Saturday, August 3, 2024

What is a leader's behaviour from the perspective of TrainCan At Amore Paradise?

A leader must have perfect listening skill, comprehan skill, reading skill and writing skill.  Straight-A's are must, yet, we are not evaluating these leaders using black and white examination result, however, we understand leaders face-to-face, reading their blog, understand more about their Q&A ability using their Twitter and Quora account and many others.

Many of them are fake!  Their Straight A's black and white result is FAKE and ALTERED! 

A parent is a leader.  A teacher is a leader.  A manager is a leader.  A village head is a leader.  A celebrity is a leader.  A billionaire is a leader.  A Prime Minister is a leader and many others could be a leader.

Malaysian Chinese must have a leader.  American Chinese must have a leader.  Malaysian Indian must have a leader and many others.   

Malaysia must have a leader and many others.

Researcher in Malaysia must have a leader.

Lecturer in Malaysia must have a leader.

Jobless in Malaysia must have a leader.

Entrepreneur in Malaysia must have a leader.

Promoter or sales executive must have a leader.

Writer/ Book author in Malaysia must have a leader and many others.

Athlete in Malaysia or worldwide must have a leader.

Full-marathon runner must have a leader and many others.

A leadership must not be lead by example but you must know what right is and what wrong is.  A leader must not have jealousy due to leader has almost the world.

When a leader's followers are bullied, he/ she stand up and shout loud for justice and fair to protect his/ her followers.

Who is my leader since when I was bullied, no one stand up and shout loud for justice and fair to protect me?

If you are not a leader, do not dream to have any connection with PRESTIGE, RICH and FAMOUS, i.e. you will not be able to marry a billionaire FOR SURE!

I'm a multi-tasking and multi-talented individual, hence, there is no chance I must live as a poor person due to my leaders are not helping me and protecting me.  Why is it as such?

Are AGONG and Permainsuri in Malaysia doing their job to protect me?  STUPID AGONG!

I am Wong Hui Shin, Hui-Shin Wong and also known as Shyan H. Wong.

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