I am known as "Dr. Wong". My name is Wong Hui Shin or Hui-Shin Wong or Shyan H. Wong. I am the Founder, CEO and the Owner of Dr. Wong Foundation with the creation of Dr. Wong Foundation Fellowship.
Dr. Wong Foundation Fellowship gives Ringgit Malaysia 1 million monthly worldwide for all good people like policemen, teachers, elderly people, government servants, working people .......
All Dr. Wong Foundation fellows are featured in BBC, bbc.co.uk. BBC is the most influential newspaper or news channel in London! Welcome to RICH and POWERFUL family! When you are recognized in London, you are the world!
As a Dr. Wong Foundation fellow, you may have free trips like a Police Car petrol road open trip for RM 100,000, a Japan trip for RM 100,000, a London trip for RM 500,000, a China trip for RM 500,000, a Proton Suprima S Premium for RM 10000, a Proton Saga trip for RM 500, a Ferrari trip for RM 50, 000, a helicopter trip for RM 50,000, a FIRST CLASS aeroplane trip for RM 50,000, a Limousine trip for RM 100,000 or ........
The Dr. Wong Foundation fellowship application will be launching officially with no due dates and be announced in all news media or channel and newspapers worldwide with deter terms and conditions applied worldwide.
The application for the Dr. Wong Foundation Fellowship will be announced in all news media or channel and newspapers in the world. In order to apply Dr. Wong Foundation Fellowship, you must be a supporter of SoLemMi.com and my book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen". In your application, you must be able to plan and illustrate what and how you want to travel in trips within Ringgit Malaysia 1 million budget in a specific period of time. You must spend all your awarded money, i.e. the Ringgit Malaysia 1 million and you are encouraged to top up your money if you want more luxury or luxurious. You can order Ringgit Malaysia 10,000 for a fish, a sushi for Ringgit Malaysia 10,000, a glass of water for Ringgit Malaysia 10,000 or ......
Welcome to Sunshine Little Kitchen food court and Sunshine Little Kitchen Restaurant. You can pay any amount you wish for your food depends on your satisfaction levels. If you have RM 10,000, you pay RM 10,000 for a cup of water. You must be adventure enough to explore around to look for what ever you want within your budget. You could get a labtop within RM 300 or lesser. You can get a portion of meal at your desired price. You can .......
What ever you wish, you will get it, however, you must remember ONLY good people will get their dreams come true with the SPEED which he/ she wants in his/ her life. Always do the good thing(s)! Be a leader! A leader is able to use his/ her skills to help a group of people to achieve their dreams. A father is a leader. A mother is a leader. A sister is a leader. A teacher is a leader ...... Of course, there are naturally born leaders. If you are not a naturally born leaders, then, you may learn STEP-by-STEP, STEP-by-STEP, STEP-by-STEP and STEP-by-STEP! It is no hard to become a good follower.
If you are a good person while you are innocently manipulated and exploited by evils, you are no longer a good people, you are an evil with a lot of sin after you are innocently being manipulated and exploited. GOD will forgive you if you admitted that you are an evil with all the actions which were purposely worked on you. Go to the church and talk to the pastor or church ambassadors or you may fill in the official sin redemption form(s). After you fill in the form(s) or declared all your sin to Church pastor or Church ambassadors, you are forgiven. You will get all your dreams come true! Everything is possible! Nothing is impossible! Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) founder is RICH, Glamorous, Famous and being a franchisor worldwide at his late age, i.e. perhaps 80 years old or more. He is a successful iconic people in the world for all generations.
Every religion has rules and regulations. Every family has a rule and regulations. Every country has rules and regulations. Every group has rules and regulations. ENTJ group has rules and regulations. Everyone can be a leader, you must learn step-by-step, step-by-step and step-by-step! A Master degree holder must be able to analyse and make conclusions. A Ph.D holder must be able to excel what you have in all your Master degrees within a period of time. A Professor is able to use a WORD or a SENTENCE to change the world. An Emeritius Professor is ....... A XXXXs Professor is ...... An Academic Visitor is ...... A visiting lecturer is ....... An exchange student is ......
