Tuesday, December 15, 2020

MChat - A Multi-Diversified Facets Online Chat (another great idea of one of my start-ups)

I would welcome investors to contact me directly if you are keen to explore further and invest money to make my ideas into reality.  I am Hui-Shin Wong, the founder and CEO of MChat with a Whatsapp: +6 012 298 2298.

Due to IoT is continuing flourish.  I was thinking of MChat.  This is a mobile chat application which can detect matched chat rooms for all MChat users.  The situation is that you are waiting for a train from this destination to another destination.  You are watching a movie on NetFlix and so happen that nearby you, you have a few people are watching the same movies like you do in the train station.  With MChat, a chat room will be automatically setup and all of you who are watching the same movies can chat to exchange ideas or also, you all can be virtual friends.  

Another situation would be you are in the library and you are reading history online documentation.  Like-minded individuals will be invited to join the chat room through MChat.     

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