This is a blog initiated by a simple Malaysian who loves to travel and reads for leisure. She would like to share information to the people around her mainly for a better place to live. Her writing style ensures you read with joy; a bit classy, a bit didactic, a bit exaggerated, a bit funny and a bit hilarious. It is just her style in love with 'zero' and 'one' in consequence of a Techno-Educationist by education and training.
这是一个简单,喜欢旅游和休闲阅读的大马人,黄慧欣发起的一个‘布落格’。她想把她所知道的以周人分享是为了制造一个更美好的生活环境。她的写作风格,确保你快乐阅读;有点优雅,有点说教,有点夸张,有点滑稽,有点搞笑。这只是她与'零'和'一'的爱情风格; 是一个科技研究教育家的教育过程和培训的成果。