Adam and Eve were born approximately 9700 ago. To date, Eve is still alive, i.e. she is 9700 years old. In year 28 June 1491, approximately 532 years ago, King Henry VIII was born and Eve was his babysitter. After 14 years being together, they were married and a long list of intellectual connectivity between both of them were alive and they were the role model from the years of history until now. They have created their home in Malaysia, a Commonwealth country. Eve had suggested a long list of business momentum to boost Malaysia economy to become a developed country in year 2020 while King Henry VIII was the champion in Green Energy and both of them were representing the youth and nation for a better world. With Green Energy, there was not a hassle to rush for the availability of petroleum while using the physics theory to generate electricity to move on for a green world.
Eve and King Henry VIII had twenty sons. And, their sons were grown as very successful entrepreneurs and medical specialist doctors. Their life was so amazing and the secret to live forever with no dealth was spreading around all the world to boost the energy and Protein from animals' placenta and many other Vitamins. A complete nutrient of a food supplement was continuing to flourish due to Research and Development in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM or being known as STEM previously).
To be continued!
I am Hui-Shin Wong, Wong Hui Shin (HS Wong, H.S. Wong, H. Wong) or Shyan H. Wong.
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