non-IT savvy individuals. 一个简单的大马人,黄慧欣读了万卷与及环游世界一圈,目的是要通过她的故事来改变现在的问题社会,创造一个更美好的生活世界。,她希望她的读者能成为一个全球性的思想家,而不是一个没有自己思想的追随者。 “观看,思考,启迪,然后,按照(S.T.E.F.)!此外,她想弥合穷人与富翁,智力高的人与普通的人,主人与奴隶, 留学生与本地毕业生, 东方人与西方人,资讯人群与非资讯人群的思想差距。"

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