Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rich and Powerful Person, People and family; i.e. Groups

What is the meaning of Rich and Powerful Groups?  The answer is the people in these groups are the key decision makers in social-economy and many key fields.  Also, they are the judgemental people; it means they are the fairest judges to each and every situation especially during the key decision processes and procedures.  After that, they are also critical thinkers to ensure that they make the best decision to influence the world to the right social-economy status.

As a conclusion, when you are within the Rich and Powerful Groups means you are 1) One of the Key Decision Makers; 2) Judgemental or the fairest judge and, 3) Critical Thinkers.

I met many of the riches and riches people and yet, I am only aiming for a member from the Rich and Powerful Groups as my husband because he has the 3 main human values which are embedded on him where his presence is going to let me have freedom of mind to enjoy my life as the best person in the world.  With his presence, I am definitely the winner of all of the complaints, arguments, disputes, court cases and rumors.  He is able to differentiate the right and the wrong as well as he is able to give the fairest judgment on so many things about me.

If you are not a member from the Rich and Powerful Groups yet and you are thinking of you are having all these three human values.  Welcome to let me know that you are very capable, very confident and very intelligent enough to use these 3 just mentioned human values to serve the societies, communities and the world like Jeff Bezos or Bezof (He is every woman's dream husband because he is single now and also he deserve the name as the Richest Man in the Forbe List or the Richest Man in the World one day; I don't know), Bill Gates (My idol because I know how to write Microsoft Words using Visual Basics), Mark Zuckerberg (My idol because I am a programmer with a big dream to create something like Facebook.  I called my dream as, Warren Buffets (I bought his book when I first saw it during my first time visiting Border's Book Stores in United States of America), Larry Page (I can write GMAIL.) and many others. 

Jeff Bezof or Bezos:  He is the boss of  647,500 employees in year 2018 and his business is growing with a very big potential to be richest man in Forbe List.  He has created good life to all his employees and their family with his business ideas.  Jeff Bezof or Bezos deserves to be the richest man Forbe List because he is giving jobs and future/ hopes to mostly blue colars and their family. These blue colars born many white colars and blue colars for sure.  Jeff Bezof's or Bezos' another great look is eliminating poverty. is having mostly blue colars as their employees.  Corretly if I am wrong.

Bill Gates: He is the boss of a group of intelligent people.  He initiated and created Microsoft Words using Visual Basic.  And, also, he is helping all the White Colars in the world to make their works more time efficient and organised using Microsoft Office and many others.  As I said in an article or post recently, if you are able to help people to safe time, you deserve the BIG BUCKS.  Here you go, Bill Gates is helping portion of the worldwide population (7.7 Billion), i.e. the White Colars or Professional People.  It is a fact that blue colars people are much more than white colars people.         
Mark Zukerberg: ......

Warren Buffet:  ......

Larry Page:  ......

Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin:  I deserve a membership in one of the rich and powerful groups because of my main 3 human values as well as my ideas to start in year 2014.  Definitely, SoLemMi is going to be one of the Forbe List companies because I give people hopes, I encourage people to dream and also, I teach them how to go for their dreams through SoLemMi.  I went to Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, London, Singapore and many places in Kuala Lumpur to picth since year 2014.  I can not answer most of the Venture Capitalists' questions and now, I have all the answers.  I am confident that I will be a billionaire for sure.  I used my own saving and family funding for about RM 500,000 now since I started SoLemMi Sdn Bhd in year 7th May 2014 until now.  I am definitely need funding.  I want USD 700 Million or more to continue to flourish

A few questions from them are something like below:

1. If you are a billionaire now, says you have 80 Billion USD net worth, how are you going to spend your daily life and how are you going to spend these 80 Billion USD?

2.  Where are you going to base your company if you start your company in the media perspective to gain the most profits of your business?

3.  If you are force to let go your Malaysian citizenship and you need to be based in India and getting a citizenship of India.  Do you have any compaints?  If you have the complaints, where do you think you should be given a citizenship as your choice but not Malaysia because Malaysia treat you badly just for an example.  Justify your answers.
4.  We know that you are a great potential to get your professorship since you are a great lecturer if we want you to choose only one, what would that be?

5.  .......

Welcome to give me your proposal which is highlighting your contribution of the world so that you can join as a member in one of the Rich and Powerful Groups with your the mentioned 3 human values.

Dear my lovely husband, welcome to my world, Ms. Wong Hui Shin or Hui-Shin Wong's world.  I hope I found or find you. 

Thank you!             

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