Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Those who love to find faults by giving their personal views and happy to do it again and again worth my attention. Let me give the "Bridge The Gap" pedagogy from my Ph.D. study to help you to see the world with more senses with meaning and justification!

Come on!  Write to me at or Whatsapp me, +6 012 298 2298!  My highest record for the number of my Whatsapp messages in my mobile phone is 1500 daily.  Hence, give me some times and hopefully, I can reply your message as soon as possible.  My email inbox is achieving Gigabytes and Gigabytes, yet, I am trying my best to reply all your email.  If all these are coverted to be the number of my readers and buyers of my books, how nice?

Check my author profile,, Google Play Book, and major retailing online or offline bookstores worldwide to buy my books online or with cash/ mobile wallet/ credit card/ debit card/ bitcoin. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Surgeons are those who are fully in charge of surgeries for patients! Cardiac surgeons are not Cardiologists! Neurosurgeons are not Neurologists!

Cardiac Surgeons and Neurosurgeons are those medical specialist doctors who are going to perform surgical procedures, diagnosis, prepare treatment plan, the actual surgery and post-recovery options of the patients.  

Cardiologists are not able to perform heart surgery and Neurologists are not able to perform brain surgery.

Kindly take note!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Gap Between Robotics and Life Science is my Ph.D. Topic, "Bridge The Gap" from the Technology, Healthcare, Security and Surveillance Perspective while I'm Working Hard To Model The Natural Energy-Efficiency Continuous Services and Wireless Signals To the Satellites Within Our Body To Ensure The GPS which Embeded in Human Beings' Body Parts.

I have been working closely with Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Skin Surgeons and Dermatologists all around the world with my knowledge in Computer Science and Information Technology to ensure my Ph.D. in Information Technology to justify the energy-efficiency of our body to naturally generate the electricity or battery power with fluid dynamic within our blood stream to power the operations of the GPS embedded within human beings' body or animal's body so that we can track their location and also, the long lasting power of advance surveillance system which integrated with satellites, easedropping or voice detecting system and many more within a protected group of people who are having the embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) and surveillance system gadgets or chips within their body which including the brain chips installed in human beings or animals' brain. 

Within my Ph.D. study, I am using the theory of fluid dynamic within our blood stream and the natural behaviour of a heart anatomy with the skin recovery or scars recovery from the knowledge of Dermatology and the help of cardiologists to install the energy-efficiency power generator at the entrance of aorta valve of the human beings' heart right after the left ventricle.  In order to install this power generator to support human beings' embedded GPS for the outstanding research for of "Bridge The Gap" from the Technology, Healthcare, Security and Surveillance Perspectives, I have developed a computer simulator to model the fluid dynamic within the blood stream for a wide range of categories of human beings according to the 16 types of human beings' characters defined by 16 Myers-Briggs to identity the energy-efficiency power generator of the GPS and brain chips.  Of course, within the brains, we are having monkeys to help us for brain chips installation and these security or surveillance gadgets within our body as the protected group need battery/ power to pursue seamless connectivity with the information sent from protected groups' body to the satellites and I can tell you that human beings' brain pulse and spark within the brain can generate enough power for brain chips to operate and instruct human beings to work accordingly or synchronously.  

I'm working hard to ensure my knowledge in Edge Computing, Information Security and Computer Science can be blended with these domain knowledge for me to bring and bridge the gaps by picking up knowledge in Cardiology, Neurology, Dermatology and Blockchain with my recognized publication endorsed by University of Cambridge, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, Carnegie Mellon University, ACEEE and MCMC.

I'm Wong Hui Shin, Hui-Shin Wong or Shyan H. Wong.  The end of my reporting of my Ph.D. study progress.  For your information, I am a dropped-out of Ph.D. from Multimedia University in year 2015, yet, it doesn't help me to pursue my dream to provide a better place to live for all individuals by continuously to analyse heart beats and brain waves using Big Data and Data Science knowledge which I have obtained online and detailed research on the data supplied by Kaggle ever since year 2014 or 2015 until now.

My Full Professorship which I am going to report to University of Oxford two years later recognizes my contribution of the invention of the energy-efficiency of the power generation for this stated gap which I have mentioned earlier. 
I still need a job before my reporting date, yet, I am proud on the planning which I have no clue why my reporting date is after 2 years and I am never give up for my work and action to form a better place to live for all individuals by words, entrepreneurship and research with my never-give-up attitude on all my plans for my entrepreneurship journey.  A Professor in the university can be an entrepreneur at the same time.  Support me; I need investment funds to run all my business entities!  Thank you!

Monday, February 7, 2022

Do you know that Mental Health patients are categorized as the Disabled Folks and they are like the PANDAS in China which is a protected group in everywhere and anyplace in the world especially United Kingdom!

