Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Award Criteria of the Scholarship System Within A Country

1) What are the criteria for a SPM leaver to be awarded a JPA Scholarship in year 1998?
Answer: We are saying that we are looking for a team of people to excel in one skill such as Computer Science in a country called Malaysia in year 2002.  We will eye on a group of people ranging from leaders to subordinates in all perspectives of Computer Science.  Of course, when we select candidates, the more A's you scored, the more chances you are going to get the scholarship and yet, we will evaluate you in terms of co-curriculum activities and foreign languages capacities such as Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Mandarin, and etc.  If you are the one who scored all A's in SPM with a JPA Scholarship to study in Japan and you are getting a job as a System Administrator after the completion of your Computer Science degree, are you going to reject the job offer?  Thus, when we allocate the scholarship, we will welcome all potential scholarship candidates to apply for the scholarship so that, the board of selection or we are able to identify 6A's scholars as the System Administrators and 10A's scholars as the Assistant Professor or the candidates for Ph.D..  

I hope that you will not be jealous on the SPM leavers who are 5A's or 6A's who are getting the scholarship because there would be the leaders of non-scholars for sure and yet, they are only allocated a System Administrator job or a System Tester job after they graduated.  All the scholars must be able to work as a team and they had proven track records in good communication skills and good team building.

You can choose to become a professional photographer if you want your clients to listen to you.  Getting a degree in photography is so affordable in Germany and you will not lose anything by paying your tuition fees yourself.     

I had a friend who is a self-funded undergraduate tuition fees student, his salary is more than RM 10,000 monthly after he graduated and he is earning more than RM 50,000 monthly with his own Software company.  Of course, as a Computer Science graduate, his programming skills must be very good.  A JPA scholar in year 1998, he is only earning RM 4000 monthly after 5 years of working as a System Administrator and with his 20 years of working as a System Administrator, he is earning more than RM 20,000 a month now.  A lot of people like to change their jobs and hop to other companies for higher pay.  They must remember that loyalty does count in job promotion.

"We must help the poor, thus, we must hire those who are poor and also those who are scholars.  Scholars are mostly poor.  Scholars means those who received Scholarship for studying.

If you want the fax and the name of the above candidates, please pay "Fair? Why?" consultation fees.  A special interview write-up will be there in the magazines and newspapers if you are willing to pay for the consultation fees.      

~ This is the justification from "Fair? Why?", an Agency of Career Consultants and Jealousy Management brought to you by the founder and the CEO of "Fair? Why?", Ms. Hui Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin.   

Fill in the application form online to schedule a consultancy session,   

The list of questions in the application form:

1. Name?  You can address yourself as anonymous. 
2. Age?
3. Education background?
4. Why are you jealous?  To stop your jealousy, what do you want to achieve now?
5. Are you keen to be published your jealousy and your success after the consultancy in the promotion and advertising programs of "Fair? Why?"?
6. How much are you willing to pay for this consultation?

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