Note: This is not the final version of the total content of "Hui-Shin Wong's Biography from" due to no official editing such as editing from Harvard Business School for public awareness and motivation. The purpose of this biography is to encourage people to dream and never too late to study a Medical Degree, a Law Degree, an IT/ Computer Science degree or anything you have in mind which is a problem for you to solve through entrepreneurship or doing a Ph.D. study. Hui-Shin Wong attracted many hackers to her work on her computer, thus, she intended to do a Ph.D. study in Information Security. Hui-Shin Wong is a criminal in a court case for professionalism failure in the cardiovascular medical field due to Medical Instrument function failure, thus, she initiated a Ph.D. study in Policies of Heart Beats and Brain Waves related study in Medical Instruments since she can't practice as a cardiologist. Hui-Shin Wong found that people worldwide must travel and see the world, thus, she founded for most people worldwide to travel and see the world economically.
Ever since Hui-Shin Wong's childhood, she was educated to be a Rhodes scholar from Malaysia to work on a Medical degree and a Law degree in the University of Oxford due to her extra-ordinary skills in debating, languages and her Science and Mathematics knowledge. She excel in all languages which she had contacted since her study years in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Her motivation to go to the University of Oxford for her undergraduate degrees initiated by her childhood dentist who is a University Oxford graduate from Malaysia in a small town in Perak, Malaysia.
SPM is the Malaysian high school government official examination. She had her SPM forecasting result with all distinctions to apply for Rhodes Scholarship to attend double degree with foundation program, i.e. a Medical degree program and a Law degree program in the University of Oxford at her age when she completed her high school study co-curriculum. Due to non-forecasting reasons, she did not score all her 3 language examination papers in her SPM actual result. Thus, her acceptance to be a Rhodes scholar representing Malaysia right after her SPM result releasing was called for a rejection.
Very quickly, the Ministry of Education counseling unit in Malaysia suggested her to enroll a medical degree at Iwate Medical University in Japan because the university did not require high distinction in languages due to all her Science and Mathematics subjects are high distinctions with 100% for each and every subject. A few years later, she graduated with a Medical Degree from Japan and she was practicing her profession in Japan as a reputable and successful Cardiologist with 100% of successful survival rate for all her patients. In one of her heart surgeries, her patient died due to a congested oxygen supply from the medical instrument at that time with no medical instrument expert examination cum investigation and law of justice in that field. She was sued by the patient family for her unprofessional and "misconduct" in cardiovascular sugery processes with found guilty within very short time and she was fired as well as her cardiologist license and qualification were blacklisted due to the patient's family power and social status in Japan.
News spread quickly to Foreign Country Talents Group in the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia and the Rhodes scholars in Malaysia who trusted her innocent in cardiovascular expertise and decided to locate her to a local private university in Malaysia, Multimedia University to study a Bachelor of Information Technology major Software Engineering with the contract of non-disclosure about all her study and her job in Japan due to social stigma as she is a criminal in Japan even though many people trusted her profesionalism yet, no technology at that time will back her up. Japan has never given up her talent even though she is a criminal, she was employed as a trainee in Fujitsu Malaysia, a Japanese company in Malaysia for 5 months contracted to the Malaysia Prime Minister office.
Very soon, she graduated and got a job as a Software Development Engineer in one startup software company in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. After 18 months of working in this startup, she received a scholarship to work on her Master of Science Information Technology in Malaysia University of Science and Technology under a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Techology, Cambridge, United States of America. She continues to excel under a Ph.D. graduate from Stanford University, California, United States of America as her master thesis supervisor titled, "Policies of Cellular-WLAN Integration".
Right after her graduation, she got a position as a lecturer in Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Her Ph.D. study in Multimedia University is "Heart Beats and Brain Waves Analysis with the Ailment Evaluation of Medical Instruments Faulty for Cardiology and Neuroscience". Her Ph.D. study topic was initiated due to her experience as a criminal when she was in Japan. Due to no expertists who can supervise her in her Ph.D. study topic at Multimedia University, she is called a dropped-out of Ph.D. study in Multimedia University, Malaysia.
Just within 1 day of gap, she was invited by Founder Institute, California, USA to attend an entrepreneur program. She founded on 7th May 2014 in Malaysia because she can no longer become a Profesor in the university with no Ph.D. qualification even though she is the best lecturer as what her students shouted at her. She must do her job as an entrepreneur to serve the world. She used slightly more than 7 years to secure investors' attention to investing in her belief to help people worldwide to see the world economically. Within these 7 years, she tried to sell all her 3 condominium and studio apartments to fund her research and belief as an entrepreneur. She managed to raise MYR 300,000 for her research and development in all her startups by selling 1 of her properties.
One of the professors cum researcher at Iwate Medical University claimed that Hui-Shin Wong has intensive knowledge in Cardiology and Iwate Medical University denied Hui-Shin Wong's claim as a graduate and practiced cardiologist from the university and university hospital itself. He also stated firmly that Hui-Shin Wong was entering Japan with a visitor VISA and not a student VISA or a work permit. With his statements, the University of Oxford extends its invitation for Hui-Shin Wong to work as a visiting researcher and a part-time tutor in Future Humanity of Institute (FHI) at the same time a worldwide level entrepreneur of, TrainCan At Amore Paradise, Dr. Wong Foundation and many others. With Turing Scholarship, FHI Scholarship and Rhodes Scholarship, she secured a Ph.D studentship in Engineering Science of the University of Oxford to continue her research passion to find out and set the medical instrument policy and standard with LAW CONVERSION to support cardiologists and neurosurgeons in all court cases with medical instrument failure for cardiovascular and neuroscience-related surgeries.
As a student in the University of Oxford, she secured recognition as a Forbes list billionaire. Before she started a Ph.D. study in Multimedia University, she was an Academic Visitor to the University of London Royal Holloway, University of Cambridge and Newcastle University to work on Information Security and Cybersecurity related research activities in the United Kingdom for slightly more than 6 months.