Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Ever since I have started and founded SoLemMi.com on 7th May 2014 until now, I am applying madly for investment fund from the investors by traveling around the world, yet, I am rich enough to sustain until today without a single cent of investors' support for all my 23 startups and I am proud to announce that I want investors' attention, help and support! I want money to SCALE-UP all my startups and I need to buy food! Urgent!

Do you know why am I so famous and wanted by all my 300++ admirers?  It is mainly because I am VERY RICH, else, justify why am I not able to get a single cent from investor(s)?  I have 100% shares for all my 23 startups!

I am a jobless for 8 years now with no investors' funding support for my entrepreneurship journey.  May I ask why should I work so hard without a salary for being an entrepreneur for 8 years?  Why?  Am I a jobless or an entrepreneur?

I am both!

Urgently need investors' attention!

I am Hui-Shin Wong (H.S. Wong or HS Wong), Wong Hui Shin or Shyan H. Wong.

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