Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I am a PERFECTIONIST! If you want to join me as a perfectionist, you are welcome even though you are not.

Big brand LEXUS's tag line since almost 20 years ago, "For perfectionist, By perfectionist!"

Big brand Cartier is aiming to produce products especially jewelry at the perfect stage and procedures for perfectionists.

I was almost perfect and eventually, I am a perfectionist after years of training and practices.

When I reviewed that I am a perfectionist a while ago, the jealousy and the evils who believed in no perfectionists in the world caused me into big troubles and I became no longer a perfectionist in this world.

The evils caused me to gain a lot of extra weight (I must alter all my clothes from XS to XL), eyes problem (I must wear spectacles), poor listening skill, speaking foul language and poor memory.  I am reaching 41 years old very soon and yet, I am pretty sure that it is not the signs of aging because I met many people who are at their 50's or 60's or 70's or 80's or 90's and they are still able to work in a very top skill domain such as programming.

I spent a lot of money and a lot of effort to train myself to become a perfectionist.  Thus, GOD must give me back all these because no one ask me to become a perfectionist and I want madly to become one.  It is my dream and it came true since more than 10 years ago that I become a perfectionist.

Evils and jealous individuals, how about you ignore me since we are not groupmates?  I believe in perfectionist because I am one.  Evils and jealous individuals, go back to your group and you will feel much better; just leave me alone if you insist no perfectionists in the world and also treat what I said as nonsense.  Don't do dirty action to ensure that I lost my intelligence.  I pray to the GOD to give me back all I had previously (gorgeous body, sharp eagle eyes, good ears for listening only the good things, good and recording type of brain memory capacity, good financial background and ability, enjoying good nutritious food and quality produced supplements) and I am definitely a good iconic representative from Malaysia.

Let's promote Malaysian spirit, "Malaysia Boleh!"     

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