In every Chinese culture, there have their rules and regulations. American Chinese, Malaysian Chinese ....... We are all Chinese. CHINA is our originality born place because we are Chinese no matter you are an American Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, ...... Chinese must follow Chinese good practices and Chinese principles. As a Chinese, we must have "礼仪廉耻". It means courtesy, ceremony, honesty and shameful. As a Chinese with courtesy, we must say "Good Morning" or/ and "bow" or/ and "Thank You" or/ and "I am sorry!"...... As a Chinese with ceremony teaching and guide, you must announce to the world when you are getting married with celebration within your budget with greatest happiness! No STRESS! No tension! If you have STRESS and feeling of unhappiness then, you must lower down your expectation(s) and request(s) of your life.
DO NOT SHOUT LOUD that I MUST WANT THIS and THIS! Lower down your expectation(s)! Lower down your requests in your life so that you will be living happily ever after.
"廉耻" is honesty and shameful. Honesty means you must report everything, BLACK and WHITE. Shameful means you must be shy when you are exposing your private parts to the public or the people who are not professionals. As a shameful person, you also must be able to feel regret and shy with the attitude to correct and change your mistake(s) accordingly else, you are no longer a CHINESE. You could be a MIXED. You could be a Pakistani. You could be a WHITE. You could be an AFRICAN. You could be many other types of ethnics and denomination of people with various different types of religious and belief. I DO NOT KNOW all these because I am not a Professor in excelling making people. In order to make a man or a woman, you must learn how to make a ROBOT/ machine first. If you want to make a ROBOT/ a machine, you must learn Engineering. You must study Engineering.
I am not GOD. GOD created us! SHOUT LOUD to ask GOD if you do not trust the people around you! SHOUT LOUD to ask GOD why you are a Chinese! SHOUT LOUD to ask GOD why you are an AFRICAN! GOD is serving 7.6 Billion people. You must be understanding enough to know how hardworking GOD is to serve 7.6 Billion people daily with detail arrangement, research and priorities. GOD will help good people who are sick rather than helping sick people with BAD HEARTS. GOD will help sick people first if you are just asking for RICH or MONEY only. GOD will help extremely poor people who are not able to buy food, find food or asking for food because he/ she are starving for so many days and missing all his/ her ability to being a human being creature by GOD and acting naturally to steal food to fill himself/ herself because he/ she needs food to continue to live to serve the world because he/ she is born to be useful. We all are born and created by GOD to save the world. Being a human being created by GOD will not end his life just like that because he/ she is naturally born to be useful! Thus, if GOD do not response to you, just wait! GOD will never go wrong because GOD is also a Professor. Professor will do and act the right ways with tremendous research, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and standard/ permitted experiments with highest quality, ethics, etiquette and professional conducts.
Everyone created by GOD is useful because GOD's wills are to let each human being to do what ever things which will trigger his/ her happiness, instincts, his/ her acts of creation and innovation for the better world; to save the world. Forever wealth is STARTING from creation and innovation. COPYRIGHT and PATENTS are forever wealth, however, you must always AWARE that this is only the STARTING. In Malaysia, combine income of Ringgit Malaysia 3000 a month within a family is RICH. Combine income means father's salary and mother's salary in a month. Ringgit Malaysia 3000 a month in a family in Malaysia is RICH.
DO THINGS for happiness.
Happiness is very expensive!
If you can bring happiness to a group of people, YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE!
CREATION and INNOVATION can bring happiness to a group!
To become a globalist or a perfectionist is something good, however, it is not a must or necessity.
When you hear and see something, it is not a necessity to TRUST. You must be able to analyse and make conclusions on why people want to say so, reacted as such, behave as such and display such for you to see. Let me show you some good examples to become a globalist. A globalist is one who has done wide reading from different types of reading materials like newspapers, magazines, text books, reference books, web pages, blogs and many others. A globalist is one who is willing to explore new things like having a hand phone by exploring all the features and functions in a hand phone from software and hardware perspectives. A globalist is one who is willing to explore his/ her school bag or school uniform or white shoes to find out how many buttons, how many zips, how many lines of treads, coloring differentiation and many others. All these are the ways of exploring to become a globalist at the FIRST STEP.
