Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Syllabus of "Aim To Become A Researcher Bootcamp or Summer Camp For Children and Adolescent"


1. What is your objective to work on a research?  This is extremely important!

2. What type of problem do you have daily?  What type of service do you think it need to be improved? Or, what type of product is out fashion and need your help to alter, improve or change totally?  If you think there must have a change, then, what is that and how can you change to be more effective, cost-saving or reduce in size?

3. We must ask WHY, WHY and WHY such as why should it be more effective, cost-saving or reduce in size?

4. Level of curiosity of children should be measured.  What do you think and how?

5. The weightage of the ability to learn new things must be measured.  What do you think and how?

6. Why we need to solve HARD PROBLEM need to be measured.  What do you think and how?

7. Your Mathematic must be good and it should be perfect, i.e. 100% in order to qualify for measurement.  What do you think and why?

8. New ideas to solve problem need to be measured.  What do you think and how? 

9. Does your new ideas and the act of improvement contribute in educating the world?  If yes, what would be the most memorable lesson?  Who is your target audience?

10. How are you form a team and how would you like to assign the research-solving activities to your team member?  This is measurable; what do you think and why?

Enjoy this bootcamp or summer camp!

You can click this link (https://forms.gle/MV4zgXNL5Gntr1E18) to fill in the blank!

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.  

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