Monday, February 7, 2022

Do you know that Mental Health patients are categorized as the Disabled Folks and they are like the PANDAS in China which is a protected group in everywhere and anyplace in the world especially United Kingdom!

I'm a celebrity lecturer cum entrepreneur ever since year 2005 and I am an advocate for humanity for a healthy community in these 4 segments: 1) Fellowship for Cultural Exchange and Reading for Literature, 2) Jealousy Management for Mental Health, 3) Nutritious Food for Health and 4) Solving Cyber Crimes and Global Warming for Healthy Community ever since year 2014 by running Dr. Wong Foundation ( as a philanthropy arm of

It is impossible the stated black and white reason in a letter of dismissal for an employee in any business entity in a country that he/ she is a mentally ill patient and that's why he or she is dismissed.  If it is such, the employer must claim from the medical benefit of the insurance under the labor law to cure his/ her illness with medical leaves not dismissing him/ her from the job unless doctors have written an official letter to claim that he/ she is permanent ill, then, he/ she can claim the benefits of the insurance with a big lum sum of money as a permanent disabled until not able to work; then, with this amount of money, the employer can dismiss him or her as a result that doctors have signed the black and white that he/ she is no longer can perform.  When you have insurance coverage, the mentally ill patients may choose to go to TOP PRIVATE HOSPITAL for a cure for sure.  Why should it be to receive the treatments in a public hospital when one who is a celebrity lecturer was claimed to be a mentally ill patient?  The fact is that the people who plan for this full episode encourage people to seek health attention in the government hospital in order to get cured economically.  Do you agree or disagree?  Who are the people who planned?  Who is the celebrity?  Should we pay more to seek for top medical attention?  Am I right or wrong?   

Logic!  Think!  See!  You must get it since Telekom Malaysia and many big corporates are encouraging people to seek medical help in government hospitals not private for sure.  And, the doctors are stupid enough to write a letter to say that he/ she is permanently ill in order to get a big lum sum of insurance claims for the disability as a mental health patient in order to get a letter of dismissal from any employer to him or her.  Do you find the logic?

If he or she is not getting any insurance claims due to his/ her mental illness, then, his/ her employer must bear the cost of the medical expenses until he/ she is cured by reporting to work eventually not firing him or her.  Do you find the logic?

Rumors are a great tool to find followers and thinkers.  Are you a thinker who is a leader or are you mainly a follower?

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