I'm a celebrity lecturer cum entrepreneur ever since year 2005 and I am an advocate for humanity for a healthy community in these 4 segments: 1) Fellowship for Cultural Exchange and Reading for Literature, 2) Jealousy Management for Mental Health, 3) Nutritious Food for Health and 4) Solving Cyber Crimes and Global Warming for Healthy Community ever since year 2014 by running Dr. Wong Foundation ( as a philanthropy arm of

It is impossible the stated black and white reason in a letter of dismissal for an employee in any business entity in a country that he/ she is a mentally ill patient and that's why he or she is dismissed.  If it is such, the employer must claim from the medical benefit of the insurance under the labor law to cure his/ her illness with medical leaves not dismissing him/ her from the job unless doctors have written an official letter to claim that he/ she is permanent ill, then, he/ she can claim the benefits of the insurance with a big lum sum of money as a permanent disabled until not able to work; then, with this amount of money, the employer can dismiss him or her as a result that doctors have signed the black and white that he/ she is no longer can perform.  When you have insurance coverage, the mentally ill patients may choose to go to TOP PRIVATE HOSPITAL for a cure for sure.  Why should it be to receive the treatments in a public hospital when one who is a celebrity lecturer was claimed to be a mentally ill patient?  The fact is that the people who plan for this full episode encourage people to seek health attention in the government hospital in order to get cured economically.  Do you agree or disagree?  Who are the people who planned?  Who is the celebrity?  Should we pay more to seek for top medical attention?  Am I right or wrong?   

Logic!  Think!  See!  You must get it since Telekom Malaysia and many big corporates are encouraging people to seek medical help in government hospitals not private for sure.  And, the doctors are stupid enough to write a letter to say that he/ she is permanently ill in order to get a big lum sum of insurance claims for the disability as a mental health patient in order to get a letter of dismissal from any employer to him or her.  Do you find the logic?

If he or she is not getting any insurance claims due to his/ her mental illness, then, his/ her employer must bear the cost of the medical expenses until he/ she is cured by reporting to work eventually not firing him or her.  Do you find the logic?

Rumors are a great tool to find followers and thinkers.  Are you a thinker who is a leader or are you mainly a follower?

Why must I be a VVIP to you and your organization? Why am I so important?

I have traveled the world with the established connection for more than 100 countries during my very young age with my own hard-earned money.  I am the eldest in the family and I am extremely hard-working and independent.

Due to the business ideas of all my 20 startups to date if I am not wrong, I have met a wide variety of investors and I am well-known as a very versatile and intelligent individual through all my online history, track records and attended events by attracting 300++ worldwide millionaires and billionaires who are going after me for marriage during my younger age.  I have the titles of self-appointed "Miss Malaysia" and "Miss Universe" ever since I was in London, United Kingdom from year 2007-2009 due to my friendliness, a self-appointed "Malaysia ambassador" and my intelligence which I have shined in the most intelligent crowds in the world, i.e. Oracle R&D, Microsoft Research, University of Cambridge and many others. 

I am a policy/ act/ law/ technical code former, maker or changer who has been recognized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), American Council for an Energy-Efficiency Economy (ACEEE) and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) ever since year 2004, year 2012 and further recognition in year 2015.

Hence, in order to lead a multi-billion dollar business and conglomerate, I am humbly accepting my calling and being the most humane leader in this agenda.  This must be the best joke in the world if I can't get a good and high pay job in anywhere in the world which including my own country, Malaysia.  Don't insult the headhunters and human resources algorithm based Artificial Intelligent job matching website, bot and software especially those experienced headhunters!  They must be well noted and truly understand if I can't get any investment funds to run my startups, then, I must get a job.  Of course, I am at the funding acquisition stage for all my startups which can impact the world yet, I still need to feed myself and to pay my loans such as housing loans.  

Connect me through Linkedin, Facebook and Whatsapp:

3. Whatsapp: +6 012 298 2298

I am your VVIP mainly because I have changed the world using words and I form a better place to live for all individuals through all my actions.

Kindly buy my books from all appointed book stores worldwide, and Google Play Books.  Let's view my author profile at amazon dot com,

Thank you!

I'm a perfectionist. If you find faults, flaws, mistakes and any negative elements on me or about me, then, it must be your faults, system error, logical error or cognitive error!

Nice to meet you and thank you for connecting!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

99.999% of people in the world are followers of the great worldwide leaders, yet, these followers shouldn't be tested to differentiate what is wrong and what is wrong since they are in good faith of following their leaders.

Are you the 99.999% of the followers of the great worldwide leaders?  Speak loud that who is your leaders that following their Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and main others to be rewarded as one of the most faithful followers by gaining the reward as a millionaire, perhaps!

Are you following a leader or many leaders?  Spread their words and good causes to "redeem" your reward one day for sure.

If you are a leader, how are you going to change the world for a better place to live for all individuals or a market segmentation?

When one is bullied, he/ she is seeking for help to walk far away from the losses, mental illnesses and reputation ruined. People who are capable to help those people who are bullied, yet, they need more time to identify the whole team of bullies so that they can take action only once to remove all bullies for better world.

If you are bullied, kindly seek for help and trust me, those people who are capable to help you are going to remove all bullies in your life once they have enough evidence to identify the whole team of bullies or many team of bullies.  You are at the moment to form a better place to live for all individuals because these bullies are not only bullying you while they are bullying a group of people or a small crowd of a few people mainly they want to satisfy their ego and maintain their social status. 

Let's fight for your right to walk far away from bullies or bullying!