"See, Think, Enlighten, then Follow (S.T.E.F.)! ~ Wong Hui Shin" is a quote created by me after years of research. It is a quote to initiate all the learning activities and motivation for all GOD's creatures to become a globalist.
"See, Think, Enlighten, then Follow (S.T.E.F.)" means the following:
a) SEE - How to SEE? What to SEE? When to SEE? Which to focus/ observe in more details? Why do you want to SEE?
b) THINK - How to THINK? Why is it a red and not black? Why is it a woman and not a man? Why is he/ she being called a STUPID? Why is he/ she eating raw meat/ raw fish? After you have so many why in your head, you will start to do the process of thinking at the FIRST STEP. The SECOND STEP on how to think is asking a lot of people. The THIRD STEP is doing a lot of searching or research in SEARCH Engine(s) such as GOOGLE or reading books. The Fourth STEP is to verify people's answers, writings and responses (collected research findings, results and figures) if all those are not matching your common sense. All these are what we called HOW TO THINK to become a GLOBALIST. If you are doing something great or you want to change the world by having the mindsets of must find out the truth, then, you will need to ask or seek for professional opinions from world recognized consultants, experts or professors such as Deloitte, KPMG, Anderson and BCG. NEVER COLLECTED ONLY 1 CONSULTANCY or 1 SOURCE. If you are thinking of you want to become the expert on HOW TO THINK and TEACHING PEOPLE on HOW TO THINK, then, you must do a detail research by gaining a Professorship in all these suggested research topics, Brain Taxonomy and Functionality Reflection/ Reaction to various types of food ingredients versus various generations, age groups and sex differentiation, PERSONALLY, I THINK. In order to become a Professor, you must be able to have 17 unique and undiscovered research topics/ questions in your head/ mind and you must finish all these research topics/ questions with well known recognized results, analysis, conclusions and reports. These are why I am able to collaborate with OXFORD, CAMBRIDGE, University of London, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, STANFORD, HARVARD, JOHN HOPKINS because I am a "QUESTIONS" girl with a lot of new and unique research topics/ questions. NO ONE can steal your research topics/ questions if you publish online or papers or journals or books because all these will only invite collaboration with co-author(s) and co-research in all INTERNATIONAL WELL KNOWN RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES. ONLY good research topics/ questions, results and findings will bring forever wealth if all these are save the world. It is not a necessity to have any working experience or personal experience to accumulate the research questions if you are a GLOBALIST.
c) ENLIGHTEN - When your findings are matching your common sense, then, you are able to ENLIGHTEN. If you want to become a Professor in ENLIGHTEN, then, you may consider suggested research topics/ questions like in what situations and circumstances, you may ENLIGHTEN with various types of knowledge categories, pre-learned knowledge, self-assurance and self-confidence, PERSONALLY, I THINK.
d) After you do all these steps above, you may decide to FOLLOW or not toFOLLOW. If you wish to become a Professor in FOLLOW on how to train good followers and working on the research questions/ topics on FOLLOW, you may consider the suggested research topics, Information Evaluation Processes and the possible simple steps to guide you with an effective listening skills, evaluation skills and diplomatic response skills, PERSONALLY, I THINK.
"See, Think, Enlighten, then Follow (S.T.E.F.)! ~ Wong Hui Shin"
Team work is extremely important. Within a team work, all talents are invited. A Chinese saying is good to know: NO one with all EQUAL length fingers. This Chinese saying means NO ALL EQUAL INTELLIGENCE or SKILL PEOPLE in a TEAM WORK is fine.
I am the founder and owner of Dr. Wong Foundation by giving away Dr. Wong Foundation Fellowship. I am "Dr. Wong Hui Shin" initiated from "Sunshine Little Kitchen" published by Author House, United Kingdom and Partridge Singapore. You can get my book, "Sunshine Little Kitchen" from www.amazon.com.
I am Wong Hui Shin or Hui-Shin Wong with a Malaysian Identification Card Number 790927-08-5476.
Welcome to www.solemmi.com.
I love all of you! I hope that you all will love me too!
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