Saturday, November 14, 2020

Why am I being so popular among the people who are growing together with me? It is because I am a visionary leader and I am able to offer helps to them when they need helps. is formerly known as  It is a visionary leader, i.e. Wong Hui Shin's or Hui-Shin Wong's baby and one of her start-ups.  It was visionarily in year 2014 as the founder wish that everybody in the world will upload their photos and videos through the internet.  This was one of the reasons, founder, Mr. Jeff Bezos wanted to meet me face to face in California a few years ago.  We share the common interests to lead the world for a better place to live and also, we enjoy reading through Kindle.  I was claimed to be the first Malaysian who bought a Kindle reading device from  I did not know him at that time when I was in California because I did not read about him when I was in Malaysia.  Nice to meet you, Jeff Bezos, we share the common goals/ vision and I am sure that we can meet again.  Hope that you can come to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  

Jeff Bezos also wish that all people in this world must upload their photos and videos through the Internet.  

Jeff Bezos is a visionary leader.  Thus, I am a visionary leader too.  I am Hui-Shin Wong or Wong Hui Shin.

I have the evidence in YouTube,  

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