Monday, December 14, 2020

Shore Scripts Potential Subscription, "The Dawn of The World". Author: Hui-Shin Wong

Due to I can't get the investment fund to work on my entrepreneurial journey, I have written them into words or stories for food.  I aimed high to be a multi-million dollar book author, yet, I am not one at this moment and I came across this platform to earn a USD 1000 prize if I win the contest.  I must try because I need to eat.  I must find my ways to pay the subscription or submission fees.

I came across Shore Scripts,  I was so excited.  I have so many stories and I am here to list them one by one when I have some extra money.  

Podcast Story Title: "The Dawn of The World"

Author: Hui-Shin Wong

Synopsis: Wendy Hui is a Malaysian Chinese and she has done very well in her country, Malaysia.  She was picked to solve the social problem of inequality in her country, Malaysia through the Rhodes Scholarship.  In order for her to accumulate more research data, she started an online platform called, "Fair? Why?" to accumulate topics or social domain areas that people find that was unfair to them due to their efforts or energy which they had invested.  She found out a few social status domains which urgently need the enhancement of the types of understanding and the ways of communication to improve the country economy and to form the unity of a country towards the goal as a developed nation.  The social status domains are poor people and rich people, intelligent people and ordinary people, the masters and the slaves, local graduates and overseas graduates, easterners and westerners, IT-savvy and non IT-savvy individuals.  List of the unfair stories from the "Fair? Why?" online portal will be listed and the solution towards equality will be reviewed as well.  To conclude, all information must be clustered and categorized for different social domains and the efforts to move the information disclosure from one category to another category must be feasible because people are improving and progressing from one social status domain to another social status domain; just like poor people can be rich after they secured a university degree and yet, we need algorithms from Internet Information Privacy Research Center.  This is another billion-dollar research question to ensure each and every piece of information to be released and it will not hurt the people from the respective social status domains.  This is a technology-based start-up idea; another of my business idea.  I believe that GOOGLE is doing it for years and I am happy to have the same idea which they are progressing now.       

"Fair? Why?" Story 1: 

SPM is the name of the official government examination for high school students.  In year 2017, a high school Chinese graduate with a straight A's result in SPM told "Fair? Why?" that she felt unfair and being ignored as she couldn't get the JPA scholarship to further her study overseas.  She said that she knew some Malay, they only have 7 A's instead of straight A's, i.e. 10 A's, and, they got the JPA Scholarship.  She cried and she felt bad being a Malaysian and her networks gave many hard-time to those 7 A's SPM graduates just because she thought that she deserved a JPA Scholarship.  JPA Scholarship is the highest award for high school graduates.  If you are a JPA scholar, your life will be driving on a super-highway; fast, confident and full of security.  She was right to voice-up her anger and frustration, yet, she was definitely wrong to use her networks to give hard time those Malay who got only 7 A's or in fact to her peers who are Chinese and got a JPA Scholarship with only 7 A's.

"Fair? Why?" Story 2:

An ordinary fresh local graduate girl stated her anger and frustration due to her monthly salary is only RM 2000 and her colleague who is a JPA scholar and a fresh graduate from overseas who is earning RM 4000 monthly.  She said if she has another chance to work on a study, she will work extremely hard to ensure that she will score straight A's in her SPM, get a JPA Scholarship, study overseas, graduate with great results, return home and start working with RM 4000 monthly salary.  

Responses to Fair? Why?" Story 1 and "Fair? Why?" Story 2:

Don't forget there are many other scholarships available online, if you can't secure a scholarship after SPM, then, try to get a scholarship after your degree to further your masters or Ph.D. study.  The most important is how you have the ideas and implementation to solve global economic and social problems.  This is something like when you want to become a billionaire by starting a business with Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP).    

Fair? Why?" Story 3:          

To be continued ......

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