Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Is it fair when the moment you ask for more salary or you swear to become an entrepreneur/ businessman/ businesswoman to become a promoter? Let me tell you why!

We are Malaysian!  When we want more salary, it mean you want and ready to become a business owner.  When you are a business owner, the one thing is extremely important, sales!  If your sales is not able to cover your expenses, you need to work extremely hard in order to ensure your business is profitable.  You can't hire employees if your sales can't cover your employees' salary and business expenses.

As a promoter, you stand at least 8 hours a day.  Talk to all people whom you have met to promote your product.  If you can't promote for more than 3 years, you must be extremely good in talking to close sales.  

Promoter can be groomed as a product distributor such as a product distributor of Kikkoman Soy Sauce (https://www.kikkoman.com/en/) in Malaysia and many other countries.  There are more than 20,000 products in a hypermarket.  

If you do not know which product are you going to distribute in Malaysia, kindly work as a PROMOTER first to explore for the possibility.

What are you waiting for?  If you want to be a promoter, kindly Whatsapp Angeline Wang (+6012 210 1850).

If you are beautiful or handsome, then, you can start your entrepreneurial journey as an INSURANCE AGENT or PROPERTY AGENT with one key thing that your communication skill and customer service skill must be extremely excellent!

Have you heard that if you are a Customer Service Agent, very likely you are a boss!  If you want to become a customer service agent, Whatsapp Nitin (+6014 366 2028).  A Customer Service Agent know exactly how the business flow is and he/ she know exactly how to handle customer complaints.  When you know how to handle complaints, then, you can help in generating the repeating sales.  Do you see that Customer Service Agent is powerful?

If you are a very organised individual, then, you can be a Sorting Agent to organise your distributed products in the shopping mall's rack.  This is a potential boss's job routine due to majority business are always start with one boss with zero employee.

If you are thinking of becoming a businessman or businesswoman is to sit down at home and collect money, then, I must tell you that you are wrong!  A boss mean higher and heavier job responsibilities; you need to take care all your workers' salary monthly, i.e. you must ensure that your business a profitable one!

I am Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin and also known as Shyan H. Wong.

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